11:51am Apr 16 2010
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Dryac looked at Illumay as the two vampires retreated to their room, "I'll take you for a run tomorrow Illumay! don't worry!" Dryac then got down onto all fours, and Ryac followed suit and smiled, "I'll practise a bit first though!" "C'mon Dry, the garden should be more than suitable." The two then bounded out of the castle and went for a run around the garden, once they had gotten that down to a tee, they stood bolt right and Ryac glanced over at Dryac and morphed into his vampire form, "Would you help me train?" Drayc then morphed back to his normal self, "Of course I will, first, we flit, concentrate on particles, and thent ry moving faster than them, it will come naturally to you..."
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12:10pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando watched his guest depart and then stood silently in the hall for a while. After some time, he got to his knees and, bowing low cupped his hands to his mouth. He let out a low crooing squeak sound that was of a frequency difficult even for Vampires to hear. Then he leaned back and waited. After a few minutes, a scuffling noise echoed about the hall. All at once, a large, plump rat fell gracelessly to the floor and scrambled over to Bando. Gently he stroked its odd patchy orange fur and made more sounds to it. The rat listened, whiskers atwitch and nose in the air. At last he stopped and the rat immediantly tore off in the direction of the tower door and down a hole. Once it vanished, Bando stood slowly and stretched before heading out of the hall and to the kitchen. Moments p*censored*ed before the door to the tower opened. Pete stepped out, holding the brightly colored rodent. He scowled at it before dropping it roughly and then headed after where his master went.
12:57pm Apr 16 2010
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Nemesis gently pushed open the door as Illumay walked under her arm into the room that awaited. This was her room for as long as they stayed in Bando's castle, and to even say that the place was "magnificent" would probably be an understatment. The girl vampire ran and jumped, landing not so gracefully on the giant bed at one side of the room, sitting up in a rush and watching through her curtain of white hair as Nema entered after her. The older of the two walked over to the window and pulled the curtains apart, allowing shafts of sunlight to filter into the golden and cream coloured room. She observed the outside world silently for a few moments before turning towards Illumay; Her black dress glowing orange on one side where the sunglight hit her. Illumay couldn't help but smile. Sister Nema really was beautiful, and in a stunning sort of way too. "I'm just next door, try not to wander too far if you go exploring." Nemesis smiled slightly, before moving away from the giant window and leaving the room, closing the door with a smal snap behind her. She walked down the dimly lit hallway, entering another door not far from her Young Blood's. This room was coloured in shades of red, a dark, deep crimson. Nemesis sat on a chair, closing her eyes and simply thinking. Thinking... About that Maya girl... Illumay jumped from the bed and ran to the door, opening it just a crack, before walking back into the room and closing it again. She had wanted to go exploring... Only she didn't seem to have the energy... Afterall, it had been quite a day...
In a fit of childish exitement, she ran across the room and jumped onto the bed for a second time, this time, not moving from the position in which she landed. Instead, she curled herself up and closed her eyes, needing the rest more than wanting it. Ah well... She could always look around later.
9:49am Apr 17 2010
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Dryac and Ryac had finished their training, Ryac was now more than a novice in the arts of the vampire, Dryac would teach him more after they got some well earned rest, they both retreated to their room, sleeping in their beds, Ryac chose to stay in his vampire form.
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9:58am Apr 17 2010
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Nemesis stood. A good few hours had p*censored*ed, and the bright yellow rays of the sun outside the window were now turning orange and dark. Sunset was here. The orange colour flared in her room, changing all the shades of red to a darker crimson. She walked to the window, opening a curtain and glancing at the now orange hills. She watched as Raze, in his human form ,walked towards the castle. Well... It looked like it was time. She left the room immediately, calling Illumay who emerged just as fast. "Come, young one... It's time we went to greet our host for the second time today." She smiled as Illumay nodded and grasped her hand, both vampires heading towards the stairs that led to the great hall below them. ~~~ Maya stood outside her room, leaning against the wall, her eyes on the cieling. It should soon be time to go downstairs... Her inner clock told her it was almost time to go. She looked up and down the hallway she stood in. Well... a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.
10:09am Apr 17 2010
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Dryac and Ryac had both awoken at the sound of Nemesis calling for Illumay, they opened the door to their room and began walking towards the stairs that would lead them to the main hall, "Realy though, why so serious? I mean it aint as if we're planning on getting into combat in the castle," "I still think you should turn into your lycan form for just wandering about, I mean if any surprise attacks happen I have no doubt you will have the ability to defend yourself, but your lycan for m is your strongest form, I mean look at me, I've reached my limit for forms for now, and I stay in my vamprie form." "Okay cousin, I guess your advice is sound..." Ryac then morphed back into his werewolf form, the hair re-appearing all over his body, his muscles doubling in size, his face becoming completely changed as he walked, they reached the stairs and began to walk towards the main hall.
