2:09pm Apr 13 2010
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Dryac walked through the barren halls, bouncing Illumay up and down as he went, he thought before he spoke, "The girl, she's connected to me in some way, and I do not know how, it is strange, I know she is... ugh, I don't know, but for now we shall look for... whatever we're looking for."
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2:12pm Apr 13 2010
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Illumay blinked. "However can you know that... Maybe she's another friend from your past?... One that's not so important to your memories... Or maybe you've seen her in p*censored*ing" Illumay looked thoughtful for a moment. "Don't you think... that she looks an awful lot like Nema?"...
2:17pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac felt a cold shiver run down his spine as he walked, he continued to talk with Illumay, who had by far the best conversational skills in everyone Dryac had ever met, "Hmm, well I know, I guess it's a vampire thing, you'll get it with age, trust me, and yes, she does look a lot like Nema, but those eyes... they were too much like mine once were, it is truly un-nerving."
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2:19pm Apr 13 2010
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"How do you mean?..." Illumay asked, allowing herself to look over his head and at his face. "Dangerous? Cunning? Smart? Cause that's what I saw..." She shook her head and leaned back again, her eyes taking in the detail of the surrounding halls. This really was a mganificent place... Bando was definately well off anyway.
2:28pm Apr 13 2010
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Dryac lifted Illumay up off his shoulders and placed her on the ground in front of him, he then knelt down on one knee to look at her at eye-level, "Listen, I do not talk about this to anyone, it is part of my past which I prefer to keep hidden, it was by far my worst era, when I was captured and slowly tortured by those vampire hunters, I changed my eyes, so they couldn't see the real me..." Dryac then changed his eyes back to what they used to be, they were a sharp blue, piercing, cunning, smart, caring yet dangerous, and vicious to no end, the true window to the soul, that is what eyes are. "This is me Illumay, look carefully into them, I am everything you see her, but I am also a lot more, like lvoing, that is what Niele picked up on, which is why we so easily fell in love, but look at these eyes, and then re-call that girl's, do you see ANY connection?"
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2:40pm Apr 13 2010
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Illumay blinked and looked. Yes. There was no mistake. "It's scary. There the same. But... Hers are far younger and... the exact same colour as Nema's." She nodded. "It's unusual..."
2:44pm Apr 13 2010
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Dryac then lifted Illumay back up and placed her on his shoulders again, deciding to keep his eyes like this, as this was his true self, he finally felt almost whole again. He stopped walking as he saw a particularly old looking chest, it was larger than the others also, he walked over to it and kicked the old lock off, pulling it open with both of his powerful arms, revealing a variety of blades, big, small, broad, slim, human, vampire, werewolf, this was perfect for them, he then shut the lid and began to drag it back to the main hall, Illumay still sat on his shoulders.
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3:21pm Apr 13 2010 (last edited on 10:04am Apr 14 2010)
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Posts: 145
((Updated Atticus's Profile.)) Atticus stepped quickly out of the approaching figure's way. He couldn't make out the details, but he seemed to be armed and ready for a fight by the sway of his walk and the way one arm was poised at his side. A smaller figure was on his shoulders, too, and he decided that even as capable as the man may be he probably wouldn't risk getting the child involved in a fight. They strode past him without seeming to notice or perhaps ignoring him. Atticus had been working here for a long while, in secret though, but he suddenly found himself curious. He wanted needed to speak to Maya, but the newcomer was intriguing... He turned quickly to follow the man and child, walking silently and keeping in the shadows... ~~~~~~~~~~ Bando turned in time to catch the odd emotions vanish from Nemesis's face... What could worry the capable vampire so? He turned again, taking up Maya's hand once more and gesturing they follow Dryac. "Perhaps... we should all get some rest. There are many rooms to choose from. We can begin our official talk this evening over dinner." With that he strode into the great building, dissapearing into the shadows within.

