1:34pm Mar 7 2010
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"Memesis? What are you doing here?" Kitty asked surprised. "Who are you?" Aurora asked having no idea who this girl standing in front of the was.
1:44pm Mar 7 2010
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"I have always been here. Technically... I am wherever the shadows are..." She walked up to both girls, her long midnight black dress swirling around her body like the darkness itself. She looked between them both. "My name is Nemesis, one of the last Old Blood vampires." "And you" she looked at Aurora. "The sister of Kitty... I can tell by the smell of your blood..." She tilted her head slightly, before bringing the pipe back to her mouth, the red smoke swirling in the air as she inhaled.
1:49pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"Yes. I am Aurora." She said looking at the red smoke curious. "Nemesis is the one who saved me." Kitty said politely,"How have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time." Kitty said to Nemesis.
1:54pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nemesis nodded. "I have been just fine... It's nice to see you have handled the transformation well..." She was of course, referring to the fact Kitty had become a very able vampire, she had learnt the vampiric ways very quickly. Nemesis glanced at the smoke billowing from the pipe she held. "Do not worry... It is harmful only to humans" She brought the pipe back to her mouth and nodded again, silently.
1:56pm Mar 7 2010
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Aurora smiled,"Wow. So like what does it do to humans?" She asked. Kitty smiled,"Sorry for my sister, she can be quiet curious when it comes to things like that." Kitty said.
2:19pm Mar 7 2010
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Nemesis shook her head at Kitty. "Do not worry" She looked at Aurora and then at the pipe she held in her hand. "It does nothing to them unless they get close enough, or If i delibrately put it in their direction..." She blew the smoke from her mouth, and continued. "It is poisonous to them... simply put" She squeezed her hand around the pipe and it dissapeared in a flurry of gray smoke. She then allowed her now empty hand to fall to her side, and looked at both girls in font of her. "Perhaps we should follow the others..."
2:29pm Mar 7 2010
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"Hm...Maybe." Aurora said. She looked back at Ash and Hunter,"You stay here." She said with a look on her face daring them to argue. "She always was a little bossy." Hunter laughed.
8:53pm Mar 7 2010
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((Umm, I don't like how you just decided to change my Characters, Reuben.))
10:49am Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Chance, i didn't change your flipping characters, I said they wheren't Old Bloods, stop trying to control and RP that I started.)) Dryac picked Illumay up and sat her on his shoulders, "Soory for what? You haven't done anything, i don't mind talking about niele, it just helps me bring back memories, and for me that is always good." Dryac starting bobbing Illumay up and down on his shoulders as he was walkeing, patting her leg every now and then, in his attempt to entertain her.
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10:57am Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 145
*jumping back in with Black Cat Transformation ((I feel dumb, 'cuz everyone is Old Blood 'cept me. ;3;)) Bando had been following the ever growing group for to long. It amazed him, so many creatures of the night all in one place. His scent was still well hidden by the potion, but he knew it would fade soon. To a human, he would appear as a silky black cat, but a vampire would surley sense the unnantural difference. Steaily he padded silently up to the talking group... "Meow." Bando said, clearing his throat.
11:03am Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck, realising it wasn't a real cat and botted it flying, sick of interuptions, ((Soory Nitro I need a fight, now you can come back in vampire form and start a fight, me pwn you, we become allies, lol.))
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11:07am Mar 8 2010 (last edited on 11:07am Mar 8 2010)
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Posts: 145
*Yay! A fight! Bando, shocked by the sudden attack gave out a roar of pain and anger. "Mreeeeeeeoooowrrraaaaaaaaagh! Whats your problem, you whipper snapper?!" Suddenly, an old and grumpy looking vampire stood where the booted black cat had landed... and he was holding a large knife!
11:29am Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac smirked smugly, "An old fart? Ah well, I suppose I need a warm up..." Dryac morphed into his more dealy form and lunged for the old man, disarming him and launching him into the cliff-side, "Don't call me whipper snapper I'm probably at least 2 centuries older than you, maggot."