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6:02am Apr 18 2010
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9:20am Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 10:16am Apr 19 2010)
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Posts: 145
Atticus crept cuatiously from the shadows and up to Myay's door. The world of sight was a blur of colors to him, but his others senses were so keenly honed that he could sense things around him with much greater detail and depth than a person with terrific eyesight. He knew exactly where he was by the combination of light and shadow around him, and by the feel of the stones and the smell of the air. Gently, he rapped his right hand knuckles against the heavy wood door of Maya's private quarters and waited. At one time he would have pounded on the door being unaccustomed to anyone with hearing as good as his but Maya was a strange exception and didn't take kindly to "men banging down her door at all hours". He also was surprised to find that the man Maya stayed with was also of incredeabley accute senses and so Atticus had to relearn much of his stealth tactics to avoid detection about the castle. The afternoon's adventure in the main hall was a bit of a close call, however, and he was rather surpised that no one had noticed him and therefore a little proud as well. However, Atticus was never a prideful man- in fact, he was quite the opposite. He wasn't as successful as his brother or any of his forebaerers, but at least he was making a living. Helping people with their problems was enough for him. He wasn't too sure he was doing that very well either, though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pete watched his master work. Bando was a lord over culinary arts if nothing else and took every detail into extreme care and consideration. Everything had to be arranged, cut, cleaned and cooked by hand, no fancy machines- besides, Bando worked faster than any machine could after a few hundred years of practice and his creations were always much better. Just about everything was complete now... there was a m*censored*ive feast with just about every kind of meat, bread, fruit, vegatable availeable set out or combined into the most delicious of delicacies from around the world- and beyond this one, as well. There was also various rare bottles of wines, cordials, meads and beers set about the table as well as a few non- alchoholic beverages that a child or child at heart would enjoy. In a moment, they would set the table with the main courses and Pete would slink off to tend to his own arts; taking inventory, balancing budgets, and seeing to all the paper work. Later, he would return to the feast after everyone had left as he was was expected to clean it all up and from it he would pick out what he wished to eat. He didn't mind the cleaning so much when he could try so many different foods not usually availeable to a servant- or a human, for that matter. When everything was settled on the huge dining table, Bando led Pete to a secret store. Pete had always known it was there despite its out of the way location camoflaged entrance, but had never been able to get for it was always shut up with a tricky and old lock he couldn't pick. Unsurprisingly, Bando drew out a set of time worn keys from one of his many pockets and inserted it into the key hole. He turned it slowly wether from fear the old key and lock might break with carelessness or that he wished to prolongue the drama of the event. At any rate, it seemed like ages before Pete finally heard the satisfying click of the mechanism resetting. With equal cuation, Bando drew back the heavy door and stepped inside gesturing for Pete to follow after a moment. With a dramatic sweep of his arm, the torches previously hidden in the inky black burst forth with powerful flames of a magic life and Bando made his way down the rickety steps. Pete paused at the door, glancing out and down the hall to be sure no one was watching and then shut the door before joining his master at floor level. The room was essentially modest storage unit, square with three walls dedicated to high shelves, the fourth of course being the only exit and entrance. On every available inch of space on all the shelves were glittering bottles not unlike the wine bottles that already sat waiting on the table. These however, were all filled with a cloudy liqued, most of which were redish in color. So Bando does have a store of blood, Pete thought to himself. Bando selected several bottles with care, and handed them to Pete before both left the dark room and he locked it again. Then he took the bottles and Pete scurried back to his real work in the tower, being sure to take an out of the way route that would keep him from encountering any awakening vampires. After he was gone, Bando strode into the dining hall to greet his arriving guests, bottles of blood held high.

9:36am Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 9:39am Apr 19 2010)
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Maya was still stood by her door, back against the wall when she heard the knock. Hmm~ Turning, she placed a hand on the handle and pulled the door to, coming face to face with Atticus himself. Starting slightly, she quickly looked up both sides of the corridor before speaking in a hurried manner. "Get in here, I'd rather not have to explain why I have some stranger outside my door." She stood back to let the man p*censored*. This couldn't take too long. Afterall, she had to get back downstairs before Bando started asking questions. ~~~ Nemesis walked, Illumay skipping beside her as they came upon the hall. Illumay gasped at the site of the place. My my... Bando really went all out when it came down to it. Nema simply smiled, and then sighed in exasperation as Illlumay ran off to go tacklehug Bando. Honestly... She was still so young at heart.