7:51am Apr 14 2010 (last edited on 7:52am Apr 14 2010)
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac dragged the large and, particularly weighty chest into the main hall and let the end he had hold of drop with a tremendous thud to get everyone's attention, "Take what you want, take what you can, and take what you need, these are all useful weapons fit for all breeds..." At that moment Ryac came bounding in on all fours, exited to smell the scent of Dryac once again, he leapt through the air and landed a large hug on the old blood, once he had released him he began to speak "COUSIN! it has been far too long, anyone would think you were avoiding me, but I know better, how are you my friend?" Dryac patted his hand on the wolf's shoulder and nodded. "I am very well old friend, I'm surprised you recognised me with this new appearance, the new morph spell can change me in some rather large ways." "It's the eyes and the scent, I like it that you changed your eyes back to what they used to be, you aren't yourself without those eyes, but the scent is something you could never change, I am happy to finally speak to you again" With that Ryac caught the scent of Bando, he turned to look at the older old blood, "Uncle? well this is a reunion for history, how're you?"
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8:04am Apr 14 2010
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Illumay was almost knocked from Dryacs shoulders as the werewolf bounded out of nowhere, luckily, she managed to hold on without too much effort, and sat smiling at the werewolf who had appeared. Nemesis had walked into the building after Bando, coming to a stop when Dryac enetered the room carrying the chest. She didn't even flinch when the werewolf appeared, afterall, she'd caught his scent while back. She simply watched as Raze stood beside her. "The quicker we get this in the open, the better..." He said, his eyes on the werewolf and the vampire. Nemesis simply nodded. The demons wouldn't wait, but there was something else she still needed to sort. Her eyes glanced at Maya, the young one holding onto Bando. The younger vampire, Maya, had been silent the entire time, her hand still in Bando's. They were all related, the werewolf, the vampire, Bando, her... She didn't say anything though... The beautiful vampire in the black dress seemed to notice something though, and Maya kept her eyes averted. This was going to be difficult.
8:12am Apr 14 2010
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Dryac looked at his cousin, he had grown stronger since they had last met, a lot stronger, he had no doubt in his mind that he would be able to gain another transformation here, with no problem and little effort, he looked over at Nemesis, he decided to go right ahead and blurt out what he was thinking, "Something is troubling your mind Nemesis, how could something that isn't blatantly obvious to everyone in the room trouble such a beautiful and wise Old Blood? This much be something serious, would you share?"
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8:21am Apr 14 2010
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Nemesis didn't start ot show any sign of emotion as she spoke to Dryac. "It's nothing Dryac, you really don't need to worry. It's not of any importance" She smiled slightly, every bothering thought dissapearing from her face immediately. Raze had no clue as to what was going on, but to be honest, it wasn't really involving him anyway. He allowed himself to await Bando's next move. Maya had chanced a glance at Nemesis as she spoke to Dryac. What exactly did that Old Blood know?... Illumay blinked. She was the only one who had felt everything, and she had noticed the way Nemesis evaded the question, the way Maya looked slightly confused... What was the connection between Nema and Maya?...
8:26am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac could still sense something, but he couldn't place it, so many emotions in this room, was it the girl feeling confused? or Nemesis? or both? he really couldn't tell, and he really wanted to know, there was something about Dryac, he always craved knowledge, and for someone else to be wise on something that he wasn't proved to be a great irritation.
