2:25pm Mar 16 2010
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~(either way xD )~ Nemesis just watched as Dryac dealt with whoever it was he was after, as Illumay grasped the black dress between her fingers, watching with a violet eyed curiousity. What exactly would they find out here... ~(sorry... blank mind today xD)~
11:17am Mar 17 2010
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((Nothin new there then kuro?!? lol, jokes, lol.)) Dryac finally broke through the wall as a vampire leapt on him, he looked Old-Blood but there was something... different about him, "Get off me you insignificant, low-life, bottom feeding whelp, I could kill you without even so much as a second glance, I have came for information, which may lead me to seek revenge, but if I have to finish you I guess I get a bonus package." Dryac then hurled the vampire off him and into the cavern wall a few feet from Nemesis and Illumay, he then glided through the air and was on the vampire in a single bl ink of the eye, "Now, Who was it that conspire against Drilla the demon-kind?" Dryac roared, sticking one set of claws into the vampire's right leg, "Keep in mind that I'm extremely p*ssed today."
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4:15pm Mar 17 2010
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~('m gonna bomb liverpool now... >;( )~ Nemesis didn't even flinch when the cavern walls shuddered with the force of the vampire hitting the rock. She simply glanced at the form before Dryac appeared there. Illumay was smiling again. For a human, this would have been downright scary, but Nema had taught Illumay everything and even shown her a few things that had helped her grow into a vampire. Illumay would find nothing frightening, not after the things she had seen with Nema.
11:30am Mar 18 2010
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Dryac licked his fangs at the thought of draining the blood from this one, it had been too long since he had feasted, those muggers tided him over, but he needed vampire blood, normally he was with a friend that would give him some, but now he had to refrain from draining this meatbag, "Tell me what I want to know! now!" "OKAY OKAY! I'll tell you! but I need to know that you won't kill me right after I tell you!" "Okay, I won't kill you after I get the information I need," "Okay, well your father conspired to get your mother killed, he didn't explain to me as to why he did this, but he did it never the less, your father is a murderer Dryac, I'm sorry." "BUT IT WAS YOUR PETS THAT TOOK HER LIFE!" Dryac yelled the last statement, spitting int the vampires face as he did so. "Your father used the plague vampires, he didn't ask my consent, although I would have probably given it to him, he was a great man, you are a shadow of what he was in spirit, in strength you tower over him, but he will always beat you on other levels, at east from what I saw of you as a child." "You obviously do not know me then, as a child I was weak, the slayyers brought me forward, I am now the most strong willed person you are ever likely to know, and that makes me ruthless, but luckily for you I am a man of my word..." "SO YOU WONT KILL ME!" "No, I said that I wouldn't kill you straight after you gave me the information that I needed about my father, I didn't say that I wouldn't kill you, first, I'm going to dry-beat you to within an inch of your life, then I'm going to cut you with my claws, then, and only then am I going to drain you." Dryac then began punching the vampire repeatedly, wanting revenge for what had happened to his mother, he would stop at nothing for this.
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11:46am Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 145
((So I'm the badguy? Crud! Okay, but I won't just let you kill me!! I show you true power <3 No power playing when I'm gone, tho!))
3:58pm Mar 18 2010
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Illumay watched Dryac for a moment, before Nema put her hand on her head. The violet eyed young blood looked up at the queen of shadows, just as Nema spoke. "Dryac. Calm yourself. Did he not say your father was responsible for this? Why kill him for something your father did. You come across as a monster, doing this." Illumay blinked. "Are we not monsters anyway?" Nemesis looked taken aback, then chuckled slightly. "I suppose we are... but not entirely heartless..."
2:49am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac was about to have his fill of the vampire he held in his hands when Nemesis spoke, "You obviously do not know of my hunger, I need vampire blood on occasion to keep me alive, I only need small amounts, but in this instance, a full drain will sustain me for an extremely long time, that is the only reason I want to kill this pathetic excuse for a vampire, so please do not lecture me on morals, I have suffered grief for a long time, I have learnt to cope with it.And, he helped my father, maybe not directly but he said he would have."
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7:01am Mar 19 2010
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Nemesis shrugged. "Be that as it may." She replied, her voice slightly cold. She looked down at Illumay, who nodded and grasped her creators hand. "We shall see you later... most likely." "Bye~" Illumay called with a smile, as the shadows moved once again, engufling both females in darkness before falling back to the ground, Nemesis and Illumay no longer there. They appeared far from that cave, back in front of Bando and the others.
