Cody glanced up to see Taelin striding in through the door."What'd Anna say today?", he asked while looking at his news paper and holding a cup of coffee.
Taelin simply replied,"Eh, the usual Dad. Now our school even makes us go to all the boring speeches. It suprises me though how the elementary school kids listen intently on it all."
Cody thought a moment,"I see, well. Thanks for the update, and make sure to get your homework done."
Taelin grumbled,"Well, i'm going to probably get an F, they want an essay about all the good in Anna the rest of the Visitors comeing to earth."
Cody heard it and said,"So nwo they're brain washing children great.:
Taelin sighed,"Yeah, and it's crap." She was going to doit later, so she just took a walk down teh street and in the alley ways. Though, Cody, her father, had to hide and never come otu because the V were looking for him. Even humans were searching for him so tehy went by separate last names. Taelin supposibly paid all the bills and bought all the groceries... she looked up to see a small group of people, that were mostly likely V, and she turned to walk in a different direction. She had no time for this ro playing games, hopefully Anna hadn't decided she was after Taelin too...