8:16pm Aug 14 2010
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{{Wow, it's still light out for me. Bye for now i guess.}}
7:56am Aug 15 2010
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Anna sat at her desk fixing all the little imperfections. She looked up when there was a knock on her door. "Enter." She stated cooly, not in the mood for the bad news that usualy came. "We are trying everything but those pesky Fifth Column are excelent at hiding. We did some camparing of the images of one attack, and one of our peace embasidors caught image of a kid who bears close resemblance to a member who was attacking our kind." Anna listened closely at the report, surprised that it had turned out a lot better than expected. "Well enhance the image we recieved from the peace embasidor, and send a wanated add around the human networks. Be very specific that we want only to see this person, and no harm is to be done to them. Do you understand. I would like to meet this column member who is been a nusiance all this time." Anna smiled after the other V had left, no harm would be done, until she got the information from them.
10:20am Aug 15 2010
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Taelin still headed away and around the corner. She still wasn't too siked about seeing those people and headed home."Dad! i'm back!" she said, and when no response was heard she walked to the table. A note was left stating Cody was on another secret mission... great. Home alone, and left with a note. She had to dispose of the note imediately so she took it to the fire pit outside and burned it. Then a knock came to the front door... who was it and did she dare answer it?
1:02pm Aug 15 2010
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((should i make it a v or what, cause i dont know what to do... lol fail on my part.))
1:03pm Aug 15 2010
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{{Sure. XD}}
1:20pm Aug 15 2010
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((ok well since i only play anna so i will play random v lol)) Kora walked up to the door that had been pointed out by a nearby civilian. According to her orders she was supposed to bring a kid up to the ship to speak with Anna. It had taken her a while to come up with the name of the kid in the photo, but she had done it and she wasnt going to let her queen down. Taelin was the name of the person she was to escort and according to all of those in the area, Taelin tended to hang out here. She extended her hand and knocked on the door hoping that Taelin was there to make her job easier. -that was a comlpete and total failure lol-
1:25pm Aug 15 2010
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Taelin walked down stairs with her notebook and a pencil. She was going to act like she was doing her homework. Which her acts were probably almost as convincing as Annas. She answered the door and said,"Hello." while looking at her notebook and still jotting down the convinceing words she knew to be fake.
3:54pm Aug 15 2010
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"Hello. My name is Kora. Are you the one that goes by Taelin?" Kora asked as Taelin wrote in her notebook. "I am from the V ship, and was asked by Anna herself to come and invite your up to the ship. Anna would like to speak to you personaly, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that you cant pas.s up." Kora put on her warmest smile, knowing that she was chosen for the job because she was skilled at persuading humans. This one, however, she could already see was going to be one of the harder cases, though she didnt know why she knew this.
11:15pm Aug 15 2010
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"Could I bring my homework, i don't really want to fail my cl*censored*es." taelin responded not even bothering to glance up. She wondered what Anna coudl possibly want from her... probably her father...
8:23am Aug 16 2010
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"Why yes. But you wont see it until you arrive home. Anna thought you might be the sort to worry about homework so she sent someone on the ship with us to do it for you." Kora smiled before turning around and signaling the limo that had been reserved for them. "She also thought you would appreciate the ride in style." Kora noted signaling for Taelin to climb into the car. Anna sure is a difficult person to say no to. She thought looking at the Limo. Anna sat impatiently, wondering how long could it take to bring one kid to the ship. "Remember, Anna, that this kid is a fifth column member." She told her self, smoothing out her skirt.
5:47pm Aug 16 2010
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"Acctually, i'd rather not stick out in a crowd. I would like to spare myself the press knocking at my door." Taelin replied, she stuck her nose away from the limo. Though, what the heck... she remembered what Cody had told her. Don't give away anything, be normal and make sure however your act is just as convincing as Annas.She then decided,"But i suppose i could go for this talk with Anna."
9:05am Aug 17 2010
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"Splendid. So you prefer walking? Walking is great excersise." Kora said, not knowing a thing about excersise. "Well no matter, the ship we are taking is just down the road. And press free." She smiled taking a few steps away from the door, but leaving it open just in case Taelin decided to ride in the limo. "Anna will be pleased you have agreed to come." She took a few more steps before turning around and wlaking towards their destination, looking back every few seconds to see if she was still being followed.
1:43pm Aug 17 2010
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"May i bring my dog along? he gets quite jumpy and frightend when i'm not around, i don't feel like replaceing another couch." Taelin said gestureing to a fluffy husky puppy that was about the highth of her knee on all fours.
1:47pm Aug 17 2010
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"WHat?! N-no you cant bring the animal. When I zaid that you werent returning home, I meant we were going to kill you. It really ruinz the zcare factor if i have to explaing myzelf to you." Miranhsa pouted looking more like a 12 year-old who had been denied her desert. She was super annoyed that this one specimen had no fear of her at all, she was an alien to them wasnt she?
3:08pm Aug 17 2010
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{{Urm... Emerald this is the V roleply not the private roleplay with you me and sather.}}
4:53pm Aug 17 2010
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((hehe... got ya? lol ya i cant read at all. i is having failish day. let me try that again lol *feel silly*)) Kora looked at the dog. "Hmmm. Well, would you come without it?" She asked, knowing that the dog would no doubt attack them on command. "I'm not sure that Anna would be comfortable with the dog but if you wont come without it than i guess he will have to accompany us." She sighed turning around again, pulling at her light jacket. (you know i am planning on making this a charry since i am using her so much... what do you think.)
9:58pm Aug 17 2010
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{{Okay.}} "I won't leave without him, an i only got him a week ago." Taelin replied and figured that Anna would see the dog as a threat because it may be trained. Now he knew teh commands, but sometimes was stubborn and ignored her.
8:02am Aug 18 2010
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"ok." Kora simply stated, the ship coming into sight. "We are almost there." She sighed picking up her pace to get as far away from the dog as possible. "I wonder what Anna will do when she sees it." She wispered to herself, noticing a few other Vs walking about.
11:22am Aug 18 2010
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Hiro just studied the area intently with his purple dog eyes. Taelin had a hold on his leash so she could make sure that he wouldn't run away.
2:12pm Aug 19 2010
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Kora sighed with relief when they made it to the shuttle. "Here we are." She said, eyeing the dog. She would be estatic to get away from the dog. "Well shall we get you a seat?" She said entering the now open shuttle doors.