8:16am May 9 2010
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Name: Yaori Kitsune
Gender: Female
Age: 1882 years, but she's immortal Appearance: Yaori stands at around 5.4" tall, being quite short. Her skin is a slightly tanned golden color with a few freckles on her arms and face. Her eyes are a bright violet-indigo color, but according to her mood, they can change. Her hair is a dark red-gold which reaches her knees. Yaori likes to wear it in a long braid with two pieces of hair hanging to the sides of her face. She ties the end up with a thin silk ribbon that is black. Yaori likes to wear black skinny jeans and a light green tank-top. Personality: Yaori is a very shy and inconspicuous person, who tends to fade into the background. She enjoys helping good people but abhors those who are cruel and evil. When Yaori is in a comfortable place, with people she knows, she changes drastically, becoming very open and bubbly.
Crush: Open
History: Other:
9:23am May 9 2010 (last edited on 9:24am May 9 2010)
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Yaori forged through the thick fog that surrounded her, brushing little droplets of water that formed on her off. She blinked as she saw a large form rise out of the thickening mist to meet her. It was a castle, made of dark grey stone that seemed to shimmer with the dew that covered it. She paused outside the moat, watching the land for any sign of movement. "Castle in the Mist, a dark place it seems," she murmured, pushing her hair from her eyes. She placed a foot on the moat bridge, testing it for strength and for traps. It seemed to be safe so she placed her other foot on, pausing a moment. "Perhaps," she mused, "the inhabitants of this castle do not fear mortal beings...I think they are of the Immortals." As she walked across the sturdy oak bridge, she lifted her head to gaze at the cloud darkened sky, wondering what time of day it was. The clouds and mist seemed to make it as if it was night, but appearences could be decieving. Yaori sighed and put her hand out as she reached the end, touching the weather-worn doorway. It seemed to give slightly and she surmised that it had rotten somewhat. "These people are careless." she murmured.

9:40am May 9 2010
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Dryac's nostrils flared as he stood, finishing examining his leg, was that? no, that's not possible, he walked out of the dungeon, moving carefully as to not barge through the others in their that were stood close to him, he pushed out of the dungeon doorway and was stood in the large garden once agin, staring at the door way, which was pushed sightly open, he sensed the being on the other side, he called out, "Yaori! is that you? I thought you were dead after that raid on our city! are you there?" Dryac thought to himself, Damn I hope the Hunters didn't screw her mind up as well, Dryac limped up to the door, picking up a dark, ebony cane that he saw propped against the castle wall, such odd things lay around this place, he used it to support his leg, not needed but helps the limp, he pushed the door open fully, he saw her stood there, his mouth hung open, he was speechless.
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9:44am May 9 2010
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Yaori turned at the sound of a male voice, blinking as she saw a seemingly young vampire being supported by a cane. "Um....are you alright?" she asked, gazing at the man's leg with concern. It seemed to be injured. She brushed a stray strand of hair from her eyes and sighed, "And how do you know me? I've never been here before..." she murmured, trailing off. "Wait...no...it's gone," she muttered to herself, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "Are you a vampire as well?" she asked, watching the man carefully, she didn't trust other vampires, most tended to be unstable.
10:00am May 9 2010
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Dryac looked down at the cane, then gazed at her in shock and awe, "I'm fine, an old injury, you really don't remember? we used to be in love, we still are, or... no, your memories were wiped weren't they, damn those bast.ard hunters..." Dryac looked up at the sky for a few moments before glancing back down, "Please, allow me to use a few spells to give you those memories abck, it is not invasive and should work with no problems." Dryac lifted his bad leg and leaned on the castle wall, taking it all in, he began to rap the end of the cane on the drawbridge, waiting for a reply from his old love.
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10:03am May 9 2010
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Yaori blinked and backed off, "I have no idea who you are...and I don't mean any offense, but....stay away from me, you creep," she said, a slight snarl to her usually calm voice. She unsheathed her dagger, holding it in front of her protectively. It glittered in the faint sunlight filtering down through the clouds and fog, clearly outlining its lethal edge. Yaori stumbled backwards, her eyes narrowed so she could watch the man carefully. "Stay away," she hissed again, a feral edge to her voice.
10:08am May 9 2010
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Dryac sighed, he knew this would happen, she always was very protective, he let the cane drop, embedding the end of it in the wood, propping it up-right, he drew the sword that was sheathed onto his back and examined the perfect edge, twisting his ankle until it clicked, a temporary cure for the pain and discomfort, "My father ahs met you, he is inside, he will afirm my entire story, pelase don't make me restrain you."
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10:13am May 9 2010
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Yaori crouched, now truely snarling. "If...you touch me, I don't care for the consequences. I will shred you to pieces and feed you to the foxes." she hissed, baring her ivory fangs, which were dripping small green droplets. Poison. Her poison was completely lethal, one drop and you would be dead in ten seconds. Not only that, her blood was also poisonous. Yaori could control her blood, using it in battle to defeat her opponents easily. She grasped her dagger in one hand and slid it across her wrist, letting a few drops of blood fall out. They moved and floated, hovering next to her. "This blood, will kill you. It's not only poisonous, but it also is acidic. It can burn through anything," she warned.
