11:55am May 3 2010
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((Of course you know with that last post that Pete's gotta die.))
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1:42am May 4 2010
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7:39am May 4 2010
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Posts: 145
((Lol, that's what you think. If Dryac is strong, than Pete is cunning. Hurry up and do something with that lady vampire thing.))
10:19am May 4 2010
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Dryac shoved the first two nails of his demonic right hand into the fleshy part ofhis rival's shoulder, causing her to scream in pain, then she shrunk back down to her normal form, clutching the wound with the severed nerve ending beneath, "You really think I've forgot how to end your transformation? you're easy, and you always have been" Dryac threw a hard kick into the side of the female vampire's head, knocking her out completely.
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10:34am May 4 2010
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Posts: 145
Pete had to activley keep himself from laughing at Dryac's incredeabley pathetic foe. She had appeared suddenly in an aura of confidence and strength but had been dispatched with in mere seconds. Couldn't any one find this guy a decent opponent? How pathetic. At this rate it didn't seem like Dryac wanted to kill the woman, though. How odd. He obviuosly had the chance but was stalling, choosing instead to batter and waeken his adversary. After a dramatic and final kick to the head, the woman crumpled to the ground. The entire fight had taken place in nearly the bl ink of the eye with the new vampire barley having a chance to lay a single hit on her adversary. These undead creatures seemed to underestimate everyone an awful lot...
10:39am May 4 2010
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Dryac twisted his ankle, making it click, working any kinks out that had developed through the harsh kick to the head he just delivered to his foe, "Petey, be a chap and tie her up will you, we need information, I want my revenge and I'm planning on getting it soon." Dryac cracked his knuckles before walking across the lawn to bando, "I'm gonna need your help with something Dad, an interrogation, revenge if you will, I'm gonna find the hunters."
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11:03am May 4 2010
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Posts: 145
Petey? Where did that come from? Well... With a dramatic sigh, Pete withdrew an extension of strong wire from his coat, suddenly glad he brought it with. In second he bond the unconcious wretch and stood over her dorment figure that lie still on the ground. Perhaps later he could get back at these irritating creatures that always seemed to push him around. Until then... he could put up with a few more shoves. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ryac had reached the group a little while back and they had set off towards where he indicated Dryac to be fighting. Bando had ran on ahead of the rest in a fit of panic but as he topped the crest of a hill he saw Dryac below him striding along with ease. When he saw Bando, he called out immediantly asking for help of some sort or another. Bando puzzled over his words for a moment still slightly taken aback by the fact that his son wasn't ingaged in mortal combat as his breathless nephew had suggested. He wanted what...? Help with revenge? Again...? Well, he could hardly ignore the wishes of his only child. "Of course I will help you, my boy..." Bando called back "Er, what exactly are you talking about, though?"

11:11am May 4 2010
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Dryac sighed a sigh of boredom, that rival really hadn't been as strong as she used to be, well, she was always easy, but never that easy, and he thought that she would have improved vastly in the many years since, "Well, you know the hunters? merry band of men that hunt down and kill our kind? that is the reason that we're very few in number? well she is their main front line lackey, and I jsut beat her down with surprising ease, and Pet was, well, I don't know what Pete was doing, but he's tied her up, now I want to interrogate ehr to find out were the hunter base is so I can wipe them all out and finally get my revenge." At the end of that extremely long sentence Dryac took and extremely deep breath, as that sentence had took a lot of breath to get completely out.
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1:42am May 5 2010
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6:24am May 5 2010
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Raze watched the entire unfolding of this battle with little interest, his arms crossed and his ex pression thoughtful. He stood quite far from Bando and Dryac, back at the wall where Maya, Nemesis and Illumay stood, all watching with seemingly little reaction.
Nemesis glanced sideways at Raze, who returned her gaze. The female Old Blood had asked a question in that gaze, and the Dragon had answered. They we're going to have to talk, Dryac clearly wasn't going to let this issue drop... And unfortunately, there was far more dangerous scene unfolding.
Illumay looked back over her shoulder at Nemesis and Raze, sensing the change in the atmosphere around them, before turning back to Dryac and Bando, and walking over to the both of them. Her violet eyes on the unmoving corpse of the Vampire who, by now, was entirely constricted.
"This, will be a problem..." Raze said quietly as Nemesis looked at him, Maya also resting her dark gaze on the Dragon, a question on her features.
"What will?" She asked, an eyebrow raised.
Nemesis sighed, looking away from Raze and glancing at Maya; Returning her eyes to Dryac and the others on the other side of the court yard as she spoke. "I'll explain a little later."
