4:23am Apr 12 2010
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8:07am Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 145
((Sorry, man!! :L)) Bando looked upon the sudden grace and majesty of his son's new form... a dragon of such exquisite beuaty, even if it wasn't as powerful as his demon form it seemed well worth it. Then, an idea popped into his head and he quickly morphed into a man again, careful not to upset Illumay from her seat; "Er, before we all get to my mansion, I have a thing or two I could show you, my son... Namley, erm, how to change without losing your pants...! You see- I often have visitors- welcome or otherwise- dropping in, and they may be less accepting of a clotheless adult male walking up to greet them. You can change without removing your clothing- you may have noticed I do. The trick is to work in every stitch into your transformation and then it becomes like an bonus armor and benifits you... Shall I show you? I'd be pleased if you thought it useful, as I imagine there will be a visitor this day... call it Cat's instinct."
8:19am Apr 12 2010
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Dryac smiled at what his father had brought up, "I know how to already father, it's just, my morphs are a lot larger than yours, so I feel far more comfortable in this way of trasforming, you know? also, I like the natural order of things." Dryac thought for a moment, "Thanks for the offer anyway, og and there may be a few spells I know that you may wish to be in knowledge of."
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8:27am Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando smiled and nodded. "Ah, of course. Well, it didn't hurt to be sure. Considering my previously altered existance, I may be older but I've spent much less time a vampire. I would be pleased to learn things from you and you might be equally interested in my vast library. It would do me a sight good to browse through the dusty tomes as well! Till, then... "The place is that away!" He cried, gesturing to the north. "You can't miss it. And to whatever we find awaiting us, I have no fear my son can handle it skillfully!" (Posting new charrie this afternoon)
8:34am Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 11:53am Apr 12 2010)
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Dryac got to the castle and landed, he changed into his human form, his hair now white with the new knowledge gained, each new transformation changed his appearance in some way, and normally for the better, he had found a chest in the garden and taken the old clothes and blade from it, he didn't ask his father as they didn't seem to belong to him, a new life, a new appearance, this seemed perfect for Dryac, this was him now:
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9:28am Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 3:30pm Apr 13 2010)
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Posts: 145
((Lol, your pic, um...)) Bando watched as Dryac dressed in the newly found garb before taking Illumay by the hand and leading he to his son. "Whatever you wish from my home is yours, my boy." He said softly. "I have many weapons that you may select from as well as a wide wardrobe. I have your clothes here as well if you want them." At this, he patted a bulging pocket in his trenchcoat and, taking Dryac's arm, led them from the garden and around to the front. Name: Atticus Bernhardt Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: tle="ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting"> Powers: Quick Draw, Accuracy, Keen Hearing, Intimidate, Brute Strength, Stealth, Akimbo (Gun) , Speed, Basic Self Defense, Smooth Talker, Gun Weapon Skill, Blunt Weapon Skill Equipments: Tan Trench Coat, Black Turtle Neck, Tan Fadora, Black Leather Boots, Heavy Gray Pants, Gotha Pistol, P. I. ID, Leather Wallot, 50$ Breif History: The name of Bernhardt is an anceint family of warriours and law enforcers. Perhaps in the far off past they were royal knights, vampire slayers and witch tryers, but in the modern day, Bernhardts are known for their feirce loyalty to the law. Born into a family of four, two boys and parents with rigid ideals. His mother was a preistess the old religion and raised her boys in strict adherence to it's teachings. The father was less influenced by religion, preferring instead to take after his forefathers just as he expected his boys to. His name was Philip Bernhardt and after an illustrious career as a police officer he was shot and killed in cold blood by one of the Tellintino mob- just as his father, Marlo Bernhardt had been while trying to destroy the mob when it was just beginning. In an instant, their beloved father was snatched away from them and they were left in the care of a broken hearted woman who no longer could reach out with her love and instead sunk into her religion. Their home life now empty, the boys ran away to chase the dreams their ancestors had laid down for them. Boris, the older of the two would become a succesful and feared military intelligence man while Atticus would become a private investigater. While skilled and capable, Atticus is less confident than his brother and is faced with tremendously difficult odds on a daily basis, often life threatening as well. Other: Atticus is almost completley blind. After coming into close proximatey with radioactive material during a case when he was 20, his unprotected eyes were severley damaged. Although painless and the effects were not immediantly obvious, his vision began to fade at an alarming rate. In the course of a few short months, everything in his world was reduced to pale blurs. Unable to cope, Atticus was removed from the police force he had been working on, but still determined to uphold his name, he went into intensive training where he learned to judge distance, time and accuracy based on what little he could see and also to utilize his remaining senses to the maximum. After this, he became a private detectivem, though his job often feels like that of a mercenary. After five years of practice, Atticus is able to shoot faster and more accuratley then almost anyone with a full range of vision. The radioactivity is also thought to be responsible for his premature aging.

