7:00am Mar 13 2010
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Illumay blinked, stunned into silence for a moment. Then she began to giggle. "It's okay Dryac, I think you can handle this one right?" She smiled then tuned on her heel and ran over to Nemesis, who had her eyes trained on the demon slumped against the cavern wall. Once she reached Nema, she once again threw her arms around the Old Blood's waist and looked at Dryac, still smiling. Nemesis glanced at the white haired Illumay, then also faced Dryac. "There is a point to this, then?" She said, turning to look around the cavern. Dryac had been quiet and mysterious the entire time, he had not let anything slip; Why exactly they were here she still didn't know, though it was quite obvious Illumay didn't mind. The Young Blood clearly enjoyed following Dryac around.
7:11am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac, with one swift movement, broke the demon's neck, letting the body hit the cold hard floor, "There is a point to my journey, an intelligence to my insanity, in the memories I obtained in my time of troubles, I seemed to re-call my dad talking to another vampire about plague and my mother, I just want to make sure it wasn't my father that set the murder of my mother up, and I know the vampire is here, as he knows I am here, I can smell his fear."
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7:26am Mar 13 2010
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Nemesis nodded. Right. Made sense... She supposed... "So now what?... You want to find this vampire and interrogate him?" She started walking, following after Dryac as Illumay let go of her waist and went running up beside the male Old Blood. Nemesis couldn't help but smile. Illumay was so easily amused, she was still a child afterall, and she was still getting used to not being human. Illumay walked beside Dryac once she'd caught up with him. "Do you really think your father would have done that to your mother?... I mean, when he regained his memories, he seemed really upset..."
8:06am Mar 13 2010
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Dryac looked down at the young blood, placing his hand on the top of her head as they walked, "Yes, well my father was always good at putting up fronts, so this one may just be his most convincing, and for the vampire we're hunting, I plan on doing more than just interrogating him, I plan on causing him more pain than anyone has ever endured."
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8:30am Mar 13 2010
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Nemesis smiled slightly, holding out a hand as a swirl of smoke formed into the pipe she always carried. "You should listen to her you know... She's very good with reading people." There was a small sound of pride in the Old Bloods voice, and Illumay grinned over her shoulder at the dark haired female behind her. Illumay looked back up at Dryac. "You know... Your father had lost memories too, surely that means whoever did this to you erased both yours and his memories. This person wanted you seperated... Afterall, you and your father are weaker divided." Nemesis raised an eyebrow. "That's a very smart way of looking at it young one. It may lead to something..."
8:38am Mar 13 2010
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Dryac licked his fangs to stop his face breaking into a snarl, "Yes, that seems to be a good hypothesis, but I am still a lot stronger than my father, both in body and mind, so seperating me from him wouldn't really weaken me a whole lot, it would more hamper my father..." Dryac then continued walking until they reached an extremely wide and tal set of double door, decorated intricately, he then nodded at Nemsis to give her a warning, "This is it, I can smell it." Dryac them booted the double dors open, unsheathing his sword and letting his wings sprout out and stretch, he was going to enjoy this...
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9:22am Mar 13 2010
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Nemesis simply watched as Dryac moved forward, although she wasn't unprepared. The shadows around Nemesis moved at her thoughts and feelings, and currently were swirling around on the earth below her, her dress seeming to melt into them. Illumay backed away from Dryac and stood besides Nemesis, who looked at Dryac with a raised eyebrow. "We'll leave this to you... Seeing as it is a personal matter." She placed a hand on her Young Bloods head, her other hand holding onto her pipe, as Illumay nodded and smiled. It was probably just as well. Nemesis did not fight when she didn't need to.
11:19am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac nodded to the two and then stroled through the open set of double doors, he smashed a large column as he was going, causing part of the wall to collapse, "COME ON OUT! I know you're here! I can smell your stench! You have been hanging around with the plague for far to long!" Dryac followed the scent up to a large stone wall, his enemy must have been hiding behind it, "This will not stop me!" Dryac's wings then erupted from his back and he s tarted swiping chunks out of the wall, and with his blade he was carving into it as well.
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10:32am Mar 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
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10:55am Mar 14 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((What have I missed?))
9:53am Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 145
((Uuuuh... wait...? Is Bando supposed to just turn into the badguy now, or is there some big conspiracy behind Bando and Dryac losing their memories?))
10:59am Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Let's just make it a conspiracy xD)~
11:48am Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((It is a consiricy, they wiped Banjo's memories just so he wouldn't blow their cover, in the end Dryac has to kill Banjo (No Offence nitro, it just seemed to awesome a plot not to do) because he killed his mother, can you smell family vengeance?))
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7:41am Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 145
((Whaaaaaat? Yer gonna kill Bando? Not fair! He's one of my favorite charactors! That's not cool! Nobody wants there charactors to die in a Rollplay...! *scuffs foot angrily in the dust* Let me get this straight... you want me [Bando NOT BANJO. Do I look like a big dopy N64 Bear?!] to *censored*ume the roll of a Super Villain who had some rediculous scheme to kill off Drilla for no reason... Haven't these people heard of DIVORCE?! XD Well, I'll think of a Supah Evil Plot of Doom, on one condition; you all join me in a game of Dungeons and Dragons. A sort of petty revenge, a turning of the tables so y'all can see what it feels like to lose control. I promise I'm a fair Dungeon Master, though.))
7:47am Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Uh Reu... it's only fair if you ask to kill first... )~
7:56am Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 145
(Hi, Kuro... RP's won't last long if everyone dies. But then again I don't know much about RP's. :P This one is pretty much my first... Well, if a Charrie dies in an RP, it's not like he dies forever. All history can change from RP to RP, I guess, like my other Bando (the original profile) on Kuro's RP. I won't be a monkey wrench in the gears if it will make everyone happy, I guess. But next time, let's make a more open ended RP with no one dying, maybe not just Vampires either or any charactor limitations; so more people can feel free to join in and less will get burnt, liike Chance. :P))
8:02am Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Nitro, technichally you ARE supposed to ask before you kill someone xD)~
8:10am Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 145
((I see... Well, I eagerly await Reubin's response. Anyway. How's your RP going, Kuro? I haven't checked on it in a while.))
1:25pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Nitro, how about there is a big fight between Dryac and Banjo, and then it ends in me threatening to kill you, but then it turns out you had to kill her to save me?))
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1:30pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Hm...Ash could kill her?XD))