11:46am Mar 28 2010
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1:45am Mar 29 2010
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11:44am Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 145
((Um, naked vampire hugging me... 0.o)) Bando wrapped his arms around his son and held on dearly. After so many years that they should be reunited...! It was more than he could ask for, more than he deserved. He pulled Dryac close and hugged him in his strong arms. From now on he would keep Dryac from the foulness of this world and teach him the things he so richly deserved! "My son, my son..." Bando sighed. "I'm just so glad you could relize the truth at all... For a time I was sure all in you that I remembered as my son was gone! I was sure Drilla watching laughing in Hell at her sure victory... "At times life can be trying but all things happen for a reason. After this you will surely be wiser and stonger. Just wait and see. I have much to teach you but I feel you have much to show me as well. You are young yet, but you have already drunk deeply from the well of life." With that, Bando pulled Dryac gently back by the shoulders and looked deeply into his blue eyes. After a time of absorbing the impression of his son's appearance he smiled, this time widley and luaghed richly for all the pride and joy of a father witnessing the greatness his child has become. Then he hugged Dryac once more and recalled the similar emotions and feelings he had holding him as a baby... before he swept away the past. The trying Fel'Gon wars were over at last. He could forget the wickedness that had befallen them and turn towards a much better and brighter future, a future surrounded by freinds and family once more at that ancient feast, but this time, with no more demons!

11:56am Mar 29 2010
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((He got dressed first remember? lol)) Dryac's blue eyes flittered open and shut a few times before he ame back to reality, he looked his father in the eye's as he did and embraced the hug, he felt something inside him grow, his poweres were expanding on a geo-metric rate, so fast that he could feel it, "I do have a lot to show you my father, but a lot of it will have to wait, my power is growing one hundred fold, the demon in me is working on improving me, and I am not too sure that my powers will work as well in the mean time." Dryac's voice had changed, as though a lifetime of burden had been lifted, all be it momentarily, he stood and turned to Nemesis he walked over to her and spoke before acting, "Sorry about this, but..." Dryac then picked Illumay up and wrapped his arm around her, hugging Nemesis with the other, they and his father were the only family he had left.
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12:52pm Mar 29 2010
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Illumay squealed and wrapped her small arms around Dryac in turn, squeezing as hard as she could (not that it would hurt him) and laughed, a merry sound. She then climbed up in Dryacs arms and waved over at Bando. Nemesis simply watched from the background, and, surprisingly enough, was more than happy to hug Dryac back. Illumay found this quite amusing, Nema wasn't one for close contact anything and seeing her hug anyone willingly was rare. Nemesis felt Dryac had been through enough, afterall, even the greatest of demons could fall.
1:50am Mar 30 2010
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"Right, I want you all to know, Father, of course you already know this, but I wanted Illumay and Nemesis to know, I cl*censored* you all as family,and although some are through marriage, ad some through no relation at all, I cl*censored* you as the closest family possible."Dryac shifted slightly from embarr*censored*ment, "Now, I will save us all a lot of embarr*censored*ment and shut up, as I'm sure you all don't want to hear this." Sryac then stretched, causing him to click multiple times in multiple place. ((Sorry for the short post, I'm just too happy to put much effort in right now))
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9:38am Mar 30 2010
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10:03am Mar 31 2010
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1:26am Apr 1 2010
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7:19am Apr 2 2010
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Illumay smiled, and hugged Dryac, giggling as she did so. "I wanted to hear it... I'm glad you think that way." The young, violet eyed, white haired vampire bounded out of Dryacs arms and ran over to sister Nema, who was looking regal as always. The mistress of shadows simply bowed slightly at Dryac, before looking down at Illumay and placing a hand on the Young Bloods head. "Your quite taken with him..." She smiled, as Illumay nodded and smiled at Dryac.
7:24am Apr 2 2010
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Dryac grinned at Nemesis, a burden had been lifted freom his shoulders today, a great one, he then allowed his wings to erupt from his back and he took off, looking for somewhere to rest and feed, the hunger was worse than ever right now, he went hunting for a vampire of pure blood.
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9:43am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 145
*So sorries, chaps!* Bando watched his new family with pride and joy. It was a time of new beginnings and the future strechted out before, bright and full of promise. He walked to his son and patted him on the back in a loving manner and looked proudly from him, to Illumay to Nemesis. "Feelings of love and kindness is nothing to be embar*censored*ed of, my son." He said at last.