11:56am Apr 12 2010
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Dryac allowed himself to be led by his father, he sheated his sword in the sheath he had strapped to his back, it was a large broadsword that barely fit into the sheath, perfect for his style of combat, when he used swords that is. "Thank you father, i appreciate your generosity." Dryac then followed his father closely, inspecting his new robes, these were traditional vampire clothing, although they were nothing like he had seen in the past, the dark navy blue only off-set by the white trim and his white hair and skin, the sword, dragon-kind in design, it had a dragon's head sculpted into the hilt, amazing detail along with thick cloth wrapped around the handle to make it easier for the user to grip.
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3:06pm Apr 12 2010
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Raze landed swiftly beside dryac, also taking his human form. He looked around once, then followed Bando as he walked away. Illumay smiled as the Oldest vampire pulled her towards Dryac, simply looking up at the building not far from them. What a majestic place... Her eyes widened slightly at Nemesis, who appeared from the shadows and strolled towards them all, her eyes focusing on dryac. "That look suits you." She smiled slightly as Illumay ran over to her and Raze smiled silently. ~(NITRO! I wanna add another chara, mind if she's a vampire who knows Bando? Living and working in the castle maybe? xD)~
8:26am Apr 13 2010 (last edited on 8:27am Apr 13 2010)
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Posts: 145
((NO, NEVER. Just kidding, go ahead. If you guys want to add-lib details of the castle and its room, I have no problem with that either. It's immense after all. All breifly describe the outside. If Bando knows someone it's either pre- vampire stage, Old Vampire Memory Retreival, or post- plague vampire stage... check my updated thingy on page 2.)) Bando looked at Dryac approvingly and patted Illumay on the head. "I have so many things amm*censored*ed here, it's hardly generousity. I have absolutley no need for them and could never use all these things myself, either. The house is full of these sort of chests... I hadn't even remnembered that I put anything out here- after all, the garden is hardly a place for such fine wares! "You may both take whatever you like from the castle and store them in the rooms of your choice, you, Illumay, Nemasis, too... and you as well, Raze. You are all guests after all, and I'm sure there is much equipment and good that can come of use in the near future. All I ask is that you all stay out of the kitchen... that's sort of my private work area and thinking place..." He chuckled softly. That said, Bando led Dryac to Nemasis and left them to stand before eachother before taking up Illumay's hand again and puting a gentle hand on Raze's shoulder and continued to lead them down the neatly cobbled path that led from the garden and wound around the huge stone building around to the front. The exterior of the Darstellung Castle would probably be imposing to most, but to creatures if the night it was a gorgeuos home... Huge and stone, it stood perched on a high hill surrounded by lush green life on all sides. A high wall surrounded the main building and several servants' houses and a steep set of steps beneath the main gates led to the large double wooden doors of the castle... tle="ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting"> From where they stood beneath the gate, they could easily percieve with unnaturally keen sight, a man stood stock still on the top step of the high stair, watching them. He wore a long tan trench coat with the collar popped to hide most of his face and a matching tan fadora that was pulled down to cover even more. The wind gusted off from the lake and whipped about him, but still he stood, keeping his face carefully hidden. Even in the dim morning light and the clothing that covered his face, they could still see there was something very wrong about his eyes... they were stark white, pupiless and seeming to stare at everything and nothing all at once...

9:12am Apr 13 2010 (last edited on 9:34am Apr 13 2010)
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Name: Mayanna (Maya for short) Age: Immortal ~ A pure blood vampire Appearance: 
Other: Mayanna is a very peculiar vampire. She has the ability to control the atmosphere around her, and manipulate pressure and air. When dealing with the atmosphere, she can suck all the air from around an enemy, creating a vacuum and rendering them unable to breathe or move. This ability is IMPOSSIBLE to escape from, but it takes one hell of alot of energy out of Maya herself and can even put her life in danger. When it comes to pressure, Maya can stand on air by creating the pressure beneath her, as well as directing pressure at an enemy (hitting them almost like an inivisble punch) and it causes most of the damage inside the body. With this, Maya can either kick or throw at punch at someone from a distance and it will still hit them (Because she is sending a wave of pressure at them). Altogether, she can alter the pressure, from being just a simple push to being able to break every bone and crush every organ in the body with one hit. Generally, she can control any form of pressure, using it to attack and trap. She can even create barriers with the pressure and are usually impossible to get past, however, those very few who can get past that solid wall will be crushed by the pressure created. ~(WHOA! Mind if I create a plot twist?... >3)~
9:43am Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 145
9:47am Apr 13 2010
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Illumay was awed by the sheer size of the castle before her. Sure, when she'd been changed she'd lived with Nemesis in a much smaller castle, not that Nemesis minded. Afterall, the Old Blood prefered to keep her privacy. Illumay ran away from the group to stop by the wall and look up at the huge bricks, the smile still on her face. Nemesis simply smiled. Illumay was so easily impressed, still young and intrueged. She looked back at Bando, Dryac and Raze. "Should we settle before we talk about demon world?" Just as she finished speaking, another being stood not far from them, and Nemesis' eyes widened in a slight recognition... but no... that wasn't possible... The girl bowed slightly, her snow white hair falling over her eyes as she did so. "Welcome back, Lord Bando" She smiled, looking back at them all.
