10:39am Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 9:58am Mar 11 2010)
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Posts: 145
*Attacked by Rue and told to join, XD Name: Bando the Freindly Vampire Age: Approximatly Old (Like 40- 50 when he became a vampire, but is at least a hundred years 'older') - Vampire RP Addon Alternative Age: Aproximatley Very Ancient (Apparently he is The First Vampire now... o.x))
Gender: Male Appearence: <((0v v0))^ Pic later... Powers: Transforms into a black cat. Summon Swarm (rat and spider to "do bidding" [somewhat; they can only do as much as their natural species permits]). Swift movement, Reflex, stealth... Vampirrey- things. Chains: Apparate and dissaperate unbreakable chainsat will to bind objects and subjects. XD Skills: Master Chef and Practicing apothecist. (VERY) Breif History: Previously a wealthy- beyond- beleif Baron, Bando spent his life accumulating munnies and hating everyone and everthing else. One unfortunate and generally dark night a vampire stole into his thouroughly empty and lonesome house/ castle thingy and killed him making him a vampire. When he awoke the next day, Bando realized he'd wastd the best years of his life being a terrible, mean old man. He'd had no time for family or anything that makes life really enjoyable being so consumed with his riches, that he let everything p*censored* him by. Immortal now, Bando vowed to make better use of himself and be a nicer person, thus giving him the ti tle "the Freindly Vampire". This is not entirely true, however, becuase being a vampire he requires human blood to sustain himself; instead he uses various potions to knowck out his quarry and only takes what he needs when he needs it. If he weren't such a lazy guy, he would probably have a store of blood in his cellar. He is shrewd and cunning, and grumpy still as old habbits die hard. He has a weakness for fine wine. - Vampire RP Alternative Addon Bio: After the demise of his wife, Drilla, Bando went into a sort of dorment state in which he took on many traits of humans. Later, when an attempt was made on his life by a plague blood his vampiracy was revived though he took it to be his first transformation. Recently his and that of his son, Dryac's memories were revived and Bando discovered he is actually the First Vampire. Surprisingly, despite all these discoveries, very little about Bando has changed.
Equipment: Coat of Too Many Pockets; Large chef's knife which is often laced with a potion: Various cooking ingredients: aged wine: various potions: lint

10:44am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac looked at the girl and placed his hand on her head, he was growing to like the girl, she was easy to get along with, "You little one, are a wise anc curious child, yes I was the second, my father was the first, my mother was a demon, she was a beautiful demon, and a fieerce fighter, but unforunately she fell victim to an army of plague vampires, it was centuries after I had been born, a few centuries after I was given my immortality." Dryac felt a lump in his throat, he had never told anyone of this, it was his burden to carry, nobody else's, "Listen up girl, You must not tell anyone of this, these are my troubles and I do not wish to share them with a lot of peopole, you are the only one apart from me and my father who know, so let's leave this between us two."
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10:59am Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 11:06am Mar 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Illumay nodded and smiled. "I see..." She understood perfectly. Yes, she was only a child in form, but her vampiric age made her far more intelligent than any human child. It was then she rememered something. "Why... Did you say you knew sister Nema?..." Her eyebrows were raised slightly, as far as she knew, sister Nema did not know this vampire... And Nema would not lie about such things. Unless... "You didn't happen know a vampire by the name of Niele, did you?..." Illumay asked, looking up at the stranger, seeming to ignore his hand on her head ... Niele... Illumay had never met this vampire... She had died long before Illumay was even born into the human world. Niele was the twin sister of Nemesis. They had looked exactly alike... Was it possible this vampire knew her?... She tilted her head slightly... And if he did... How?... She blinked a few times... It was possible, she supposed... Sister Nema had not spoken of her much, there was little point to it really. How would knowing of Niele prove useful to Illumay? It wouldn't really... Nema had told Illumay of her sister only becuase Illumay had been curious enough to ask whether or not Nema had blood relatives by birth. She blinked again, her eyes on the still on the face of the vampire before her.
11:04am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 145
Bando crouched in the shadows of the roof nd watched the scene below. Three vampires had met and, miraculously, it was not in violance. One, an old female had vanished into mysterious and impressive shadows and it was then that Bando realized knew very little of vampires and there abilities. It had been years since he had seen Veliz Joes and Axel, and they were his only contact with the other creatures of the night. He had absolutley no idea what to expect from these other vampires and was suddenly very glad for thinking to use a potion that would mask his scent. It was time to go undercover and investigate. Swiftly, Bando tranformed into a silky black cat and began to make his way stealthily towards the group.
