10:29pm May 21 2011
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Posts: 4,685
((noactuallyiamfail. And I think Zozo wins the spam contest. xDD))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
10:35pm May 21 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yes I do so liek, shut up naow. -tamtrum- And buy me more Llama juice. >O And clean my Hobo in the bathroom. Magical Rainbow Unicorns Like Pretty Pink Ping Pong Balls. Yes, MR. ULPPPPBs. He won't stop crapping out lightening and spewing up rainbows. I think he lost another leg. And he can't find his backside, so he's been pooping. He be very long. He's never seen his butt before. U: ))
11:01pm May 21 2011 (last edited on 11:02pm May 21 2011)
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Posts: 4,685
((Zozo, what the heck? xD I'm so anxious to start the rp. D:))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:07pm May 21 2011
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((Why is there a hobo in Zo's bathroom? O.o))
11:10pm May 21 2011
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((.......... Oh god....... Thanks a lot Ash. You pointed that out so I started to think about it and my imagination went..... a little too far. o_o;))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:24pm May 21 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I bought him off eBay. ))
11:55pm May 21 2011 (last edited on 1:53am May 22 2011)
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~Name~ Kazio Bryant Mitchals ~Gender~ Male ~Age~ Appears Seventeen ~Personality~ Kaz is very peaceful and timid. He's a vegetarian and hates the sight of blood. People call him shy. But he's very pas.sionate about subjects close to heart. ~Species~ Noble Vampire ~Looks~ Kaz is of average build. Lean body, wiry muscles. His hair falls straight down to tickle the bridge of his nose at it's highest and the nape of his neck at the lowest. It is raven black with light blue and very dark purple streaks. His eyes are an icy blue color with white flecks. He lets his hair fall over his eyes. ~Weapons/Powers~ He carries a pocket knife and silver knuckles but prefers not to use them. He also controls plants. ~History~ Urm...no ^_^ ~Crush~ Hehe...Calyx? ~Other~ Nope
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:24am May 22 2011 (last edited on 11:38am May 22 2011)
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Posts: 305
((I'll go rp Rima Touya then since she's my fave character. Yuuki's just not my type >:/. We all know Rima already, I'll just copy+paste from wiki :3)) Name~ Rima Touya Gender~ Female Age~ 16 Personality~ Has a fondness for Chocko Pocky sticks. Species (Noble vampire)~ Looks~  Weapons/Powers~ Lightning/ electricity-related History~ Was once in the Night Class with Kaname as the head. She supported Yuuki in reviving the Night class once again Crush~ Other~ ...
12:39am May 22 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Calyx is loved. |D Golden; It would be kinda wierd if you made Shiki and crushed on Rima. o.o Same-character romance = Critical fail. /shot Zozo be hyper and tired. o.o Brain not be working. ))
1:50am May 22 2011
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Posts: 12,384
((.... SARYYAAA! Pointing out the obvious is something I do! Sorry! ...And did your mind go pervy or something? o.O And why would Zo buy a hobo on ebay? *Should really stop asking questions*))
7:14am May 22 2011
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Posts: 305
((So that means, I'll just stick on Rima :p))
9:27am May 22 2011
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((Ash, to make a long story short, Zozo was doing *something* with that hobo. o_o; Golden, like what Zozo said. Same character romances are fail. ;c Should I start or wait for more people? I kinda feel like we need more characters from the anime/manga.))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
10:50am May 22 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( NO. KANAME. >O Yes. Lots of somethings. ))
11:01am May 22 2011
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((Zozo, I hate Kaname. He's such a... urgh. D:<))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:03am May 22 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((I love both Kaname and Zero. But Zero's hotter.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:10am May 22 2011 (last edited on 11:10am May 22 2011)
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Posts: 4,685
((Someone make Zero or Kaname. D:< I would've made them, but I suck at roleplaying guys with their kind of personality. ;c Oh and, BOO KANAME. YAY ZERO. 8D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:19am May 22 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( ZERO ISH SOME SMEXY RIGHT THAR. And I can't play guys so well. xDD ))
11:30am May 22 2011
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Posts: 4,685
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:39am May 22 2011
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Posts: 305
11:41am May 22 2011
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Posts: 4,685
((SHUN THE KANAME FANZ. D8< *shun shun shunnnn*))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<