10:19am Apr 19 2010
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Dryac and Ryac entered the hall walking side by side, Dryac in his usual form, or usual for now, he had changed a lot since talking the dragon morph from Raze, Ryac was still in his werewolf form, as that was what was more natural to him, "Well hello Nemesis, Ilu-- wow, that's a lot of food." Dryac's mouth hung open in surprise, "Oh, that is a lot, I think it could be mroe than I've had in my lifetime."
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4:16pm Apr 19 2010
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((Sorry, my parents wouldn't let me on at all over the weekend! Where whould Chumana come in?))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
1:44am Apr 20 2010
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((Come in now Weba, you walk in through the doors cos you caught the scent od Ryac, and when you see him you lunge and hug him))
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7:25am Apr 20 2010
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Illumay turned her head at the sound of footsteps, smiling and waving at the new arrivals. Both Dryac and Ryac had made their appearance, and if the young white haired vampire remembered correctly, this meant they we're now only waiting on the Dragon/Demon hybrid, Raze, and the mysterious Vampire, Maya.
She ran over towards the two cousins, looking up at Dryac and giggling at his evident surprise over the amount of food Bando had prepared. "Did you sleep well?" She asked, once she'd got over her initial amusement, a smile still on her face. Nemesis sighed. Illumay, still such a child at heart, despite her age. The Old Blood female glanced over at the set table, no ex pression evident on her face. Bando really had gone all out for them... It wasn't really nec*censored*ary in her opinion... A small meal would have sufficed, but then again... This entire place was the origin of extravegant and flamboyant. She should probably just accept it how it was.
She sighed, closing her eyes and allowing a small smile to make it's way onto her flawless features, before looking back over her shoulder at her excited Young Blood. It wasn't so bad... She supposed.
9:42am Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 10:00am Apr 20 2010)
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Posts: 145
Bando luaghed happily and greeted his growing family cheerily. "Ah, the food!" Bando chuckled, setting the blood bottles stretegically about the table between food laden plates and dishes. "It's just a little welcoming supper. I expect you all to eat plenty, though! Come and sit." Then he looked about the room, mentally counting heads and noticed two were missing. "Not everyone has arrived, yet..." He said, scratching his chin. "But they will be along shortly..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Atticus didn't flinch as Maya started back in surprise. He had heard her approach and touch the door handle, her turn the knob and then heard the soft shifting of well oiled metal on metal. He could also tell that he had cuaght her off gaurd, for once, becuase of the sudden increased speed of her breathing. He felt the warmth of her body draw back as she moved away from the doorway and he stepped inside her room, pulling shut the heavy door behind him. "Maya..." Atticus said in his typical intense but monotoned fashion. "About my being here..." He puased for a moment and adjusted his collar about his face. Only his milky eyes were visable from his careful concealing but most people didn't like to look him in the eyes... not that he would notice if they did. After this he repositioned himself so that he was facing all the entrances though he never looked about the room for any reason. When he was satisfied he faced Maya directly, keeping his gaze on her blurred figure. "I have stayed here for a good amount of time, as you know... None have detected me and none will. What more do you wish of me?"

10:01am Apr 20 2010
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Dryac looked down at Illumay and bopped her playfully on the nose before picking her up and bobbing her up and down, "I slept VERY well, in fact so well that I have enough energy for that run, but I suppose we'd better get eating, I don't think my father would be too happy if we skipped out on supper." "No he wouldn't, but I may go on that run with you, we could even leave the garden and explore a bit more." At that Dryac and Ryac walked over to the table and Dryac sat Illumay in the chair next to his.
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10:16am Apr 20 2010
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Illumay smiled and nodded. Excellent. She could do with getting out of this place for a bit. Once Dryac had placed her into one of the vacant seats, she allowed herself to look around at what had been placed before them on the table. It was unbelievable amount really... And Bando had called this a little welcoming supper?... My my, she should really stick around if he found something to truly celebrate. Nemesis smiled warmly at Bando. "We appreciate everything you are doing for us." Nodding slightly, she went to join Illumay at the table, stopping in her tracks as the elusive Raze finally walked back through the door.
The Dragon was back in his human form, and stopped at the sight that lay before him. Talk about indulgence. He snorted and smiled slightly. With everything here so far, you'd almost have thought Bando was catering for far more than he truly was. He looked around at the as.sembled guests, then over at Bando.
"I'll be happy to fill you all in after you've eaten, if you'd like." "You won't be joining us, Raze?" Nemesis asked, finally seating herself beside Illumay. The Dragon shook his head. "I ate on the way back, but I appreciate your hospitality~" He replied, smiling at Bando before leaning against the wall. Best let them all enjoy themselves while they could before he rained on their parade... ~~~ Maya sighed, and shook her head. "You've done plenty for me, Atticus... You found my grandfather... And I've already discovered the existance my father..." She was still unsure about saying the words... Afterall, she had never told Bando what she knew, and she didn't really know her father anyway.