10:09am Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando, being slightly ahead of the group didn't catch the emotion in Nemesis's face. He strolled up to Mayana and took her hand, smiling brightly. "Ah, Maya! There you are! Your always vanishing off some place! I was afraid I might have to send for you, but that wouldn't do, at all! I have some very unexpected guest, my dear, and I hope you will forgive me for bringing them in so suddenly! I would have sent a servant to warn you, but I could spare none... we had a little problem for a while. Come and meet them though. They are good people." He cried happily, ignoring the figure on the steps and led Maya back to the crowd. "This, my freinds, is my dear Maya, a guest in my home for about a year now. Perhaps I should have mentioned her, but it completley slipped my mind! She has very specials powers and I'm sure she would be pleased to help us. And this, my dear, is my son, Dryac. The girl there is Illumay... she stays with this fine woman here, Nemesis. And that there is Raze. He brings with him important business. Well, let's get inside to a warm fire and begin to talk." With this, he gestured widley and the great door of the castle rolled open behind him. He glanced back and again noticed the odd figured who was looking at the doors and seemed very startled by them.

11:30am Apr 13 2010
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Dryac, on sight of the new arrival instantly threw his left hand onto the handle of his blade, he recognised her in some strange way but didn't know where from, as she seemed to be friendly enough his hand dropped back to his side, "Thank you Nemesis, I like to think this is a better look for me, if not I can always find a way later to change back, but yes, I think I prefer this way of being." On hearing his fathers words he began to follow him, not sure what was to come of this.
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12:24pm Apr 13 2010
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Nemesis composed herself within seconds. It wasn't possible. She was supposed to be dead. Both of them had died that day... At the itroduction given by Bando, she nodded slightly, taking in everything about the girl with her eyes. She looked exactly as Nemesis would have expected. She sighed... No... It still wasn't possible. Nemesis' cover had even fooled her closest companion, Illumay; The violet eyed girl had simply smiled and waved at the new arrival, and Raze, being who he was, gave a similar to greeting to Nemesis. The girls eyes, however, were on Dryac... He was Bando's son?... But then... He was... She blinked a few times and rearranged her face from its shock. "It's nice to meet you all"
12:43pm Apr 13 2010
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Dryac's right hand stayed clutched to a small jagged dagger that was tied to Dryac's waist that he had had for nearly two centuries, he knew this girl wasn't good news, he could feel it in his bones, "Of course you all know that the demon in me will not take control, I just wanted to make sure that you all knew that, to make you all feel *censored*ured. Illumay, want to take your place on my shoulders back again? you seemed happy there before." Dryac smiled at the young blood, he had grown fond of both her nd Nemesis, but he doubted that Nemesis would appreciate his shoulders.
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1:09pm Apr 13 2010
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Illumay smiled and walked back to Dryac, holding out her arms in a childish manner as she did so. She was completely to oblivious in sight as to how Nemesis felt about the sight of Maya, and how Maya felt at the sight of Dryac. She didn't want to disrupt the calm that had been present, but that didn't mean she didn't notice entirely. Her mind ability allowed her to sense how Nemesis felt. Lost, confused and sad. Why? She didn't know... But she knew it had something to do with Maya. On top of that, Dryac seemed on edge. And the girl herself seemed overwhelmed by Dryac. But why?... Just who was this girl?... Nemesis was still get over the idea, and was trying to drop it. It wasnt possible. Simple as.
1:35pm Apr 13 2010 (last edited on 1:37pm Apr 13 2010)
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Dryac put his hands under the arm-pits of young Illumay, lifted her up and sat her on his shoulders, he glanced back at the new arrival, making sure she hadn't started anything she couldn't finish, he then turned back to the group, "I'm gonna go around the house and have a look for anything we can use, anything usefull will be brought to the main hall, I will rest soon, right now I am feeling too edgy."Dryac then walked past the group, his hand still firmly grasped around the handle of his dagger, he then walked up the first set of stais he found and began exploring.
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2:00pm Apr 13 2010
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((Do not worry, this char only knows Dryac.))
NAME: Ryac SPECIES: Werewolf/vampire AGE: Ageless (The vampire in him stops his ageing APPEARANCE:
 DETAILS: Ryac was a close friend to Dryac, and was his cousin, or at least third cousin, his father was Dryac's father's cousin, he was a mighty warrior, hus mother was werewolf, and his father was of course vampire, it was this mix of breeds that caused Ryac to become so strong and practically unbeaten, only his human form had been bested in battle, that is why whenever danger is possible he is in hiswolf form, he barely ever used his vampire form as he wasn't used to it.
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2:07pm Apr 13 2010
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Illumay looked down at Dryac from her place on his shoulders. "What is it... Dryac? Is something bothering you?" The violet eyed vampire rested her arms on Dryacs head, before lookiing up at the cieling. "That new vampire is very powerful... She's very skilled..." The young vampire smiled and looked back at Dryac. "So... whats bothering you?"