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10:00am Apr 14 2010 (last edited on 10:04am Apr 14 2010)
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Posts: 145
((Hey, what about Atticus?!)) Atticus had been following the two figures undetected when all at once something had erupted from the shadows and nearly knocked him down. As it rushed into the light it seemed to attack the man and child. Quickly, he whipped out his pistol and drew a bead on it. When he was about to fire, the two figures seemed to accept it. From what he could see, it wasn't human and it's scent and the galumphing sound of its shamble reminded him of a wolf. Cuatiously he lowered his gun and pressed himself further into the shadows. Two men's voices came from the direction of the figures, presumeabley the voices of the man and the creature... was some awkward person prancing around in a wolf coat? Just then, more people entered, the two other who began to speak with the first man whom the wolfish fellow had called Dryac, and Bando and Maya who he identified by the sounds of their footsteps, rustle of clothing and pace of breathing. He decided now was not the time to speak with Maya and he stayed in the shadows, hoping no one saw or heard or smelt, and the wolf man suggested he was capable of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bando gestured again with both hands and the doors swung shut as the high torches simaltaniously lit every where. He nodded at Raze and then turned back to the crowd. "First we rest... I can show you to rooms you may like but you are free to wander as you please and choose your own. Everything you find in those wandering are yours to keep, especially if it will help you. Just make sure you find time for sleep. I will summon my, eh, servant, um, and begin preparing a great feast for us to talk over. I will also locate a good deal of clothing and supllies, Dryac. Don't trouble yourself any further." He smiled then, and gave directions to the many hundreds of living halls to choose from, then turned to Illumay. "My dear, I'm afraid there isn't a great deal of 'fun things' you might enjoy, but I may have a little surpise. Tell me, do you like the company of animals?"

10:10am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac put his hands on Illumay's legs, "You're okay father, you need not go to any trouble, I shall keep Illumay entertained, she has seemed to enjoy my company up to now, although I must thank you anyway." ((NITRO, RYAC TALKED TO BANDO! LOL)) Ryac waltzed up to Dryac and Bando and stodd next to them both, "Uncle? hello? did you not hear me?"
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10:18am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 145
((HEY, I'M FORGETFUL, TOO, GIMME A BREAK!!! XD Imma addin' a third charrie tommorow.)) Bando turned and faced the werewolf, confusion on his face at first and then slow dawning of realization. "U- uncle...? Yes, yes of course! It's coming back to me now! I am sorry my dear boy, but your old uncle is just that- old!" Bando laughed, and slapped Ryac proudly on the shoulder. "Oh, Dryac. it is no trouble! After all, you are my guest! I can hardly ask you to work while you stay. No, you must allow me this privelage; it has been too long since I entertained in this house! Now, then, Illumay; do you like furry kittens?" With this he luaghed heartelly again. "I shall gather everything we need in no time with the *censored*istance of my, em, servant... You will excuse him I hope. Especially you, Dryac, as you can be so tempermental at times... he is good at rubbing people the wrong way..." At this he chuckled a little more nervously and scratched his head as if he were very unsure of something.
10:26am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac lifted Illumay up off his shulders and placed her on the ground next to him, holding her hand to comfort her, as he wasn't too sure if she was feeling scared by all of this, "Father, I may be tempermental but I have the strength to back it up, if your 'servant' starts something you know I will be the one to finish it, sorry if I kill him." Dryac chukled at this and turned to his cousin, "Time we caught up I think." "Yes it is cousin, it has been far to long, I'm sure you have a lot of battle to catch me up on, and I do too, we were always similar in personallity and ways, so I guess our pasts will be similar in some respects." "I doubt it, but come on." Dryac then chuckled before beginning to lead Ryac to one of the rooms were they could talk in privacy.
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10:39am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Illumay smiled."I have a thing for animals..,. perhaps not cute little kittens as you put it, but animals all the same" She laughed quietly and ran at Bando, hugging him around the middle as Nemesis spoke. "I'd be more than grateful to take a look around at such a splendid place, if we are able" She bowed slightly. She just needed to think. If what she thought of Maya was possible... She needed to think it over, away from this crowd. She left the crowd and went to wander the castle, more comfortable in shadows in these situations. Illumay waved at Nema, then turned back to Bando, still hugging him as Raze stood by, awaiting something, though not sure what. Maya watched the beautiful old blood leave, feeling slightly relieved. Was it possible she knew? If she did... how? why?... The young, white haired vampire looked up at Bando. "He... You want him to come here? That servant?"
