10:34am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac grinned and looked at the girl, "Finally! I haven't had a good fight in decades!" Dryac then lowered, his wings erupting from his back and his claws extending to their full length. Dryac the hovered slightly off the ground, no mroe than a few feet but impressive none-the-less, his fangs grew and his eyes turned blood red, his scar glew with the power of the Old Blood. "Now is where you die knave, this si what you reap for insulting an old blood."
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10:38am Mar 6 2010
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Damon saw Dryac and smirked, Stefan at his side. Stefan stepped in front of the girl, while Damon pulled her back. "Dryac, no. This is not the way to solve this and you know it."
10:40am Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 10:41am Mar 6 2010)
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Aurora looked at him,"I don't care who you are." She snapped,"I don't care if I die I should have been dead a long time ago!" She spat her hands into tight fist letting them cut into her. Her eyes had turned a deep black and the pupil was completely gone now. She looked at Damon her nuckles turning red.
10:43am Mar 6 2010
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Illumay simply watched. My... some people... so violent. She sighed slightly, backing off to allow rrom for dtryac to manuever. Great, just great. She looked around, this place was so dark at the moment... "Be careful Dryac" she said... stopping and looking over at the new beings... how strange.
10:47am Mar 6 2010
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"Sh sh, Aurora. It's me, you remember me right? It's me, Damon." Damon pressed, grabbing her hands quickly. He knew what she could do, and that's bad. He leaned down to her ear, smirking slightly. "Do you want me to call Logan?"
10:50am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac let his hover drop, however he remained in his more powerful form, he glanced at Illumay, "Thank you for your concern." Dryac then turned to face Stefan, he recognised this man but he wasn't completely sure why, he strolled up to him, facing him before he began talking, "I know you, and after proper introductions are made I will transform back into my mroe pleasant state and explain my lack of memory, but who are you and what am I to you?"
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10:54am Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 10:55am Mar 6 2010)
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Aurora looked up at him reconizing the name,"No." She said trying to calm down. Her eyes became normal again and her hands loosened. Anger still boiled inside her but she forced herself to not turn back.
10:55am Mar 6 2010
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Illumay nodded. It must have been hard, losing your memory like that... She shot bolt upright, her eyes flashing to some distance on her right, quite far from this fray. "Nema..." She said, quietly... Nemesis was stood, surrounded in shadow, her eyes glowing, the pipe she held expelling its blood red smoke. She looked dangerous, angry even, why, Illumay guessed it was becuase of the location. The roof they had been stood on earlier belonged to a temple. A temple Nemesis visited often. Nema did not like people destroying the land here... Adn illumay could tell.
10:58am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac looked at whatever it was Ill was looking at, "Oh come on! what is it with people and wanting to kill me of all people?! It isn't as if I am destroying holy ground, I mean sure if we had come to battle then I would have destroyed a holy building, but that is a compeltely different kettle of fish!"
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11:01am Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 11:01am Mar 6 2010)
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Illumay glanced at Dryac. "I don't believe she's angry at you..." She looked back at Nema, who was simply watching from the shadows, allowing the shadows to swirl around her body. She was looking at the new arrivals, with anger of course, but also slight curiousity. Illumay walked up to Dryac and stood beside him, grasping his hand. "Do not worry" She said, smiling. "These grounds are important to Nema... and they will be to you too... I shall explain later..."
11:05am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac looked at the girl that was now holding his hand, he transformed back to his gothic state and gently squeezed on the young vampire's hand, "Okay young one, let us go stand by my sister in law." Dryac then leant back and clicked his back before strolling with the girl over towards the angry looking old blood.
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11:09am Mar 6 2010
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Stefan sighed in relief, following Dryac. "Listen, old friend. I've known you for a while. My name's Stefan Salvatore, and that's the idiot Damon." He laughed. "Hey!" Damon yelled, following Aurora. "Thank God I didn't have to call Logan..."