She looked at Atticus, stopping suddenly when she thought of something. "Actually Atticus... I do have one last favour. I want you to find out twho that Nemesis is... I don't understand why she keeps looking at me the way she does... Like she can't believe I exist."
She turned her back to the detective, thinking over what she had asked him to do. With any luck, this will shed some light on those nagging issues. Mayana looked back over her shoulder, then walked over to the door.
"I'd best get going... Contact me if you find anything." She nodded gratefully, then strolled out of the room and down to the hall.
10:36am Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 10:42am Apr 20 2010)
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Posts: 145
"But...!" Atticus called softly, but Maya was already gone. People with vision could be so irritating some times. No doubt she *censored*umed he had seen this "Nemasis". Presumeadabley, this was one one the people he'd heard in the main hall, but which? Normally, he would ask his clients to describe their voice, or smell or breathing and walking patterns so he would have some sort of a lead... but this Maya! She was always in a hurry. In fact, she was always in such a hurry, she never seemed to have time to pay him! She hadn't in three weeks and consequently, Atticus was apprehensive of retuning to his flat and facing his feirce landlord. If he hadn't of bought the new Gotha Pistol, he wouldn't owe anything now but, honestly, with the arrival of these strange people, he was thouroughly glad he had! He may need it soon... Then, as silently as he came, Atticus was gone, following the echoing sounds of far off voices through the hallowed halls of the ancient castle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bando frowned at Raze. Really, refusing to eat someone's carefully prepared food was quite the insult, whether you had eaten or not! Eating before going to someones home was really lack of forethought on your own part and didn't mean you should be rude. Bando sat angrily across from his son, deliberatley ignoring Raze. "Maya will be here shortly." He said breifly, then looked at his family, trying to wash away his annoyance.

10:50am Apr 20 2010
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Dryac sat and admired the spread that Bando had quite carefully set up, he had decided that it would be polite to wait for Maya, and he still wanted to know what she was to him, "Bar from Raze, and Illumay, we're all family, but then... Father, do you know anything of Maya? I mean I can sense a connection through her to me, and I was wondering, what is it?" Ryac frowned and glanced at his cousin, "I sensed that as well, of course more ofa connection to you, I eman you both seem too... similar, I mean the eyes, the white hair, and there are certain similarities in what I've seen of her personallity."
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11:07am Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando thought about this for a moment and then spoke. "Dryac, my boy, I am getting very old. I know of something I am positive you do not know becuase it is a ritual more ancient than myself. By conducting this ritual you basically refresh your exhausted powers... I have not done so in a long time and my senses are dulled becuase of it. I intend to do so, immediantly however, with the *censored*istance of my loyal servant. Thus, I will be indisposed for a few hours. I don't know how soon Raze intends to begin this quest he will no doubt drag us along on, but if it is immediantly, I can always find you and catch up. Especially if one of you agrees to bring along Rizo... He is my most reliable. "My point being that I haven't been as aware as I normally am as you may have noticed... I seem to be seeing things that aren't there and not hearing when people speek to me. I haven't sensed anything between you and Maya either. What I know of her is limited as well... She just sort of showed up about three months ago and asked to stay. How could I refuse? I certainly have enough room!"

5:15pm Apr 20 2010
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Raze sighed as he heard Bando. He made it sound like such a pointless quest... It wasn't. No... The entire human world was at stake, not to mention the vampires themselves... Not that any of them seemed to notice, but then again, none of them knew the entirety of the situation... He would just have to wait it out. He dropped his eyes to the floor, crossing his arms and trying to decipher everything he knew into some sort of sense... Nemesis had watched the ex pression on Bando's face. She knew, naturally, that he'd be a little put off by Raze's refusal to eat; Unfortunately, Raze was a Dragon, and Dragon's were not used to having people wait on them... It was most likely her old friend simply forgot about this entire situation... On top of that, Dragon's preferred to hunt.
She gently laid a slender hand on Bando's arm, and spoke quietly. "Do not let Raze get to you. It's his Draconic instincts that drive him to feed himself rather than take food from others. Do not worry." She smiled warmly and allowed her hand to fall. Illumay had begun fidgeting with a strand of her white hair when she heard footsteps, causing her to turn in her chair and look over her shoulder. Maya had entered the room, and for a moment, the Young Blood lost her breath. There was an undescribable power and beauty emanating from Maya. Very much the same as what she had sensed from Nema on many occasions. The vampire walked over and sat by Bando, no sound being made as she moved. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting." She said, a smile playing on her lips.