6:47am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac and Ryac sat together in the room that Dryac had chosen, they sat around a small fire that Dryac had used a spell to create, it did not need fire and would only go out if Dryac chose to go to sleep, he had told Ryac of his torture at the hands of the vampire hunters and everything else that had happened in his past, Ryac was sat digesting it all, shocked at what had happened to someone that meant so much to him, "And you slew every one of those hunters, yes?" "In that part of the brotherhood yes, I was young then, nieve, I thought that if I slew them, the brothehood would be destroyed, but no, their reach stretched further than i thought, the brotherhood is still alive and strong, I plan on destroying every last one of them, but I shall need help, are you in?" "Of course, might give me a chance to practise my vampire morph and defend my vampire heritage."
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8:13am Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 9:31am Apr 15 2010)
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Posts: 145
Bando bowed in return to Nema and said a kind farewell, carefully noting her discomfort. He could speak with her later. Turning to Illumay he got on one knee and smiled. "Oh, my dear," He laughed. "I know that you have a 'way' with animals, as I can feel it. I just wondered if you wanted a pet as I too have a sort of power with some of their kind." He chuckled gently again, and then looked up at his long- staying guest, Maya, suddenly looking a tad more serious. "Yes, it does seem a shame to drag him into with what trouble he is so capable of stirring, but his other skills are invaluable... like his incredable power to recall inventory. I only put up with him becuase of these things- he may be of greater use to us yet. I hope he hasn't harr*censored*ed you to much? If he has..." At this, he snapped his eyes shut and clenched his fist suddenly. The other two vampires were aware of a sudden burning rage that flared up and seemingly filled the air with a choking heat before dying back down in an instant. Bando recomposed himself quickly and stood up shaking his head. "Well, he always seemed to dislike you Maya... I'm not sure why, but I'll get him..." With this said, he went from door to door in the hall, opening them, sniffing the air and then, dissatisfied, shutting them agian. At last he paused at a door that seemed to open immediantly onto a steep and winding stairwell heading up. He gave a snort of disgust and then took a deep breath... "PEEEEEEEETE!!!!" Bando hollered and the top of his lungs with a voice surprisingly sharp, and clear and intimidating that it made the other two wonder why he had bothered to open any doors at all- no doubt you could have heard him anywhere in the castle. After this he stopped and leaned for a moment looking a little dissapointed at the lack of reaction from anywhere upstairs. He turned back to the girls and smiled nervously at them. "Not to worry... he will be here in a moment... He's a little-..." "A little what?" A voice hissed from the shadows, starling everyone a little. Bando turned sharply towards the small figure beside him. Apparently Pete had stolen up from the shadows in such a stealthful way as to be utterly undetecteable even by Vampire ears. "A little unpredicteable." Bando finished with obvious annoyance in his voice as he wrung his hands and stared down at his only servant. Pete, being very small, glowered up at his 'master' and then looked around Bando's side in order to glare angrily at the new comer and Bando's regular guest, giving Maya a particularily long a cold stare. "What do you want?" Pete snapped, and shook a hand full of papers at Bando. "I was buisy, when you called me- keeping your castle running!!" "Yes, I understand, and I appoligize, Pete, but we have pressing matters to attend that must be done immediantly." Bando said, lifting the pages from Pete's hand and stuffing them into one of his many pockets. Pete looked confused for a moment, and then seemingly relented to the ineventeable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Atticus had been listening hard but still hadn't noticed the new figure until he spoke... He was small, not much larger than the girl- child, but his voice was strange and soothing despite the venom with which he spat his words. The entry had utterly taken him off gaurd and he just barely caught a vase he had bumped into when he lurched back in surprise. He set it carefully back on its stand and moved cuatiously away from any decorations, staying in the shadows. He hoped everyone would leave soon so he could find and speak to Maya. This was taking much longer than he intended! ________________________ ((In progress profile goes here. 0_o))
