5:01pm Jun 29 2011
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Kaos was too weak to say anything as a large pool of blood formed around him. He knew what he wanted to say, though. He wanted to say 'You're nothing but a coward' to Meard. Kaos was dying, and Meard couldn't seem to get over his selfishness to help his dying packmate. (Not trying to sound mean to you, nom, it's just from Kaos' point of veiw.)
7:50pm Jun 29 2011
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Rivka nodded, showing Meard she was okay. She got her back paw out from under the bear and stood uo. Her front paws were covered in blood, and her jaws also. She was still coughing, more blood still in her throat. Disgusting, She thought. The blood all came out all in one, and she licked her jaws. Her stomach still hurt excrutiatingly, but she'll get over it. "I'm fine. Is everyone else okay? I hope they're not hurt! Are you okay?" She asks, licking Meard's snout to get all the blood off. Haji was exhausted. He looked around to see if everyone was okay. He saw that Kaos was in the worst condition, so he trotted to his side. "Uh.... You don't look so good..." He said, then started franticly looking around for Gylz. " Gylz! Where are you?" He yelped. He was in no pain at all, but, of coarse, he was exhausted.
10:02pm Jun 29 2011
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Kaos wanted to tell Haji that going to get Glyz was just a waste of time. After all, there was nothing Glyz could do. kaos was sure his injuries were far beyond Glyz's ability to heal. Beyond anyone's, probably. He opened his right eye and looked at Haji. "...Don't." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "...She...doesn't care..." He coughed up blood, clearing his throat enough to speak clearly for a few moments. "She was all I cared about, Let me bleed."
8:27am Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
(Gylz was left hanging, but I suppose that I can bring him back.) Gylz: I wandered around the forest, when I heard it. Every medical wolf knows pain when he hears it. I dive into the clearing to see the carcass of a dead bear. Haji and Rivka look fine, but Maerd's side is ripped to shreads and Kaos has some head injusry (you never specified). I dash up to Kaos first, seeing that he is in the worst condition. "What happened? Where does it hurt the most? I need to get you back to my den a.s.a.p.." I say, looking at the bood already pooling up on the ground and the blod that drips slowly from his face. Some is too dark to be his, and some, well, his blood looks more like kool-aid than blood. Maerd: My side stings and I can feel the air from my lungs drift out as Rivka licks my muzzle. 'Freaky...' I think, licking her muzzle as well. "I'll survive. To tell the truth, I'm more worried about Kaos. We aren't exactly on the best terms, but his head looks like its been shattered. That can't be good. But at least you're OK." I say, turning to Kaos who is being attended by Gylz and Haji, and then back to Rivka. "He really cares about you, you know? If you want to be with him, just say it, Ok?" I say, knowing full well that Kaos does have intimate feelings for Rivka. I do not know how Rivka feels about the situation. This is the goal of my questioning. Selfish, perhaps, but I feel like I must know.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:17am Jun 30 2011
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Kaos didn't move or speak, but his eye stayed open and he heard what Maerd had said to Glyz and what he had said to Rivka. She doesn't want me. I'm bleeding-to death- and she goes over and licks the blood off Maerd. It makes me sick. He remembered what Maerd had said to him. 'great plan, Kaos, You could've gotten us all killed.' But Maerd's job had been to keep Rivka out of the fight, but he'd ran into the chaos to do who knows what, which had given Rivka the chance to get involved in the fight. Because of that, she'd gotten hurt; Kaos had heard her yelp. If everything had gone according to plan, the only wolf killed would've been Kaos. Nobody else wouldn't have even had a scratch.
11:05am Jun 30 2011
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Rivka stopped licking Meard and sat down, looking at her paws. "I don't know what to do. This is so complicated." She was ashamed of herself about what she has gotten herself and everyone else into. If she was never there, this would have never happened and these wolves... specificly Maerd and Kaos... and no one would have gotten hurt so bad. She looked over to Kaos, who seemed in very bad condition. She whined. "Oh my god! I'm so confused! What am I supposed to do?!" She yelped, her eyes starting to tear up. She turned her head away, ashamed of herself. Haji trotted up next to Gylz. "Do you need help getting him to the den? Your gonna need it" He asked his friend.He knew that Kaoswas a strongly built wolf. Gylz needs all the help he can get if it's for carrying Kaos all the way over to the medical den.
