10:29pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
With that tomix and geo left . "Well that was embaras$ing "she said looking at the floor her cheeks a bright red .
10:30pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"Eh, it's okay."Adra reas.sured her.
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10:37pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
midnight laughed "I guess it's just he useally keeps a cooler head then that "she said .
10:38pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"What was he saying anyways? It sounded like witch. I'm a wolf neko so...... yeah."Adra sighed.
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10:41pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"I wouldn't know "Midnight said "But it could have been"
10:45pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"Hmmm......"Adra said. Jason sighed. "So Salv's back?"He asked. Adra nodded.
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10:57pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Salv?"Midnight asked .
10:59pm Jan 29 2011
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"Salvatore."Adra smiled.
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11:10pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"oh "Midnight said "I so knew that"she said with a small laugh.
2:03am Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 23,239
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:12pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 12,418
(BLAKA!! *Tackles*) Jason chuckled.
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9:15pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 488
(( sorry i had to go xD anyone want to be the visitors O.O)) Violet let out a sigh when they got at the castle. Aito finally arrived, "Your really so you know?" Violet totld him. "No it's just that your really fast," Aito told Violet
10:09pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 36,303
Winter ran up to Violet and Aito panting "Misstress your parents are in an absolute Rage "she huffed "Something about a missing princess and a torn dress "she said wiping a bead of sweat from her brow "The whole castles been in a storm looking for you and a new dress"she said .
10:10pm Jan 30 2011 (last edited on 10:10pm Jan 30 2011)
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Midnight smiled "This place is a whole lot different from what I'm used to "she said .
10:20pm Jan 30 2011
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"Well, we try to get along. We just settled a treaty."Adra sighed.
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10:26pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"The parents I grew up with just settled a divorce "Midnight sighed "it's a shame really they were a nice couple "
10:53pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"i can't stand it up there."Akila chimed in.
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10:57pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"The only thing bad about it thought is they both loved Garlic "Midnight said "I can't stand the stuff it stinks really bad"
11:00pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 12,418
Akila sighed. "Try being a vampire."She said, jumping off the top stair.
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11:03pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 36,303
Midnight laughed "Every time they used the stuff I ran down the road screaming bloody murder "