2:06am Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(ROFL XD) Hua troted over to the ball and flung it towards Gwen. Gwen threw it to Adra.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:17am Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Sabrina put down her book and started to walk along the sh0re of the lake "You should go with her Rylee"Dawn said I'M GOING TO KILL HER SHES SETTING ME UP WITH A VAMPIRE UGH I'LL CHOP HER UP AND FEED HER TO HUA THEY'LL NEVER KNOW !!Sabrina thought angrily it still not showing on the outside
2:22am Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(ROFL XD) Rylee stood up and folowed Sabrina. Hua troted after them.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:28am Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Sabrina kicked at some dirt angrily I'm going to get her back for this I'll set her up with the phantom of the opera .She thought
2:56am Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(LOL *Falls of chair*) Rylee sighed "go if you want" he said. Hua cught up and climbed onto Rylee'sholder I stay he said. Rylee patted the dragon's head.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:59am Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 36,303
"Bite me!"Sabrina hissed ot looking at rylee "Your the one who followed why should I leave"she hissed I'm a very bitter person Sabrina thought angrily "Sorry Rylee"Sabrina whispered softly
3:20am Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 3:32am Dec 17 2010)
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Posts: 23,239
Rylee blinked what the?! "...." he said. Hua watched, for once he was sighlent. (Awkward XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:04pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 36,303
"I'm in a bad mood "She whispered she then shook her head and started to walk of yet again she felt like banging her head against a wall anything to stop her mind from working for a few minutes or so .
8:12pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(LOL) Rylee stood there. Hua looked out across the lake. (FAIL!!!!)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:12pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"What the??"Adra asked, holding the ball. She threw it to Hua. "Let's go."She said.
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:30pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Hua cught the ball and threw it back to Sidney. Sidney examined the ball then put it back in his bag.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:35pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(Oops, forgot Gwen) "Okay" Gwen said. (fail)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:26pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Midnight nodded "Yes Lets"she said Smiling *** Sabrina found a near by tree and sat down under it "Agh!"she said annoyed at her self and Dawn but Mainly herself
11:29pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Hua look back at the lake. (Fail)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:30pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Sabrina took a stress Doll out her pocket you know the ones where when you squeeze them there eyes and nose pop out .She squeezed it "Die Dawn"she hissed
11:45pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(LOL XD. Brain dead)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:51pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 36,303
She then Threw the Doll into the Lake and cursed under her Breath It only took Dawn to Ruin my day she thought
11:56pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Hua leapt off Rylee's shoulder and dived into the lake. He emerged with the doll in his mouth, he placed it in Sabrina's lap.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:01am Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 36,303
Sabrina Smiled at the Dragon "Thanks "she said softly then Threw it back into the water
12:11am Dec 18 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Hua frowned what wrong?
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P