11:59am Mar 5 2010
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Aurora stopped and watched,It seems there are two of them. I thought I had senced gotten three. She thought starting to walk again. She looked to closer and saw something move. It looked like a panther. She had a suspicious look on her face as she walked closer,"Hello." She said her voice still cold. Her eyes were guarded as she looked over the two vampires,"I couldn't help be curious when I smelled vampires...Was there another one here? My nose hardly ever lies." She said. She looked back over at the cat but didn't say anything about it.
5:54pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac looked at the girl in front of him, he then crouched low to look her in the eyes, an old fasioned sign of respect, "Well, yes I do recognise that name, but there are certain chunks of my memory that seem... misplaced, I cannot remember certain events or what faces to put to names, and vice versa. I need help with this, I don't like asking for it but I need to now, i need help to re-call me missing memories." Dryac thens tod, sensing that scent again, not sure why she was taking so long to approach.
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6:21pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Illumay nodded. "Niele... was Nema's twin. They were exactly alike. It is possible you recognised Nema because of Niele." Illumay stopped. In the corner of her eye she saw something black. A cat?... She looked at it, tearing her eyes away from the face of the vampire in front of her. "Who are you...?" This was unusual... she'd sensed a cat quite like that one before. Almost like it wasn't a cat at all. She tapped Dryac on the shoulder, and pointed at the animal watching them. "We have company."
5:57am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac snarled, "I warn you now I have used cats as a source of food before, so that isn't a very good disguise." Dryac was sick of interruptions, he would kill this cat without blinking and not lose a second of sleep over it. "Do you know where Niele is?"
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8:35am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Illumay looked back at Dryac. "She p*censored*ed on awhile ago. Quite a few year I believe. The only existing member left of her bloodline is Nema, and me, but I'm just a young blood. I'm sorry" She didn't know why she was apologising, probably cause it seemed right. This vampire was looking for Niele, a vampire no longer in existance. "It would be a good idea if you try to remember your relationship to Niele. Perhaps if you remember Nema can help?" She wasn't entirely sure if Nema would help, but if it incolved her twin.
8:55am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac snarled when he had heard the news, that is mainly how he showed his bad emotions, through a snarl, he was brought up centuries ago, when it wasn't acceptable to grieve or cry, but he had always felt grief when someone he knew died, he just demonstrated it through a snarl. Dryac turned to the girl, "I have been remembering bits and pieces over the years and I have a little trick for you..." Dryac sprouted huge daemon like wings, they where m*censored*ive, bigger than any Daemon's that had been sighted in the past, he then looked at the girl, "These are a gift of my Demon side, it is in my blood, I know you are only a half blood, if you let me finish the bleeding process, then you shall have wings like mine, I do this as a gift to you, you will have no ties to me, I will sever all blood ties if you wish, I can do it easily."
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9:01am Mar 6 2010
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She blinked at him. "Do not all old bloods have their own demonic trick? Old bloods naturally have demon in them, so they're born with a powerful ability... mine is control" she smiled, and looked at him with a question on her face. "How did you know Niele?..." She was not sure about the wings. Nema had said, old bloods were always part demon, its what made them so powerful. But to be actually born of a vampire and a demon was different. The man in front of her was half and half. Exactly, and it was an intersting notion to the girl. She smiled again. "A friend of Niele?"
9:08am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac looked at the girl with a blank ex pression on his face, "I was married to Niele, I realise that now as my memory of her came back when you mentioned her name, I was captured by hunters of the blood two and a half centuries ago, they tortured me half to death, which was difficult to do to an old blood, I almost lost my mind, although I lost many memories in keeping my ssnity, even if it made me a bit more... bloodthirsty, if you will." Dryac looked at the corpses he had left and chuckled, "I had lost my memory of Niele, therefore once I had slaightered the hunters and escaped, I fled the land, came to american lands, I have been roaming ever since, and I believe this is what is known as Europe that we are in now." Dryac sat down, devestated of the memories and knowledge he had now gained. "The trait I have of the Demons is my strength, the wings where a side affect from my mother's race and heritage, I have nothing else denomic about my body, apart of course from my nails..." Dryac lifted his left hand, where a normal vampire or human had nails, he had huge pointed Demon claws jutting out of his finger tips. "My blood will only give you the wings, it will not change your appearance at all."
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9:16am Mar 6 2010
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She smiled sadly and shook her head. "I thankyou for your offer of that gift. But Nema... uh..." She stopped for a second. "Actually... her true name is Nemesis... But I call her Nema... "She smiled again. "Anyway... I cannot active your gift, Nema has her reasons. She is not fond of demons. Demons, afterall, killed Niele." She shook her head. "Besides, my powers are fine" She laughed lightly before jumping off the roof. "Perhaps... I will see you later" She smiled at him before turning and walking. Husband of Niele?... How interesting, she had not known... And Nema. Ah. Of course, she was supposed to get back ot her. Illumay immediately started drawing a number of symbols on the ground. It was a spell that Nema had taught her. It told the shadows to take her to Nemesis whenever she asked. And you required the permission of Nemesis before it would work, seeing as she controlled the shadows.
