6:54pm Mar 6 2010
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"No...You remind me of my sister. She was very curious." Aurora said smiling. Her smile turned into a frown,"She died a long time ago though." She said her voice growing cold. Kitty krept through the shadows waiting and watching. She watched her sister turn sad and frown. No I am not dead. She wanted to scream but kept herself from it. She had waited many year to see her sister's face again and now here she was standing right in front of her.
7:12pm Mar 6 2010
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Illumay nodded. "I see... I'm sorry to hear of your loss..." And it was true. She walked up to the people standing there, this girl and the males. Illumay was shorter than all of them. No surprise really, seeing as she was still a child. She was still trying to decipher which of them was the last Old Blood. It was hard to tell. She was sure Nemesis or Dryac could tell... but Nema wasn't here... and Dyrac... She looked over at the vampire. He probably knew which one...
7:22pm Mar 6 2010
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"Actually, there's 4 Old Bloods. Damon and Stefan are the last two." Logan answered. "I was born into a family of Pure Bloods, and I'm half Old Blood." He added.
7:37pm Mar 6 2010
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Aurora sniffed the air. A low growl came from ehr throat,"Ash." She whispered looking around. A loud laugh came from behind her. "Wow. I can't beleive you just smelled me! I have been here the whole time and none of you smelled me...That is...Weird." Ash laughed walking from a shadow. "Why are you here? I was expectign you to send one of your little pupits." Aurora hissed. "If you want to do something right do it yourself." Ash said grinning. His sharp fang were white and shinny. Aurora looked at him suspicious,"So I am guessing that you think I will surender and admit you are right." Aurora said her voice cold but tryign to be friendly. "Actually no. I don't care what you think. Do yo know where Hunter is?" Ash asked. "Nope. Don't really care either...Unless you have forgotten that he is the one that cause the wreck." Aurora snapped. Kitty watched her dark hair blending into the wall. Who was this guy to talk to her sister like this? Kitty though.
7:55pm Mar 6 2010
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Illumay nodded once again. 4 Old Bloods, and one half. That was it. The rest of them here were pure bloods, Illumay could tell just by smelling them. Plague bloods were monsters, the vampires that couldnt control themselves. The 4 Old Bloods were the oldest. The pure bloods came straight after, and the Plague bloods were the newest. It made sense. Illumay sat, watching them all. She was the only child here, and the only Young Blood, as far as she knew. The Young Bloods were humans transformed by Old Bloods. Young Bloods, second most powerful after the Old. Illumay also found it strange that so many vampires were here. She smiled slightly. "I'd just like to mention... These grounds are somewhat sacred..." she pointed over to the temple. "This... is the buriel ground for an Old Blood named Niele." She looked at Dryac, an apology in her eyes. "Please... respect the grounds here..." It was just a question... and besides... Nemesis always had her eye on this place, protecting her twin sisters grave.
8:02pm Mar 6 2010
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Ash looked at the girl. His eyes turned a dark black color,"Yes...Confusion for the young one." He said smiling. "Ash no." Aurora snapped grabbing Ash's arm,"An Old Blood is looking after her." Ash rolled his eyes,"So?" He snorted. Aurora snarled,"I SAID NO!" She said her eyes turning dark. "Now, now. Wouldn't want to loose our temper huh? Might hurt someone." Ash laughed. Happiness. He thought looking at Aurora. "Don't play with my emotions!" Aurora screamed turning happy.
8:43pm Mar 6 2010
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"Hey," Logan snarled, grabbing Ash and launching him across the feild. "Leave. Her. Alone." He growled through his teeth. Damon stepped towards Illumay, whispering something to her. "He lied, you know. He's and Old Blood, too. But he doesn't like the attention. He rather be Half."
9:44pm Mar 6 2010
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Let him be...Lonely. Ash thought his eyes turning gray,"Yes lonely would do." He said outloud. Hunter grinned watching the fight below him. He jumped down while they where distracted,"I figured you would come looking for me." He said smiling.
10:13pm Mar 6 2010
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"Ah.. 5 Old Bloods... one of which is half demon... " She looked at Dryac, the only half demon vampire hybrid, oh well, either way. She walked over to Dryac, and sat on the gorund by his feet. This was it. 5 Old Bloods. All in one place. Well... 4... Nemesis was not here... Not yet, anyway... Illumay looked up at Dryac. He was the oldest of the old Bloods here she knew, and Nemesis probably came shortly after. She looked back at the others... This was turning into a fray... and she wanted to stay out of it.
10:18pm Mar 6 2010
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"Who are you?"Stefan asked, stepping in front of Aurora.