1:00pm Apr 6 2010 (last edited on 1:03pm Apr 6 2010)
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Nemesis watched as Illumay smiled and walked over to stand beside Bando, her eyes on Dryac as he flew into the air. "Looks like everything has turned out alright, huh, Bando?" The young blood smiled at the old vampire, her face full of understanding. Despite her age, she completely understood this enitre situation. Nemesis paid little attention to the rest of them, then she quite delibrately dissapeared in a flash of shadow. She appeared a moment later on a mountain far from the others, coming to stand before a demon. "It's been a while, Raze... You had the shadows call me. What do you want?" ~(New bio >D)~ Name: Raze Age: Immortal Species: Demon Appearance:
 Other: Raze is a demon. His power lies in illusions, which are almost impossible to break. He is loyal, and powerful, and will risk everything to protect that which he cares about. He can make people blind with his illusions, and can even kill depending on what he does with their minds. His physical power is also incredibly high clas.s.
9:35am Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando looked down at the sweet child and smiled. He could feel the intensity of her empathic powers that inneventabley pryed into his conscience. He pulled a hankercheif and duabed at the sweat on his face and sighed deeply and satisfied. "Yes..." He said softly "The nightmares have gone at last... Perhaps I can really let go of the past, but I can't help but fear apprehensive over what has happened before. The grasp of Hell is difficult to break- oh, it's not that I'm afraid my son won't be able to hold off his own shadows, but I fear something is amiss still, besides him."
12:58pm Apr 7 2010
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Dryac landed right next to a vampire of pure blood, his great wings out stretched, the victim stood in awe, "Please, tell me your a murderer or a demon, or anything that will make it so I don't feel bad about killing you..." "What? who the hell do you think you are? you stink to high heaven, and I thought tramps smelt bad." "That'll do." Dryac then lunged onto the vampire, draining him of every drop of delicious blood that his body contained, he then took off, and landed next to his father once again, wiping his mouth before he began to speak, "I'm good now."
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2:47pm Apr 7 2010
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Illumay smiled at Dryacs return, grasping the Old Blood by the hand and looking up at him. "Things may calm with you now. Everyone you've lost can leave you now. You have nothing to regret." She let go of his hand and walked away from the two of them, looking up into the sky to await the return of sister Nema. She didnt want to spoil the mood by saying what she felt. Something was coming. ~~~ The demon turned to face Nemesis, as the vampire smiled at him. "Indeed... It's been too long." He grasped Nemesis and hugged her lightly before letting go, holding her at arms length. "The news is grave. The demons are not happy... you realize this... Their coming."
2:50pm Apr 7 2010
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Dryac wrapped his arms around little Illumay in a hug and lisfted her from the ground, "You know, if things had gone well between I and Niele, I would like to think our kids would turn out as well as you have." Dryac then put Illumay down, bopping her on the nose with his index finger, before walking abck to his father.
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2:57pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 2:59pm Apr 7 2010)
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Illumay laughed lightly. "Perhaps... Niele is probably proud of you. Not that I ever got to meet her, nut if she was anything like Nema..." She looked back at the sky, a small and sure smile still on her face. ~~~ Nemesis looked over Raze's shoulder at the cliff beyond. "That, will be a problem." Raze simply nodded and followed her gaze. "As a demon, I''m bound to my kind. However, I will more than gladly help those of your kind."
3:01pm Apr 7 2010
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Dryac nodded at the young blood, proud of her, he hadn't known her for long but he was proud she had managed to come this far in such a small time, she was a truly amazing case, "That is good to hear, thank you for the kind words Illumay."
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3:07pm Apr 7 2010
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Illumay smiled once more at Dryac when Nemesis returned in a flurry of shadow, appearing from that blanket of darkness with her pipe held aloft. Illumay took a step back at the presence stood next to sister Nema. A demon. He was a demon. She blinked a few times before she remembered. "Raze?" Raze smiled and bowed his head slightly. "I see Nemesis has done very well with you, young Illumay" The violet eyed vampire smiled as Nemesis held out a hand. The Old Blood female was looking slightly agitated. "We have a problem."