3:10pm Apr 7 2010
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Dryac looked at his father, thinking whether or not to get involved in this, he decided taht he should help them, the may need it, "I offer my hand in aid of your need, Raze, I believe that is your name, I am Dryac I am one with Demon and Vampire in blood, and can take either form easily."
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8:00am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando tensed visabley at the sight of the demon and looked outraged and shocked all at once. Then, after a second he recomposed himself and nodded a greeting at the new comer. Could this really be happening? So soon after diminishing one denizen of the Underworld, another one immediantly appears! But, no. Nemasis would never *censored*ociate with a demon of true ill after that little episode, and Dryac would never trust one, either unless it were for another reason... and Illumay appeared to know him as well! He decided to wait and watch what was happening and act after duly processing the information.
8:10am Apr 8 2010
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Raze nodded at both Dryac and Bando, before resting his eyes solely on the vampire/demon hybrid. "Your demon blood will come in useful" Before the Demon of Illusion could speak again, Nemesis spoke, her eyes glancing between Raze and the others. Sure they'd be uneasy, after all that had just happened, but this was important, and Raze was their only link to the demon world. "You can trust him" She said, her voice strong. "He's a high cl*censored* demon, one of the highest, and he goes by Raze, although his full name is Razerio... And he's the only chance we have." Illumay had walked over by this point, and was smiling up at the Demon. She knew him... He was very close to Nemesis, and had even known Niele. He was one of the most powerful demons, being stronger than even Nemesis herself. Illumay looked back at Bando and Dryac. "He's trustworthy" She smiled.
8:22am Apr 8 2010
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Dryac walked over to the demon that had recently appeared and offered him his hand, "A friend of my sisters, and possibly my wife, is my friend, I am extremely glad to meet you." ((Sorry about the short post.))
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8:28am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando felt his andger flare up again but he didn't wish to ruin whatever Nemasis had plans for by upsetting this demon. Honestly, he didn't care who he was. He had been betrayed by Demons before and consequently lost the love of his life and very nearly his son... What good could a creature of evil possible offer them in return? "I don't know what your thinking," Bando said at last, heavy a weary sigh, "But I'll stay and hear him out. I'm not sure what is going on, but I do trust your judgement and that of Illumay and my son... But I do not trust a stranger or a demon." After saying this, he gazed directly into Raze's cold eyes with a stern and baleful stare and said; "I hope you will learn to gain my trust and not abuse it as others have. Should you prove a worthy ally, I will never hold you a grudge; should you ever hint otherwise... well, need I say more?"
9:58am Apr 8 2010
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Dryac nodded to his father, proud that he had the ability to put his past behind him as he had, "Well, I don't know about the rest of you but I want to sleep, my dad aint no push-over, even though I made him look like one with that beating I gave him, but I'm tired and need to sleep, can we discuss plans and other happenings in the morning?"
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10:08am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando chuckled softly at Dryac's off- handed remarks, his bad mood lifted all at once. "Yes," He cried happily. "Let us adjourn to a more civilized location and talk this over as freibds and, potentially, allies in our new quest. I offer my estate, of course, as one option, but it will take a little time to get their even if we could all fly as fast as Dryac or run as fast as I can... Anyone have a closer alternative?"
10:12am Apr 8 2010
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Dryac looked around wearily before deciding to reveal his power, "I can actually teleport in any of my forms, my Vampire one won't be much use to the rest of you, but my demon form can carry you all, and if that is the case, I will teleport you all instantly over there, it is just an ability I picked up a century or two ago."
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10:17am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 145
((I wonderz if Dryac has any of Bando's traits...???)) Bando, hardly surprised by anything these days, nodded quickly. "Well, that settlers it then." He said "Let's get on to my castle, then shall we? I will treat you all to a feast and we can talk at ease in the comforts of my home."
10:30am Apr 8 2010
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"okay... let's see if this'll work as well with my powers on upgrade time..." Dryac then morphed into his Demon form, taking his clothes off and handing them to his father first of course, his skin was a darker shade of red, although he now had orange stripes on his head and shoulders, and his horns were now a deep black, "Well, this is cool, c'mon now, all of you up here, we'll be there in a few minutes."
