6:26pm Mar 26 2011
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Snow hid under the clothing racks trying to choose a sutable person to stalk .Winter went to the shoe department of the store .
6:36pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 488
Violet went to the clothing aisle and got a few things picked out. Silvia went to join Snow, "Whats you doing?" she asked.
6:38pm Mar 26 2011
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'Going Shoe stalking 'Snow said 'tis the greats sport ever '
6:50pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 488
"Wanna play!" Silvia exclaimed.
7:16pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 12,418
Aito chuckled and walked with Elizabeth and Lake. "So, are you still 'nervous'?"She asked Aito. "I don't really know."Aito lied.
 (Banner made by Kina)
7:19pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 488
Violet sighed and went to the dressing room.
9:08pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 36,303
'Okay Silvia look for a pair of shoes with laces 'Snow said 'and stalk it then attack !'
12:26pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 849
"Yuuki!" Kurai called out with a groan. They just had to go the mall today of all days and Yuuki lways gets lost in the store. Shes got a thing for bright colors and if she sees any you wont see her for the rest of the day. "Oi Yuuki" Akai called out with frustration. "Why did i get dragged into this, you just had to say yes." Akaitsuki scowled looking at his brother. "Oh shut it, like you would of said no."Kuraitsuki shot back.
10:37pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 488
Silvia nodded and ran to Winter and hid behind a pair of box. Violet tired a purple dress on with blue flowers and got out. "Winter!" Come look at this!" she called to her.
4:02am Mar 28 2011
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((For anyone who dosen't know what Rose looks like turn to page 28 XD )) Rose wandered through the mall "hmmmmmmm........"she said brushing off her dress "what should I do ?"she said looking around her purple dress shimmering under the lighting she sat down on a bench near a potted garden to think . "Coming Violet"Winter said rushing to her "You look stunning !"She said "I mean just Stunning" Snow choose her target with caution in mind hmm that scowling one she thought looks promising her tail flickered as she started to stalk Akaitsuki her blue eyes not leaving his feet.
5:14pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 849
Akaitsuki stoppped in mid step. Kurai turned around "Whats wrong red(His name means red moon in japanese)?" Kurai asked. Akai shook his head and continued to walk "Felt like somethings followin me or somethin"He replied.
9:10pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 488
"Well thank you... what did you pick out?" she asked smoothing the creases. Silvia bit the shoe lace.
3:19am Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
Winter held up a shoe box "umm Violet I think your cat is nomming on my shoe lace"she said ".....I picked these out"she said and opened the box reveling a pair of blue sparkeling high heels.
3:20am Mar 29 2011
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Snow remained stlking Akaitsuki It is almost shoe time she thought her tail swishing in the air almost .
1:22pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 849
Akaitsuki groaned "Where could she be?" he said looking around all the colorful stores. "Yuuki!" he called out in frstration. Kurai put his hand through his hair and sighed "At this rate were not gonna see her for a few hours."He grumbled.
10:24pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 488
Violet giggled and pick Silvia up into her arms, "Well, you do like flimsy objects... Like spaghetti and such... Well, you should try them on." she said. Silvia growled.
10:41pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
Snow grew ever closer to her target 'Meow!'she said meaning something alone the lines of 'I gonna get your shoes!'. _______ Winter sat down on a seat and took her shoes off and replacing them for the high heels "how do they look?"she asked .
1:17pm Mar 30 2011 (last edited on 3:16pm Mar 30 2011)
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Posts: 849
Akaitsuki continued to walk still having the ertge to turn around but he ignored it. "Yuuks cmon where are ya". Kuraitsuki sighed in frsutration, he couldnt even pick up her scent in the mall because of all the other ones. It was suffocating. Yuuki traveled through all the colorful stores. She had a wide sile on her pale face and ran almost evrywhere.
3:14pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 488
Violet smiled, "They look good...., but what would make it better is a dress to go with it...." she said shuffling through her pile.
7:43pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 849
Yuuki wnadered into a shoe store and smiled. So many different colors, she was gonna faint from excitement.