11:12am Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
Gylz: "Yes, Haji, that would be greately appreciated." I say to Haji. Kaos seems to be ignoring everyone around him, and he would soon disappear for good into shock, not a good state. I try one last time to get too him. "Kaos, we need you to lay down now. We need you to lay down so we can get you back to camp and get you some medical treatment. Ok?" I say to him, pleading with myself that he wakes up from this trance like state. Maerd: "I know. I feel so bad. Do you know what I said to him as I came over to you? "Great plans Kaos, you could of gotten us all killed." Now, if he dies, all he's going to remember me by is that wolf who took you away from him and said that to him." I say, looking back at Kaos, who was being pleaded by Gylz to lay down. I let myself lie down too, because my side was hurting even more now. I could feel gasps of air seep through the bloody wounds. Blood littered the ground around me. Some was mine. A little was Kaos's. Mostly it was the bears though. My pelt felt sticky. I felt like I was losing my energy, but I would not let myself take up Gylz's time. Not until Kaos was taken care of. ((Can I bring Aleara back? Or else I might have to let her go. Because she was left hanging.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:21am Jun 30 2011
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(( If you can find a good way to, then yes. Maybe she can come over to see what everybody's up to? )) Rivka didn't want to answer. Maerd just made it harder for her. She loved both of these wolves, but she cannot have them both. "I... I gotta go..." She whispered. She ran off into the forest, hoping that she can get some alone time out of this. She didn't want to be around anybody right now. Maybe... I can run away... and I wouldn't have to choose? Wouldn't that be easier for me? She thought. Her sight was blurred from her tears, but making her way through the tree-crouded forest was easy. She stopped, looked back, and continued running. This may be selfish, but it may be best for all of us. She thought. Haji still stared at Kaos with pleading eyes. He wanted Kaos to lay down so, somehow, he and Gylz can bring him to the Medical den.
11:27am Jun 30 2011
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{{{Nom. One of My wolves isn't doing anything If you want to have Aleara and Tobius like run into each other or something...}}}
11:37am Jun 30 2011
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((I feel Like we already have to many wolves there. Maybe, while Rivka is running away, she could bump into Aleara, but now I'm kind of wanting Aleara to be a loner. Could you make her one? Thanks. Also, I'm going back to my tue RP level, as I am a literate, and I have been posting as a Semi-Literate recently. Could you try to as well?)) Aleara moved around home. At least it was home. Now it was just a place. A place where she had once been. Now she was leaving it. Probably never to return. Just as well. Things had been too quite around here lately. No raging wars between the packs. No injuries which put one wolf out of the playing. Yes, it had been all too quite. Aleara raised her tail, and sniffed the air tentatively. Smelling the familiar wheat and grass smell for the last time, she coated the fragrance over her nose, and turned. She almost shed a lonesome silver tears as she dashed of into the woods. It was always hard. Leaving. Somehow she had never gotten used to the fact that she was indeed a loner, and she would never be anything more. This was a fact of life, and she suffered all the things that came with it. The living on a knife's edge, the hunting until she dropped, the leaving. It was almost too much for the solitary wolf. Aleara put on her game face, and ran nly faster, her legs not stinging as it would pain other wolves. She was tough, better than all of this. She knew how to handle herself. Life may be hard. Aleara was harder. ~~~ The world rushed by her in blurred streaks of black and white, and the occasional color which stood out. It all looked the same. She had seen it all before. The tears that ruined the canvas of the landscape always blurred her vision. Except she didn't cry them. Aleara bit her tongue hard, for probably the third time since she had started. The salty taste of slowly thinning blood leaked into her mouth, and she swallowed slowly, a mix of saliva and blood. 'Tasty.' she thought as she kept running. But it had a purpose. This way, if she really did start streaming emotions, she could blame it on something else. Something that she could actually cry about. ~~~ "Wait no! Don't leave! Rivka come back!" Maerd screamed after her. All he saw was her darting off into the forest, with tears of pain and confusion stripping her face of all recognition. (not sure if she was crying or not, but is too lazy to go and check). Maerd rose to his feet, bu tthen collapsed down again, his side finally giving out. He groaned in pain and annoyance as he landed, wanting to go after her. 'All Kaos asked me to do was protect her. What have I done?' he thought, sighing as he felt a blood clot urst, and his fur become even stickier. Except this time, it was his own. "Gylz, just leave me. Help Kaos, and when you get back to camp, send someone after Rivka, but make sure that they know not to tell the Alpha of either pack!" Maerd shouted at the medical wolf who was still pleading with Kaos. 'Stubborn Bastard.' Maerd thought as he slipped into unconsciousness.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:39am Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
((Oooh, missed you there Alice, but I already kind of made a plan. I might make another wolf though. Could Tobius also fall for her? Perhaps another forbidden romance? Unless you have a better idea, of course?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:40am Jun 30 2011
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(Kaos was already laying down.) Kaos watched as Rivka ran off. He laid his ears back, then coughed up blood again. He looked at Meard, and spoke again as he slowly became weaker. "Meard," He whispered, "I...I'm sorry." (Fail, sorry.)