12:42pm May 9 2010
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Dryac smiled, he could remember all of this about his beloved, she was merely stating waht he already knew, he glanced behind him as the other's were catching up to his current position, curious to see what it was that Dryac had gone to find. Dryac turned curiously back around to Yaori, "And of course you don't recall the anti-toxins you developed for my blood, I am immune to all poisons you secrete, as well as Ryac, my cousin taht was your friend, and my father, who loved you like a daughter, so don't you dare forget everything that we went through, or at the very elast allow me to help you restore the memories." The others caught up to the two on the bridge, who were measuring eachother up, "Dry, what are you... Yaori? is that you? we thought you were dead, but... Dryac, why has she got her blade drew?" "She has a similar affliction to that of which I had, she cannot recal her memories, so it is kind of neccessary that we give her them back, which only I know the spells that would do that, but of course she thinks I'm a mad man with a cane... which of course I am, but you need to help me with this." ((Nitro, make it so Bando has a similar reaction to that of Dryac, please.))
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2:21pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 2:22pm May 9 2010)
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~(Wow Reu. Powerplay much? xD And saying the others were catching up means your playing as their characters. Just pionting it out... lol)~ Illumay watched Dryac leave with a raised eyebrow, glancing back at Bando and the others before following him. She came a stop just behind the Old Blood, her eyes on the new being. Almost immediately, the question came to mind... She looked up at Dryac and spoke.
"Your... lover?..." She was more than just a little confused by all this. Hadn't Dryac been involved with Niele?... Maya had still been sat on the while when she heard someone pas.s in the distance. She looked over her shoulder, watching Dryac run out of the courtyard and off towards some other person in the distance. She didn't bother moving from the wall; Instead, she stood up and simply watched from where she was, Dryac and the others mere pinpricks in the distance.
1:41am May 10 2010
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((Powerplay? c'mon, they're no way they could have been lovers if her teeth seeped poison,Dryac would have died a billion times over. and yeah I did bring the charas along, sorry about that, it was the quickest way.))
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11:09am May 10 2010 (last edited on 11:54am May 10 2010)
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Posts: 145
((Atticus falling in love with anyone is THE ULTIMATE PLOT TWIST, DUNDUN DUUUUUUUN!!!!)) Despite his burning curiousity, Atticus stood faithfully at Maya's side. Despite his apparent discharge from services to her he still held an unnusual loyalty which he couldn't quite define. He wanted badly to investigate the peculiar castle and the even strangers residents but it was as if he could not bring himself to leave her alone, unprotected. He always held a strong loyalty to his employers but this was something else, like a deep and hard to understand obligation that rose from his very core... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Slight power play, sorry!!) Yaori crouched low into a ready fighting pose and willed more wicked blood from the wound. All at once she sensed the warmth of a living creature very close to her, the heat from its breath stirred the cool air... "Perhapssss, you could use some help...?" a small voice hissed from the shadows. Yaori suddenly felt very strange; it was like someone had thrown a mental blanket over her and she began to feel very calm despite her obvious fear and anger. A dizziness swelled up in her head that made it hard to concentrate, and then, as suddenly as it came it was gone and she felt exactly as she had before the creature appeared beside her and spoke. At that moment she noticed the presence was gone from beside her... "Who to help? The lonley or the frightened?" the voice said at last, seemingly coming from all directions, toward Yaori. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It took Bando a moment to secure the prison gate but soon he emerged from the basement into the welcome fresh air above and shut the door tight behind him. As he looked up he immediantly cuaght sight of Yaori... one of his son's mysterious lovers. "Yaori! What-- what are you doing here?" he cried unsuredly and strode up to her. He stopped a few feet from her and looked into her eyes pleadingly, his arms open in a comforting gesture. Of all Dryac's mates and potential- mates, Yaori was perhaps his least favorite. She tended to be a little to touchy and ready for a fight and relied all too happily on destroying her foes with her creul and merciless acid or poison talents. In all reality, she reminded him a little of Dryac himself and despite how much he loved his son he really didn't need another child in law just like Dryac... He had been looking forward to the blooming of Nema's and Dryac's romance, and now this?

1:47am May 11 2010
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Dryac's hands tightened readily on the hilt of his blade, he looked around unsurely, he set his steady gaze on Yaori, even though he was thinking of Niele, Niele, forgive me please, I vowed for so long that you would be the last woman that I loved, but she... she was dead, or at least I thought so, I apologise profusely and hope that you can forgive me, I pray to the vampire goods that one day you can return to me, but I did love Yaori, and I think I still do. Dryac's grip was growing ever more intense, What the hell's that voice?" Dryac's gripmloosened for a moment as he switched fighting styles from brutish to one he idn't use very often, his blade went into one hand and he picked his cane up with the other, double blade fighting, only this was with a cane that was stronger than any steel, "C'mon, bring it woever's out there, you get inbetween me and recovering my love's memories I'm gonna gut you and leave you for the buzzards."