1:48am May 6 2010
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10:17am May 6 2010
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Posts: 145
((LET'S GET ON WITH IT Y'ALL!!)) Bando leaned back slightly trying to digest the blast of information flying at him from Dryac. Something about the hunters... well, anything to help his boy and crush the Hunters and if he could do both at once, all the better. He nodded then and looked over at the bound figure that lie prone on the lawn. "We'll take her to the dungeon," he said at last. "After all, what are dungeons for if not torture...?"
10:23am May 6 2010
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Dryac walked over to the female vampire lay rather ungracfully on the ground and slapped her awake before picking her up by the wire that bound her wrists and carried her by it, sock and tired of these interrupting maggots. "The day I get to kill all of those hunters, that day will be the day that makes my life complete, and brings the vampries back." Dryac frowned, as they reached the dungeon, "This is the dungeon? it's a bit... big isn't it? I mean, giving pieces of shi.t like this big rooms like this?"
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10:42am May 6 2010
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Posts: 145
Looking about the dungeon, the space did seem immense. The confinements were entirley crafted of stone. Beneath their feet, the heavy grey slabs were cool and a musky oder rose up from mysterious levels far out of sight and underground. A thick dampness clung to the walls, painting the drab bricks a sickly black and the high ceiling arced up into the darkness overhead. The room was longer than wide and though they could see walls to the left and right from the stair landing that they stood on, the far wall was lost in the inky dark of distance. The place, however, was not as barren and free as a first glance implied. All along the side walls were filthy alcoves with heavy iron doors to keep in the residences; in many of the jails there was little chance of the residers escaping, however, and their grime caked skulls grinned up at onlookers in silent testimony. About the main floor was many an old but sturdy instrument, many that looked like simple tables but who's true purpose was much more grim as the dark substance dried to the surfaces and the floor about them could tell. Bando was more than glad to tell his guests of them as he walked them through his gallery of horrors, relating this story and that and carefully instructing the visitors of appropriate use of the various devious device.

1:47am May 7 2010
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7:29am May 8 2010
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2:59pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 145
7:23am May 9 2010
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Illumay followed after Dryac and Bando, her violet eyes on the unmoving form of that female being who had shown herself earlier. She was slightly confused by the entire situation... Hunters?... She'd never heard of them, or atleast... Sister Nema had never mentioned them.
Following the others into the dungeon, the Young Blood glanced at the walls and floors of the place, every stone harbouring a sinister shadow of past events and torture. Strangely enough, even for Illumay's child-like mind, this wasn't all that scary. Afterall... She had experienced and seen far worse... Actual torture, for example...
She brought her mind back to the present as Bando explained the use of various tools in great detail. Though, naturally... The white haired girl had already figured out what these peculiar instruments could have been used for... Each idea worse than the last. ~~~ Neither Maya, Raze or Nemesis had followed the others, seeing as the Dragon seemed to have other, more urgent matters to deal with. Raze currently sat cross legged on the lawn of the courtyard, his eyes closed and his ex pression serious.
Nemesis was looking at the sky, and like Raze, her ex pression was that of someone who seemed to be expecting the worse. Eventually, her gaze wandered back to the man sat on the floor, and her voice was level and calm as she spoke.
"So, what now?..."
Raze opened his eyes but didn't look up. Instead, he stood, brushing himself off before finally faceing Nemesis and her neice.
"I'm going to go observe the desert hole... If Dryac has his mind set on finding these Hunter's, then I'll have to improvise with the damn thing until he's finished..."
Nemesis nodded. "In that case, I'll join you." She then looked over her shoulder at Maya, her new found neice, an apology evident on her ex pression. "I'm sorry I have not explained. There seems to be a rather large Demon Door in construction... And unfortunately, your father clearly has his mind set elsewhere at the moment..." She looked back towards Raze, then returned her gaze to Maya.
"We're going to keep an eye on the Door for now. If Bando asks of our whereabouts, let him know..." With that, the Old Blood merely nodded, before coating both herself and Raze in shadow. When the dark mas.s finally melted back into the earth, both the Dragon and Nemesis were no longer present.
Maya sighed. She compressed pressure beneath herself, lifting her body into the air and landing on the tall wall of the courtyard, her eyes looking over the landscape that existed outside the boundaries of the castle. My my... What a troublesome situation...
7:57am May 9 2010
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Dryac suddenly developed a limp, not a major one but enough for him to notice, he punched his rival awae before widening the hole in her shoulder and tossing her into one of the cells, he then knelt on one knee and examined the leg that had developed the limp, "How is this possible... I'm turning to what I used to be, before all of the morphs... this is good yet bad at the same time... how is this even possible." "I haven't seen that limp in a fair few centuries Dryac, I agree with you, how is this possible?" "Well it could be that I have developed in such a dramatic way that it has restored my body to what it used to be, my physical form andyway, my powers are still far greater, it must be that my body is just making itse;f comfortable, and this limp didn't hamper me before so I wont allow it to again"
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8:08am May 9 2010
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