7:57am Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 9:42am Mar 19 2010)
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Posts: 145
He witnessed the companies every move thousands of miles away as hissing mouths of the unseen revealed truth. They came to him like cascading shadows whispering their secrets, he heard them all. They told him everything that happened past his losing Dryac on foot as they were every where; hunting, watching, finding, sabuetaging! There was nothing he did not know or could not find out, when the rats were his spies! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ((cont'd))
11:28am Mar 19 2010
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Dryac dropped the vampire that was in his grasp with a snarl, "You're lucky my sister in law can appeal to my better side, othe wise you'd be dead now..." Dryac kicked the vampire hard into the side of the head, knocking him clean out, he then began walking, broke into a jog and ran straight into the cliff wall, teleporting on contact, not one of his favourite methods, but a sure fire way to find his father, he erupted from thin air and landed hard next to Nemesis, realising quickly where he was he jumped up and began talking, "I hate that meth..." Dryac stopped mid-sentence when he saw his father, he eyes narrowed and his claws extended, his lips curled up to bare his fangs and he snarled violently before lunging straight for his father, "THIS IS WHERE YOU DIE FOR WHAT YOU DID!"
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12:10pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 145
((Wish I had my charactor sheet here! Oh, well... Are you totally determined to end this RP as fast possible?!)) Bando stood still for a moment, watching his son's arial descents. Then, suddenly he lifted his hand and from it flew glistening chains! They wrapped around dryac instantly and he fell heavily to the ground, immobilized by the impossible weight of the magic conjuration. Satisfied that his son could no longer attempt his petty swipes, Bando let out a throaty chortle... "Fufufu... so predictable. Don't you think I knew you were coming? Didn't you guess I saw your every move? Couldn't you imagine that an old man could out due you? Or are you so arrogant? No, boy. We wait here now. I wish to do this act with an audiance. Your freinds are cunning... no doubt they will arrive shortly. Then we will see how much of your mother's blood has infected you. I had hoped... you'd be more like me... But, if I must, I will kill you. None of that vile strain must be allowed to exist!!" ((I'm gone next two days; remember, my chains are unbreakable!))

12:16pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 2,378
"Will you now? well, I have grown a few... things extra since our last meeting, father, you sorry excuse for a..." Dryac then made his wings erupt from his back, stretching the chains out far enough for him to step outand regain his recent composure, "Don't. You. Dare. call my mother an infection, you die now..." Dryac then dissapeared and re-materialized behind his father and wrapped both of his arms under his, tightening his grip, reaching round and causing the tips of claws into his fathers neck.
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1:42pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nemesis sighed as Illumay had, for the first time that day, stopped smiling. She looked downright sad. A father and son, going against eachother like this... It was painful to watch. ~(Sorry... tired xD)~
6:44am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((We're gonna have to wait for Nitro to get back now, she's gonna be gone for two days, keep bumpin this though, this is actually turning out pretty well))
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7:43am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Alright Reu)~
10:16am Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 10:24am Mar 22 2010)
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Posts: 145
*Sorry 'bout the wait guys...!!* In an instant, Bando retracted the mysterious chains just as Dryac apparated behind him. He felt his son's heavy claws begin to encircle his throat and he transformed quickly into a cat and slipped through Dryac's arms and saftley onto the ground below where he bolted way from his attacker quickly before changing back into a vampire. Bando pivoted on his heal then to face Dryac while crouching into his defensive animal- like pose. "Hah! Your power may increase daily, boy, but you are still a child beside me! You know nothing of the events that transpired before and since your birth and it looks as if you desire not to understand them as well. I know that you talked to a vampire, a partner of mine... but not even he could I confide in; the truth of your mother is deeper even than time and freinship... I had loved her, yes, but she needed to die. I had no choice in what I did."
10:22am Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((I am going to have to quit this rp because I have NO idea what is going on.))
10:26am Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 145
((I can inform you. It's getting real epic so you might want to hang around and jump back in after this arc is over; basically Bando is Dryac's dad and Bando killed Dryac's mom b/c she was evil but Dryac just thinks he did it for no reason, having no idea his mom Drilla was evil and so is out to get Bando. And that's where we are now, Bando vs. Dryac, Part 2; The Final Battle!))
10:35am Mar 22 2010
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10:53am Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac chuckled, "I will never pale in comparison to you old man..." Dryac then hopped, a black circle appeared and widened to the circumference of no mroe than 4 feet, Dryac then plunged into this dark hole, re-appearing behing Bando, he got him in a full nelson and wrenched his amrs to stop him from morphing, "Although I supose I should give you the chance to explain, but that'll be after I relieve a bit of... tension." Dryac then hurled his father into a tree, nearly causing the tree to shatter into hundreds of pieces, he then dusted his hands off and waiting for his father's next round of 'banter'.
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