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10:49am Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 11:28am Apr 8 2010)
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Nemesis smiled and shook her head. "I can meet you there..." She looked sideways at Raze, who simply nodded at her and walked off. "We'll both meet you there." She smiled at Illumay, then dissapeared in a flurry of Shadow just as Raze took on his own demonic form. That of a dragon. He took to the skies just as Illumay climbed onto Dryac, smiling. She looked at Bando and spoke. "You should probably know that Raze is unlike other demons. As you just saw. He is half dragon, a half breed, like Dryac. Dryac was born to the first vampire and a demon, Raze... Raze was born to a demon and the last Dragon. He is undeniably powerful, feared by most other demons and prefers not to fight becuase of it. But he will help if needed." ~(Raze's other form)~ 
11:12am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando closed his eyes and shuddered... They were dragons, too, of a sort. Could he really be doing this? Was he really about to bring another demon into his home? Quickly he shook off his unwanted emotions and gave Nemasis a breif, somewhat *censored*uring smile before transforming into a black cat and bounding up onto his son's head where he clung to the black horns. "Mreow!" He cried at last, when he was ready.
11:53am Apr 9 2010
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Dryac smiled over at Raze, "I know spells that I can use to learn morphs, I don't use them often as they add to me too greatly, and I hate being too strong, I need the help of whatever I want to morph into, would you help me learn a dragon morph Raze? I will teach you everything I know that you don't."
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11:59am Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 12:00pm Apr 9 2010)
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Raze turned his steel clad dragon head towards Reu. He bowed his head slightly, the bright glinting steel flashing as he did. "If you wish. You must understand, taking the form of a dragon will not be as powerful as your true demon form, the one you are in now. Obviously, becuase your body is not made to take the form of others. However, if it proves useful to you, so be it." He spoke through his mind at Dryac, the dragon toungue was no good with english words. He nodded lightly before flaring his huge wings, and taking to the air, blowing up a giant wave of dust from the earth. Illumay watched and smiled, before looking at Dryac. " I suppose you already knew that your true demon form is the most powerful." She giggled slightly, before grasping onto Dryac before he decided to move. "Let's go~"
12:03pm Apr 9 2010
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Dryac's huge wings extended and then he took off, the huge beating of his wings causing the sand below to whip up into a small sandstorm, he flew clear and flew quikly to the castle, as he was going he spoke to Illumay and his father, "Of course I knew this form would be more powerful, I mean it's one of my two true forms, I have always wanted to learn thebeast forms, Dragon, werewolf, vampire and demon being the main ones, and of course I was born as a vampire - Demon."
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12:09pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando listened intently to the conversation and held on tight as Dryac took off. The beasts he had spent so long fighting were akin to demonic dragons, but not so very close. He could understand Dryacs curiousity and wondered if he knew any of the same spells as he did.
12:13pm Apr 9 2010
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Raze allowed himself to fall behind, coming to fly alongside Dryac in his demon form, Raze's draconic wings beating powerfully against the air. "Taking the form of another takes years. My ability however lies in my mind. I can transfer every draconic feeling and insinct to you, meaning it will take less than a few seconds. All you need to do is register it, and you'll be able to practice your morphing immediately." He allowed his mind to gather all thoughts, that of dragon hunger, flight, grace, power, loyalty, instincts, and then quite delibrately threw it all at Dryacs mind. If the demon allowed it all to overcome him, he'd be successful in taking the form of a dragon. Illumay simply watched with quiet eyes as she felt the power of Raze's draconic mind p*censored* her.
12:21pm Apr 9 2010
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Dryac's eyes snapped shut for a good few moments *censored* all of the new information entered his mind, then his eyes snapped open, and they were a pure black, with small red dots in the middle of his eyes, his body morphed, and his dragon form was one of great majesty, and strength, Illumay and his father were still sat on his shoulders, this was his new form:
The scales on his shoulders that became armour were stronger than steel, it was an extremely dark purple and the gem in the middle was a violet.
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9:43am Apr 10 2010
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7:23am Apr 11 2010
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