12:15am Dec 16 2010
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"Hi, im Sidney" he said holding out his card. "Don't buy anything he ofers you" Rylee advised. "He's a great kidder, he is" he said, tilting his head in Rylee's direction. "Sidney, I swer, i'll stuff you in that bag and throw it in the lake" Rylee growled. "Will the fish buy stuff in the lake?" Sidney asked his ears twitching. "Do you want to find out?" Rylee asked darkly. "Maby later" he said.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:16am Dec 16 2010
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(Eragon, Eldist and Brisingr XD Awsome seris)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:22am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 36,303
((Okay)) Sabrina got out her note pad and writ the word Why on it and showed it to Rylee .Dawn looked at Sidney "What do you want Rat Face?"She asked
12:34am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 23,239
"He'll never leave you alone afterwards" he said glaring at the Rhare. Sidney puffer out his fur "I sell stuff" he said "do you wan't to buy anything?". Hua stuck his head into the bag stuff! He chirped and crawled in deeper, untill all that could be seen of him was the tip of his tail. "How big is that thing?!" Rylee exclaimed. "It's botomless" Sidney replied. Hua reapered with a book in his jaws. He placed the book on the ground and taped the cover with a claw. "Don't damage it!" Sidney yelped. Hua looked at the cover of the book, on it was the picture of a large dragon soring through the clouds Gwen! he cheeped. Gwen sighed.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:38am Dec 16 2010
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((Book looks : )) Sabrina had grabbed a book out of her bag and left it on her lap Anyone wanna read with me? she thought . ((By the way I have read that book and it is good ))
12:50am Dec 16 2010
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(I need to read that....) GWEN! Hua twiterd impationtly. "Hua, you can come and show me" Gwen sighed. Hua picked up the book and troted up to her not have he said taping the dragons horns. "Hua, you won't get horns untill your 500" she said. Is 500? Hua asked. "No" she said and lughed. 500 now? He cheeped. "No, Hua" she sighed. Now? "Hua, it will take a long, long, long time before your 500" she said. Hua taped the dragons wings when get? "You'll get wings when your 1000" she said. Sidney watched closely "he better bring that back" he said. "Burn it Hua!" Rylee called to the dragon. "No!" Sidney yelped.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:55am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Sabrina got up a Evil grin on her face she got a lighter from her pocket she started to walk toward Hua and the book leaving Glint ((The ti tle of her book ))With Dawn .She went up to the ((Sidneys one)) book and started burning one of the corners.
12:58am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Recap? ))
1:07am Dec 16 2010 (last edited on 1:09am Dec 16 2010)
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((Okay so this is what has happened so far :Masa and her Boyfriend Broke up so now Masa is heart Broken .Rylee ,Gwen and Hua Met in the forest just out side the city .Midnight ,Sabrina and Dawn went to go swimming at the lake just out side the City and met Rylee,Gwen and Hua .Then Sabrina went to walk off but gave up because Hau wrapped around her leg .So Sabrina sat down by the lake and Dangled her feet in (She can't swim)And then they met Adra and Ty and now Midnight and Gwen are going with Adra and ty into the city .Sabrina ,Dawn ,Rylee and Hau are still at the lake and have now met Sidney))
1:16am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((UGH. OF course, as soon as I get on, I have to go. >_< DANG SCHOOL!!1! D:< (And my need to read... xD What? I can't help but want to Read +Anama, Gregor the Overlander, and Lone wolf. <3 ) I'll get a intro for Rage up as soon as possible. ^^))
1:18am Dec 16 2010
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((Under stood Ash =( I finished School today ))
2:57am Dec 16 2010
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(Sidney's gonna die XD) "H-hey what are you d-doing?" Sidney stamered and darted up to Sabrina "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" he shreeked and grabed the book in his paws "my poor baby!" he murmerd trying to rub off the scorch mark. Rylee fell to the ground laghing. "ITS NOT FUNNY!" Sidney bellowed puting the book back in his bag "do you know how much I could have sold that for!". Rylee laughed harder. Hua blinked then made a tinkiling bell sound. (dragon laughing)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:02am Dec 16 2010
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Sabrina Smiled and write on her note pad the words I know exactly what I was doing I was burning a book what did you think I was doing? she then showed it to everyone she smiled and gave a small laugh
3:13am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Hua lughed again. Gwen laughed and clutched her sides. Rylee laughed even harder. Gwen looked at Rylee "I think he's in hystircs, maby I should slap him?" she sugested. "Slap him, slap him realy hard" Sidney said.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:17am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Next Sabrina walked over to Rylee and sat down next to him "You okay?"she asked in a whisper louder then what she had been using before . Dawn looked at her confused"Who is that girl and what has she done with Sabrina?"she asked
3:21am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 23,239
"Im fine" he said still laughing. Hua walked up to Rylee and wacked him in the face with his tail slap! he laughed. Gwen gigled. Rylee chuckled and sat up.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:28am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 36,303
"Hau"Sabrina whispered Smiling I haven't smiled this much in ages she thought I almost forgot what it was like to laugh and have fun .
3:30am Dec 16 2010
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Hua rubed himself on Sabrina's leg.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:35am Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Sabrina put her hands on her lap "I think he s taken a liking to me "she whispered Smiling
1:35pm Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Sidney balanced his bag on his right hind leg and stuk his head into it "now, where is it" he mutterd and began takeing things out of the bag, a pile of books, a tent, a sword, a baby manticore, witch hissed and ran off, a barn owl that looked dazed. "Ah, here it is" he said from with in the bag. He dug his hind legs into the ground and pulled, he emerged from the bag clutching a large ball in his paws. "How much do you have in that thing?!" Rylee exclamed as he stufed everything back in the bag. "Its botomless" Sidney said. Hua's nose twitched, he dived at the ball and tried to sink his teeth into it. When that didn't work he began roleing around with it. "Like a kitten with a ball of wool" Rylee chukled, watching the dragon.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P