12:40pm Mar 11 2010
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Nemesis smiled slightly. "I told you he'd be fine..." her face immediately returned to its normal state however. "Please don't call me that."... She had not minded really, that statement, but in truth, she still did not know him well enough to be called sister, and they were not related by blood. She found it rather uncomfortable. "You were held just until you retianed your memories... that is all" She nodded slightly, turned and walked away, the shadows around dryac dissapearing back onto the earth. Illumay still had hold of Dryacs hand, and was looking up at him with a worried frown. "She was the first to follow you you know... after you flew off. She was just making sure you were okay..." she smiled then, a warm smile. "You are okay right?"
12:55pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aurora yawned,"I am bored...I guess I will go find some trouble." She said grinning. Kitty has snuck away without anyone noticing. She looked around making sure no one had followed her and walked back towards where they ahd first been,"Ash, Hunter. Do everything in your power to make sure Aurora doesn't remember anything." She hissed. "What? Why!" Ash asked surprised. "Because, I can't let her know how all of this happened." Kitty hissed,"I she remembered then she could very easily kill us all."
12:55pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac looked down at the little girl and winked, "I know little one, I guessed as much... and for me, Iam well, in fact, I am back." Dryac the picked Illumay and Nemesis up and launched into the air, faster than he was going before, he landed after a few seconds, "Sorry about that Nemesis, I know you do not like my abrupt nature, but I was just excited..." Dryac's claws then extended to their full extent and he plunged them into the ground, causing a large fissure to open up, "Let us get our revenge."
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12:59pm Mar 11 2010
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Nemesis was looking slightly lost. Then she pulled a face. "Please... if your going to pick people up... atleast tell them first..." Illumay laughed and hugged Dryac around the waist. "You can't go anywhere yet... you need to speak to your father..." she said it carefully, like she wasnt sure what he might say.
1:06pm Mar 11 2010
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Dryac looked down at the floor, "I have some owrrying memories inside my head that I need to see to before talking to my father, I need to put straight a few problems that have arisen." Dryac then stood straight, placed his hands in the pockets of his trenchcoat, and walked like he used to, he was truly back to his true self, (Sorry about this bit kuro, but...) Nemesis now recognised him from somewhere.
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1:11pm Mar 11 2010
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~(you got any particular idea where this is going Reu? So I can get my next post right? xD)~
1:20pm Mar 11 2010
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(Kuro, his father is a traitor, he set Dryac's mother's death up, I'm gonna lead us into a huge fight that ends in us finding out, and then having to fight our way out.)
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1:49pm Mar 11 2010
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((Oh...I will make Aurora get very angry somehow and that will add one of my characters in it.XD)) Aurora looked around for her sister,"Where did she go? Great she has disappeared again." She said anger growing inside her. Hunter looked at her,"Find out what?" He asked. Ash laughed,"You don't know how the whole crash happened? It was some vampire that had Aurora and Kitty as a target." Kitty growled,"What did I say about talking about...Him." She hissed. "It isn't our fault you were stupid enough to trust him." Ash giggled.
2:01pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Reu I meant... how do you want Nemesis to recognise you?)~
7:44pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Fine, I'll go away. I don't like Role Playing with people who Power Play anyway.))
8:04am Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 8:19am Mar 12 2010)
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Posts: 145
((No, wait?! What's going on with Chance and Reu? This has to stop, now! Is it about Reu changing your charactors into pure? If so, then just let them be pure. My charactor was randomly changed from a plague blood into The First Vampire, but that means I can go stomping around telling every vampire RP that he's that. Everyone would get mad! So whatever happens her, isn't perminant, it's just for this one. Go with the flow, ya know? Who's father is a traitor? No me!! o.0 *I got left in the DUST!!! >XD)) As the shadows dissipated, Bando was revealed. He watched his son step towards Nemasis and then carry them off after speaking breifly with them. No matter. He could wait. Whatever Dryac felt, it was no doubt harsher than what Bando felt. Dryac would come around to him when he was ready. Until then, the least he could do was keep an eye on them. Silenty he morphed into the black cat and began to trail the quickly dissapearing shadow. ((I'm getting ready to dissapear for two days, the weekend. By the end of today, I'll stay in my cat form and who ev's can drag Bando around. Questions on old blood powers! Bando doesn't have any special powers as far as I understand, so what should I do; he can turn into a cat but all mythical vampires of a certain area can turn into a cat, wolf or bat: he can do a chain attack but that has to do with a cl*censored*- special spell or an item [I forget]: the rest of his abilities are the vapirey things... Also,... just curious, would Dryac also have some of the powers Bando does, like a cat morph or whatever his main power is/ becomes? XD Just wondering.))