1:59am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Okay, Drastic change to plot, what kuro said was right, there are only 3 old bloods in remaining existence, Dryac Nemesis and one more, Stefan and Damon weren't old bloods, but young bloods, like, Old bloods bled them (In case you know nothing about vampires that means changed into a vampire) but they could never be true Old bloods, Dryac and Nemesis are about to go on a quest (Can you smell prologue?) to find the last Old Blood.
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9:14am Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 9:17am Mar 7 2010)
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((Aurora and Kitty are both Young Bloods that were changed into vampires after they got in a horrible crash. I have no idea what Hunter is, I guess he can be a pure blood. Ash is a pure blood born from on of the more powerful vampires.)) Hunter looked at Stefan,"I am Hunter...Aurora hasn't told you about me? What a shame." Hunter laughed,"I is quiet funny how we are all here at the same time...Huh, Kitty." Hunter said. "Kitty is dead. I don't know why you are here or who you are."Aurora hissed. Ash looked at Hunter,"You don't remember us?" Ash asked. Kitty watched still keeping her cover. She didn't want to be seen just yet, not unless things got out of control.
9:30am Mar 7 2010
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~(If you'd like... one of you can be a Young Blood of Nemesis, only one though, seeing as she already has Illumay :3)~ Illumay just watched, sat beside Dryacs legs. This was turning into quite the party. So many vampires... And the last Old Blood was still missing. That one needed to be found... ~(sorry short post D8)~
9:39am Mar 7 2010
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((Okay I guess Kitty can be a young blood from Nemesis, and then Aurora can be whoevers.XD)) Aurora shook her head,"I know your smell and your names but have no idea who you are." Hunter looked shocked,"We are like you best friends from before this..." Hunter answered.
12:55pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac burst his wongs out and scooped Nemesis, Illumay, Stefan and Damon up in his arms and burst into the sky like a cat out of hell, he was sick of this, he needed his revenge and this wasn't the way he was going to be able to get it, "Sorry about the abrupt take-off, I want my revenge..." Dryac picked up speed until he wasn't even a blur, he was moving at faster than the speed of light. Dryac then landed in the area where the demons had fled to once the vampires and humans had taken over, and before the humans and vampires had burst into all out war, "I'm guessing, now this is a random guess, that this will be where we find both my revenge and our last Old Blood."
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12:57pm Mar 7 2010
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~(nemesis isnt there Reu xD!)~ Illumay took a short while to get used to Dryacs fast moving speed. Eventually when they stopped she shook her head a few times before the world stopped spinning. "Your very... very fast, Dryac..." She smiled up at him before frowning. "And im sorry I didnt tell you earlier, about Niele being buried by that temple... Nema can usually be found there, although today she wasnt..."
1:11pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 2,378
(Okay) Dryac brought his wings in and glanced at Illumay, "Sorry, it has been an extremely long time since I have moved that fast, at least a century..." Dryac cracked his back, "And now I know why I refrain from moving that fast." Dryac then started walking in a random direction, sniffing the air as he was going, keeping a nose out for Demon scent.
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1:14pm Mar 7 2010
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Illumay ran after him. Gosh... he really was tall when she walked next to him like this. She wasn't sure whether she had upset him by talking about Niele. "I'm sorry..." She said again, quietly, keeping her eyes to the floor as she walked. "If it's any help... Sister Nema misses her too..." She chose to look up at him at this point, her face sad. It must have hurt, getting your memory back just to realize you'd lost everyone close to you.
1:22pm Mar 7 2010
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Kitty looked at the thing,"Where is he going." She whispered forgetting she was supose to be hiding. Ash looked around,"What was that?" He asked looking into the shadows,"Kitty? You are supose to be dead." Kitty sighed,"That is what you think." Kitty said. She walked out of the shadow not wanting to look her sister in the eyes. "So you have been hiding all this time? You never even told me you were alive! You didnt even come to visit or anything." Aurora hissed walking over to her sister,"Why did you hide?" She asked. Kitty laughed,"I have been working for a gang of vampires. That vampire you saw...I know who killed it." Kitty hissed. Aurora looked at her,"So what you hunt vamprires? What if I was that vampire?" Aurora snapped angry,"No what. I don't know who any of you are so I will just leave. Bye." She added walking away. ((I love talking to myself.))
1:31pm Mar 7 2010
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Nemesis had spent all the time alone she'd needed. She now stood, once again, on the temple roof. Looking down at the vampires who remained, she had not seen the others leave, but she knew there were more than this. Her eyes narrowed as she recognised one of the two girls. Ah... She pulled the hand with her pipe away from her face, and quite delibrately jumped from the roof, landing with a quiet grace on the earth below, her eyes still on the two girls in front of her.