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1:07pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aurora yawned bored,"Well...Nice meating you." She said looked at Kitty letting a low growl escape her throat. She turned around and tarted to walk away as slow as posible. After a little while she shot off running following the scent of the other vampires. She hid in the shdows and watchd them. Finally something exciting. She thought watching the fight. She laughed when the person Dryac a young wipper snapper. Oops...Remember you are hiding.She said covering her mouth. She watched again trying to see how the two vampires fought. She might have have to fight one of them one day so it would be good to see there weakensses and strengths.
3:51pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nemesis simply watched as Aurora left, leaving her and Kitty standing on the temple grounds alone. She turned to her Young Blood. "Let us follow the others... I'm sure your sister will be fine..." She took one last glance at the retreating Aurora, before turning and heading towards the gigantic shadow cast in the moonlight by the temple building itself. She gently grasped Kitty's hand and walked straight into the wall of the building, though there was no impact. Nemesis had walked straight through the shadow itself, coming out on the other end some distance from Dryac and the others. She was the only vampire with this ability, thanks to her shadow manipulation. Illumay spotted her immediately, well, she would, afterall, she was the second Young Blood of Nemesis' line. "Sister Nema!" The young girl said, running and catching Nemesis around the waist, before looking up at her and smiling, her snow white hair a stark contrast with Nema's black shadow dress. Her attention turned to the vampire who stood with them, her violet eyes curious. "And who are you?..."
4:07pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Kitty looked down making sure Nemesis hadn't touched her bare skin,"Must I remind you what happens when you touch me?" She asked. She was now glad that she had her leather gloves on,"I am Kitty...You smell of Nemesis. I am guessing that you are another young blood?" She asked looking down at the young girl. She looked across and saw Aurora,"I wonder how she beat us here." She asked curious.
4:24pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nemesis shrugged at Kitty. "I know precisely what happens... you have more trouble controlling the shadows than I when you take my powers... However, I have always trusted you with my ability... There is no need to worry." She smiled ever so slightly at Kitty as she lifted a hand, a swirl of gray material forming out of nowhere into her pipe, the end once again releasing its venemous red smoke in swirls. Illumay blinked at Kitty. "Your... a Young Blood of sister Nema?" She looked up at Nemesis, her arms still around the Old Bloods waist. "She's like... another sister?" "In a very loose sense of the word, I suppose..." Nemesis' eyes were focused on the other vampires in the distance as she spoke, the pipe in her mouth as she allowed her free hand to rest on Illumay's head. "What exactly is happening over there?" Illumay looked over her shoulder. "Oh... Dryac lost his temper~" She smiled, she had grown quite fond of the male Old Blood and seeing him in a bit of a mood was rather funny, or so she thought, anyway.
4:27pm Mar 8 2010
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Kitty laughed,"Yes it appears that he can get a bit moody." Kitty said. She looked down at Illumay,"You should be glad you have Nemesis...She is a very good friend to have on your side." She said.
5:05pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Illumay blinked again as Nemesis exhaled a small cloud of red smoke that floated into the night air. Illumay smiled and nodded at Kitty. "Sister Nema has taken good care of me... I would have it no other way. Of course, I could say the same to you." She giggled slightly and turned to look back over her shoulder at the other vampires. Nemesis was also looking in that direction, her face unreadable, her auburn and white hair waving in the slight breeze that skimmed over them all. My my... An Old Blood such as Dryac should have more control of his senses. Niele... Niele had been married to this creature? This creature who seemingly lost his temper so easily?... Nemesis snorted slightly and she moved the hand holidng the pipe away from her face, her other hand still on Illumay's head. She was far calmer than her other Old Blood counterparts atleast, that much was obvious. Illumay looked back at Kitty. "Will you be staying with us awhile?"
1:59am Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac grabbed the old, drecrepid vampire and slammed his back into the cliffside violently, making a few small rocks fall from the edge of the cliff itself, "You, are fighting with an Old-Blood, not just any Old-Blood, but one of the originals, I am the second vampire ever created, and I am half Demon, so you really didn't want to start this, as there is no way you can finish it." Dryac then punched the vampire and threw him over his shoulder causing him to land rather ungracefully on his face behind the tall vampire.
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