11:54am Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
(Oh, sorry xD Fail on my part. I somehow imagined him sitting up. Anyway, here's Gylz.) "We're losing him" (OMG this is reminding me so much of a Hospital Drama. Like House or Scrubs or something) Gylz said in his deep voice as Kaos spoke. Gylz bent down and grabbed Kaos's scruff, in an attempt to drag him back. "I'm sorry about this." he said as he began to pull. Kaos's body weighed a ton, and it was hard for him to even pull the almost lifeless, limp body a few feet across the ground. "Haji," he said, letting go off Kaos for a second, "You need to help drag him." Gylz takes deep breath's, trying to stabalize himself before grabbing Kaos again. This time, Gylz can feel his teeth sink into Kaos's fat and muscle, and instantely pulling becomes easier. He wrenchs and arches his back, and begins again to tug and pull, trying to get Kaos back to his medical den. 'If only we hadn't gone so far.' he thought to himself as he wrenched again, trying his hardest. His muscles burned and bustled, showing clearly on his legs. This was a male wolf's work.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:57am Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 12:00pm Jun 30 2011)
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(( Well, Alice invited Aleara to run into Tobius... So, yea :) And I'm always Semi-Lit. )) Rivka began to run slower, and stopped crying. She finally sat down, panting. She looked around, wondering what to do with her life if she were to be a loner, with no one to talk to. She was so angry with herself, she considered suicide, but that won't help anything. She started thinking about Meard and Kaos. How could I just leave them like that? she asked herself. Should I go back? She had an eerie feeling that something bad was gonna happen... or already did. But it would be so stupid if she went back. She would make things worse, probably. Shehad already been a huge problem. But now she had to think about who she really wanted as a mate, and if she was going to go back for him. I knew Maerd longer. I was in love with him... longer. But when I met Kaos, It didn't start off so well, but he risked his life for me. And so did Maerd. Dam.n, I hate these things. Sherolled a rock into a tree. I know. It must be... Maerd. I love him, so much. But Kaos, he'll die if I'm not with him. I want to be his best friend, and be by his side through thick and thin. I must apoligize. I love him to. But Maerd will be my mate. Haji saw that no Maerd was in deep trouble. He whined. Rivka leaving is just making things worse for Kaos and Meard. Stupid, stupid she-wolf. He thought to himself. He ran to Meard's side for a moment. "Come on, buddy. You can make it, I know you vcan. You don't need her." He looked over to Kaos. "You don't need Rivka, either. She betrayed both of you, and now both of you are in the worst condition of everyone else. Look what she has done." He growled.He ran over to help push Kaos back tothe den. EDITED. 3 times. :)

12:04pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( I edited that lest post alot, so... just to let youknow before you start correcting me. :) I was a little behind, that post took a while to do. ))
12:05pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 12:20pm Jun 30 2011)
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Keitha had watched everything. She laid her ears back and shook her head as they dragged Kaos back to the medicine den. She followed them from a distance, not wanting to see the details of how badly hurt her friend was. She then stopped. She sat down in some of the blood that had come from Kaos as they dragged him, She looked up at the sky and threw back her head and howled; Please, Let him live.
12:08pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
((But Aleara is a loner (You did change her to one, right?). So it would never work. Plus I did say I was willing to create another wolf. I need one, that's not in the clearing dying or running around and cying because she's a loner. ._. )) He could hear someone come close. Maerd can hear things. His vision is cra.p, but he can hear. 'Rivka..?' he thought, wondering if, thenly wolf he loved in the world had come back to him. If only he could talk. 'No' he thought, hearing the voice that was not what he expected. It was only Haji. 'Bastard! Where's Rivka? I need her! I want her! Not you!' he thought, feeling like he could possibly kill the idiot that was his friend Haji. (Haji reminds me of possibly Emmet from Twlight, and Gylz Carlisle O.O . So familiar.) If only he could talk. Things would be made so much easier. He could demand that Haji chased after Rivka, brought her back. Brought her too him. They needed to be together. Together forever. (I'm listening to Drops of Jupiter by train. So sad. I'm actually tearing up. :') )
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:10pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
((Kupala! Why did you ignore Gylz when he went to help Keitha. I is fuming...... I thought you had dropped her. And I was typing up my post for Maerd when I found out you had posted. Now I has to edit... :( ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:12pm Jun 30 2011
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(sorry, I was posting from my phone when I was going to post as Keitha but I posted as Kaos and my phone doesn't let me make a second paragraph so I didn't post as her.)
12:14pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
((OK three times posting in one go, but Kupala you seriously need to read more carefully. I went back and read your post again closely so I could edit correctly, and I noticed these mistakes. 1. Maerd is UNCONSCIOUS from loss of blood and possibly heart break. 2. He is lying down in the dirt. 3. You never made it clear whether or not Kaos was dead. 4. This is the second, and I repeat second time this character has been caught ignoring Gylz. Gylz is trying to drag Kaos back to camp. Seriously. Your making me really mad. Can you please fix this?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.