9:22am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac observed the girl drawing the symbols before interrupting her spell to talk to her one last time, "I can tell you do not wish to have the wings, and I see why you do not want me to come with me, but you must tell me what lands these demons inhabit, I wish to slay them and reak the revenge that I have deserved for a century and a half."
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9:26am Mar 6 2010
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Illumay stopped and looked at Dryac. "... Go with you?" she asked. "Why... do you aks me to go with you?" She blinked as the symbols on the floor began to fade. She didnt mind, she could always do them again later. She stepped away from the circle and looked at him. "What help could I possibly be?..." The idea of joining this demon seemed interesting, no doubt, and Nema had never kept her prisoner. In fact, Nema always let Illumay do what she wished, as long as she was careful about it. Illumay smiled. "I would like to come with you, if you still ask it of me"
9:33am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac returned the smile of the girl, "I've seen you dispatch humans, almost as vicous as me, but I suppose the demon in me give you an aceeption as I was born with a vicious streak, I would like you to come with me as we will have a fair few Demons to tend with and you shall give me a vast amount of aid."
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10:10am Mar 6 2010
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Aurora finally reached them,"Who are you?" She asked getting straight to the point. She looked at the young vampire and the old blood,"You shouldn't be here...Not to sound rude or anything it is just a warning." She said her voice quiet but strong. Her dark purple eyes looked them over carefully ready for anything.
10:21am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac turned to the new stranger, he was completely sick of interruptions coming into his conversations, "I have been here for many a year, I am an old blood, not some pet that someone as insignificant as you can boss aorund, now leave us, we have violence to discuss, and what I'm planning may be to monsterous for your little ears, be gone girl, else I make you into a meal." Dryac didn't even flicker by how obnoxious his manner of speaking had been, he just didn't care what anybody thought.
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10:26am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 15,067
 Name:Damon Salvatore Gender:Male Age:Over 500,but looks 20 Species:Homo Nus Nocturnus Personality:(Bear with me,it's from his Wiki))Damon is self-contained and reserved on the surface most of the time, only letting his emotions through when he's angry - usually at Stefan. He generally acts flippant and arrogant, and constantly plays word games, especially when it comes to dancing around an issue, and even more especially when that issue involves his true feelings on a serious subject. Damon has an aristocratic, elegant demeanor, and a very pragmatic outlook on life. He believes that the vampire nature is inherently dark, and that Stefan's attempts to not feed on humans are therefore unnatural. He has no problem with killing humans, although he generally won't go out of his way to do so. He kills Mr. Tanner, but claims he did so only because Tanner pulled a knife on him and that it was thus self-defense. He has no problem threatening children, though - since Elena gives in to his blackmail - it'll never be known whether he really would've gone through with his threats to hurt Margaret. He has a significantly violent history due to his early vampire life, when he started his own mercenary company. Although we are given no glimpses into this mercenary life, it is strongly implied that he did immoral things with no regrets, and would have little to no problem doing them again. During the course of the original four books, it is implied that Damon may have a renewed respect for human beings as something other than food. As he spends more time around the human characters, he seems to warm up to them a bit more and treat them less like potential meals and more like acquaintances, almost even friends. He sometimes even seems frustrated by his own unwillingness to be straight with them, as exemplified by his inability to rescue Vickie in book 4; Stefan reams him out for several paragraphs before Damon finally explains the real reason he couldn't help her. Crush: Boyfriend/Girlfriend: History:Didn't want to tell me,and I didn't want to press the issue Looks:((Pic))Hair black with rainbow lights in it, like a crow's feathers, or 'like liquid, too soft and fine for human hair.' Eyes that are black, 'fathomless and full of strange lights' and which have a tendency to 'fill the universe.' He's middling-verging-on-short, and has 'dark beauty and grace and the sensuality that drew women to him like moths to a flame.' He tends to lounge in a way that should get him done for har*censored*ment but can take 'lithe stalking steps.' He usually wears all black, mirrored sungl*censored*es and drives a black Ferrari with 'illegally tinted' windows. He has a 'very engaging' laugh and a 'charming' smile. Other:This vampire is like no other.Immune to stakes and silver,he proves so by his silver fangs.Both his sets of fangs are located on his upper jaw,his Cuspids and Bi-cuspids.

10:27am Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 10:28am Mar 6 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
Aurora hissed,"Look. I don't take orders for anyone!" She said anger burning in her. She felt something inside her take over,"Now you have done it..." She whispered turning away. She started to run at first until the monster inside took complete control. She turned back around her eyes dark red, the pupil barely the sive of a pin. A loud growl erupted from her throat.