9:32pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 488
Violet picked out a sea green dress with ruffles and sparkles and smiled, "Here, go try it on." she said handing her the dress.
1:17am Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 36,303
Winter nodded and walked to the changing rooms . *** Snow carfully attacked Akaitsuki's shoe'Meow!'she purred meaning something along the lines of 'got ya!'
8:38am Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
Akaitsuki jumped and looked down at the cat that was attacking his show "Ack i knew i smelled a cat"He growled out. Kuraitsuki sighed and gently tuger her off his shoe and picked her up gently "Your such a little girl"He said stroking the cat. Akaitsuki growled"How can you be a wolf and like cats?" he said lowly. Kuraitsuki shrugged and scratched snow behind the ear.
3:46pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 488
Silvia sniffed the air, "Snow in danger" she mewed too low for Violet to hear as she ran off.
3:53pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
Akaitsuki sighed "Now we have to find a cats owner and find Yuuki, how much more trouble is there"He grumbled.
6:44pm Apr 1 2011 (last edited on 6:45pm Apr 1 2011)
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Snow nuzzled Kuraitsuki and remembered the spell that Aito had put on her and the other inportant cat's 'My mummys in the clothes store 'she said trying to wriggle out his hands . *** Winter came out the dressing room and went to Violet"Who do I look?"she asked .
6:46pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
Kuraitsuki put her down gently and smiled. Akaitsuki shook his head. Kurai looked at him "What?"He asked. Akaitsuki sighed "Are we even related?" he murmured. Kurai chuckled "Just because i like cats and you dont doesnt make us any less blood related."He said.
6:59pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Snow?"Lilly called "where are you?".'come!'Snow said as she dashed to the clothing store 'you might find who you're looking for'
8:32pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
Kuraitsuki looked at Akaitsuki"Cmon lets go"He said. Akaitsukis mouth went comically wide "Are. You. SErious?" he said in disbelief. "Yes, we could find yuuki"He tried to reason. "I dont know who you are anymore"Akaitsuki said. "Just come one."He grabbed his wrist and followed the cat.
8:44pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 488
"Perfect, but what about these?" she said holding up accessories, an emerald necklace, a pair of ruby earrings and a golden bracelet.
9:05pm Apr 1 2011
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Snow ran through the store 'Silvia?'she said'you still here?' Winter smiled "you're great at this"she said .
9:07pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
Kurai and Akai came through the store. "you go left and ill go right sound good?" Kurai asked. Akai sighed "fine fine"He looked around the store and started sniffing while doing so.
9:17pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 36,303
Snow joined in their seach 'Ummm THING! here THING ,THING,THING!'
9:20pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
Yuuki looked down and saw a cat "Ooh a kitty"She beamed. She picked Snow up and cuddled her "Arent you a sweet little kitty"She smiled and stroked her. Kuraitsuki sighed and kept searching. "Hey Kurai there you are!" she said waving her hand still holding the cat with one arm. "Yuuki thank god"He said coming over to her. He saw Snow and smilled scracthing behind her ear "Thanks, i owe ya one"He said with a smile.
9:22pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 488
Silvia ran and bumped into Yuuki, "Give Snow back!" she hissed. "Thank you, I think it works for now if I'm not mistaken.. Go look in the mirror." she said pushing her in front.
9:23pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
Yuuki looked down "Oh this your friend, here ya go"She smiled and put Snow down infront of Silvia.
9:33pm Apr 1 2011
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'Silvia this is THING! 'Snow said looking at Yuuki 'And her .....Friend?'
9:37pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
Kurai sighed "Yuuki, lets go, Akais probably throwing a fit at the manager by now looking for you." he said firmly. "You didnt have to look for me you know, whos fault is that?"she asked. "Yours for running off"He said in an exaughsted tone.
9:46pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 488
"She THING? What is THING?" she asked. (( i gtg))
10:30pm Apr 2 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Snow ,Silvia there you are!"Lilly said rushing up to the two cat's she picked snow up "Don't do that again !"she said "I was worried when I couldn't find you"