11:09am Mar 6 2010
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Illumay smiled. Sister in law... hadn't thought of that. She walked beside him, letting go of his hand and running at Nema, still smiling. Nemesis still had her eyes on the new people, but she placed a hand on her young bloods head. "You said... sister in law..." She said, holding her pipe away from her mouth as she looked at Dryac. "Just who are you?" Illumay allowed herself to get caught up in the folds of Nema's black dress, hugging the old blood as she did in a very childish manner. " Sister Nema has excellent hearing~" "Naturally..." She was still looking at Dryac, the anger still evident of in her eyes, but it wasn't directed at him.
11:16am Mar 6 2010
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Aurora smiled,"Yes...I am starving!" She said her hunger coming back. She looked around for something to eat sniffing the air. She saw a human looking at them shocked. She smiled walking towards it obviously not in a real big hury. The human was frozen in place. It looked at her trying to scream. Her head started to hurt as she got closer and smelled the blood. She couldn't breath and only looked at it. The human turned around and started to run. Aurora hissed shacking her head,"You aren't getting away that easily." She said starting to run after it. She caught up to it no problem and soon her stomach was full.
11:18am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac smilled at his new sister, "Yes, I suppose Niele should have introduced us, I was married to your twin, tha is why I recognised you, I was due to go on honeymoon with Niele a few days after the wedding but hunters of the blood captured me when iw as at my most vulnerable, right after the wedding when we where sat at the feast, I'm afraid quite a few of my relatives were killed in the process, they captured me and took me to their base, where they tortured me to the edge of sanity, now of course this caused my mind to put in place certain measures to protect my mentality, that was blocking memories, some of which highly unnecessary to block, like Niele and Stefan, but after slaughtering and drinking from all of the hunters at that base I have been roaming the world ever since, and now I have met you." Dryac then took a deep breath and glanced at Stefan, "I re-call you now that you have given me your name, welcome abck old friend, I am sorry that it has been so long since I have been able to talk to you, bit still, I must warn you, my powers have increased ten-fold since the last time we met, therefore if your pup tries anything like that again I will have no choice but to behead her."
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11:26am Mar 6 2010
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"Understood, friend. But, I have to make a call about her, as obviously she has forgotten her manners towards Elders." Stefan smirked. He looked at his old pal questionally, but let anything go. "As did my powers. I initially thought you were going to complain about Damon again. Powers increase over time, so We are still equal." He added, turning to Damon. "Logan." He said, and Damon whipped out his phone. "Sorry Aurora..."
11:26am Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 11:26am Mar 6 2010)
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Nemesis simply looked at him. "I see..." She looked down at Illumay. "Hold on, Young One..." She wanted away from the crowd for a moment. It was that simple. Illumay understood immediately. "Of course... "She looked at Dryac. "I'll see you later" she smiled. In a flash of shadow, both Nemesis and Illumay dissapeared, Illumay would come back and see Dryac later, as for now, Nemesis would need time to think. It was quite a problematic situation afterall...
11:30am Mar 6 2010
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Dryac looked at Stefan, "You do not understnad, my power had grown exponentially, I was told some time ago that I will never find a vampire of equal capability to me, but I am to keep it in check else it take control of my body and cause me to lose all inhibitions, however few I have."
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11:34am Mar 6 2010
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Aurora licked the blood from around her lips. She watched Damon take out his phone,"What are you doing?" She asked suspicious.
11:37am Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 11:39am Mar 6 2010)
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Posts: 15,067
"No, you do not understand." Stefan grimaced. "You were not the only one. I weas told the same. I was expiramented one. Me, Damon, and Logan." He added, as Adamantium claws sprouted from between his knuckled. (( I just went X-Men on you!!)) Logan appeared out of nowhere, snarling. "I thought I taught you better, Aura."He sneered, grabbing her. "Logan, calm down." Damon warned, but knew it was far from over. Logan snarled, his eyes black with anger.