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6:11am May 11 2010
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Illumay kept herself slightly away from the others, her eyes on the vicious seeming Yaori as her mind processed the situation. So... She was a previous mate of Dryac?... It certainly seemed that way, and it didin't seem impossible either, the similarities between the two of them we're undeniable.
The violet eyed Young Blood frowned slightly, she was unsure of what would come of this situation, not to mention... She knew nothing about Yaori, and it made her nervous. She could sense Bando's uncertainty in the air around her, as well as Dryac's desperation to recover the memeories of his old love.
She took a couple of steps forward, then reached out a hand, grasping Bando's arm gently and whispering so that only he could hear.
"Who is she, anyway?... And why do I have a bad feeling about this?" ~~~ Maya's dark gray eyes were still on the scene unfolding in the far distance; Her vampiric ability meant that she could hear the conversation by dragging the vioces on the air towards her, and her aura darkened with every word.
She had been introduced and revealed to her father mere minutes before, and now... Now, his attention was solely on the arrival of the female vampire, Yaori. Anger was evident in her glare, and she had to restrain the hiss that rose in her throat. She couldn't care less about her father's love life, but for him to suddenly get all smitten over someone else just after he'd discovered he had a daughter to Niele; It was unforgivable. How dare he?
She allowed that building hiss to pas.s her lips quietly, before turning her back on the group and jumping from the courtyard walls, coming to land beside Atticus. Her entire form radiated her anger, and she had a sudden, rather uncalled for urge to kill Yaori... Violently. No thanks to the Old Blood DNA that ran through her family line.
Once she'd got a hold of herself, trying her best to ignore what she'd just seen, she noticed Atticus and raised an eyebrow. Why was he still here?...
9:51am May 11 2010 (last edited on 10:14am May 11 2010)
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Posts: 145
Despite his impaired vision, Atticus Bernhardt was not nearly as blind as many would like to believe. While he couldn't clearly see anything around him he was acutley aware of the emotions and actions of those near him by noting the change in breath or tone and the difference of the air as it moved about his companions. Now it seemed incredabley obvious that the typically calm and collected Neile was veritabley boiling over in her sheer rage... no doubt it had something to do with the apperance of the new female who's also angry voice danced on the wind some ways away amongst the usual crowd. It was not in his nature to be involved with anyone. His painful childhood had tuaght him that affections can only bring more sorrow when they are shattered and you are left with the bodies of your trusted ones. As a result he tried to treat each of his cases scientifically, observing the facts and acting on his discisions after due consideration taking care to stay withdrawn from the people involved and their dangerous emotions. All the same, Atticus had spent some four years working with Maya and felt like he knew her fairly well- perhaps more than even her Grandfather who had been clueless until recently. He wanted dearly to reach out and take her hand, to console her as best he could and to lead her down to the crowd below and straighten out the whole matter for her himself. This however, was asking a lot of himself and he knew it. He had spent too many years practicing to be cold and calculating and it would take a lot of effort on his and someone else's part to shake him from his pas.sionless slumber. It was easier to take life one step at a time and veiw the wolrd in the eyes of a professional as he had for so many years before, since the death of his father... So instead of trying to quell Maya's wrath with gentle consolation, Atticus turned to her instead and pulled down the collar of his trench coat revealing a time burdened face and his eerie white eyes that gleamed at her from the dark. "Maya," he said softly. "There is something troubling you, of that I am sure... please... unburden yourself. I can help." with that he bowed his head slightly and flicked his collar back into place, covering up his stony features once more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tired emotionally and physically Bando's ex pression fell to one of hopelessness and despair. He dropped one arm letting it come to rest gently on Illumay's head. Too much was happening too fast for the old vampire and it had been nearly three days since he had last rested. First combat, then family surprises, demons, a feast, Dryac's endles romances and Pete constantly popping up and har*censored*ing people--! What next? "Oh, Illumay..." he sighed. "It's too long to get into but I suspect that Dryac will have a domestic problem on his hands shortly and also,... I believe other people have been casting memory spells besides me..."

12:50pm May 11 2010
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Dryac's grip tightened on both the top part of his cane and the hilt of his sword, he sighed a deep sigh, an old man's sigh, one that is only used through death or extreme stress, both oddly enough realted to the elderly, "I give up with this, I don't need you, and you obviously don't need me, you seem to be coping okay..." Dryac let his cane drop and caught it at the top, leaning back onto t as he sheathed his sword, he turned and pushed his way back through the front door of the castle, a sudden realisation dawning on him, he ahd a daughter, the only female that should matter in his life, but would it be too late? would Maya already have her eyes set on killing Yaori once and for all?
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1:42am May 12 2010
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9:41am May 12 2010
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11:24am May 12 2010 (last edited on 11:24am May 12 2010)
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Mayanna shook her head, sighing quietly then looking back at Atticus. The anger she felt was slowly evaporating. She didn't really care, to be honest... Each to their own.
"It's alright, Atticus. It's nothing to be fussed over." She glanced back up at the wall, wondering just what would happen now. Would this Yaori need to stay with Bando?... She sighed again, then stretched. ~~~ Illumay nodded, then watched as Dryac pas.sed, glancing once at Yaori before walking after the Old Blood.
"You seem tired, Dryac..."
7:42am May 13 2010
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