9:58am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Kuro, as if you have been introduced to him by Niele, but only briefly, that is why you couldn't remember the previous Dryac.)) Dryac stopped when he got halfway down the cavern, turned his head and co.cked an eyebrow, "you turtle vampires coming or what?" Dryac then turned back and continued to walk in the same fashion that he had been a few moments before.
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10:05am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nemesis' eyes narrowed at Dryac. She did know him, well... not know him, but she HAD seen him before. She was sure of it. Problem was, she couldn't remember where... Illumay looked up at sister Nema, smiled, then grasped her hand and started walking after Dryac. "Come on, Nema, were gonna get left behind"
10:25am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 2,378
A plague vampire bolted from a cavern and ran straight for Dryac, his face didn't so much as flicker, he merely raised a hand and flung it onto a spike on the wall of the cavern, "Pathetic, why do those maggots even try?" Dryac asked that question, but it was spoken more as a rhetorical question, he wasn't expecting an answer, "Nemesis, you have been surprisingly quiet on this delightful jaunt through the cavern of the damned, what is plaguing your mind?"
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10:37am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nemesis didn;t reply immediately. She simply stopped as Illumay walked into the back of her. "Apparently... I do know you from somewhere..." She was looking at the vampire Dryac had thrown against the wall, how annoying. She couldn't place why she knew him... and it was getting on her nerves. Illumay walked over and stood by Dryac, lookiing around with a childish excitement. She looked over at Nema when she spoke however. She blinked a few times, then looked at Dryac.
10:44am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac let his wings out for a while, he the started hacking at the wall that was blocking the way forward, he continued to speak as he did so though, "So where is it from?.. wait, I think I recal you from somewhere..." Dryac's face turned to thought as he was tunneling.
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10:51am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nemesis shrugged. "I do not know... I was hoping you might..." Illumay was watching Dryac with interest, her face smiling. She found it funny he could think and work like that at once. ~(haha sorry crap post..)~
10:57am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac continued to hack away at the rock, not tiring, still coninuing his conversation with his sister in law, "I think I recall a moment in time were Niele introduced you very briefly, no wonder I recognised your name as well as your looks, hehe, yes I remember now, I had to run and fight something, I have never really changed..." Dryac leant back and with one sweep of his wings, took the rest of the wall down, clearing the way, "I believe this is the correct route."
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11:23am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"I see..." Nemesis replied, lost in thought. She shrugged and followed after Dryac, well... that would explain a lot of things. Illumay followed besides Dryac. "what exactly are we looking for, Dryac?" she asked, puzzled slightly.
4:19am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac picked Illumay up and twirled her around before sitting her on his shoulders, "You'll know when we get there Ill, he should be pretty blatant..." A Large demon leapt and pinned Dryac to the floor, Dryac snarled and hissed violently with his mouth, he stuck his claws into the Demon's right thigh, ripping a large hunk of meat out, "I am demon kin, you would be wise to leave me be else I have to kill you and leave your sorry behind for the plauge vampires..." "You are not plague yourself?" "No, i am Old blood, but my mother was demon, I have demonic traits, now leave before I decide not to be so merciful..." "Merciful? I believe it is I have you in a sorry predicament." "Hmm? Yes I suppose you would think so..." Dryac the raised his long legs up and under the Demon's chest, he then jack-rabbit kicked and the Demon went hurtling towatds the cavern wall, he hit hard and landed arkwardly, Dryac was then in front of his in seconds, the Demon's throat in one of his hands, "Care to slay your first of the demon-kind little Illumay?"
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