8:28pm Mar 19 2010
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( XDD In the immortal words of Homer Simpson DOH!) " Get that cat a leash of yours, Zo!" Siren laughed, running up to catch the cat. "Will they let you feline companion in the movies with us?" She asked petting the cat.
Isn't this fun?
8:32pm Mar 19 2010
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"Because Damon's got a temper the size of a caterpillar. And I'm here to protect you from other vampires. You're Half-Vampire, so your rare. Other vampires are now going to try to kill you, or make you one of them."
8:36pm Mar 19 2010
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He rolled his eyes. "Ha-ha, I like how Aston Kutcher does this crap to you. I'm a human. Fully. The only thing I'm part is Japanese," Kain said, not wantign to believe the other morso than not believign in general.
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8:41pm Mar 19 2010
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"Yeah sure.Why do you think you weren't already dead when I found you?" Stefan smirked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
9:30pm Mar 19 2010
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"...Because I always bleed slowly? He asked, then sat down. "..My parent's are human...I know this...." He said. "But wait, who would want to kill me? Wouldn't they want to kill you? No offence, but your a full-fledged vampired....I-I didn't even know I was one..And dow would someone else knwo somethign I wasn't aware of?"
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9:47pm Mar 19 2010
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"They would know by your smell. I knew you were different. You bleed slowly because your half. If another vampire was to bite you, you'd become a full vampire." Stefan sighed.
9:51pm Mar 19 2010
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"....Is there a way to become human?" He asked. "..Nah, that was stupid..." He mumbled, then stood up. "Oh, your still here," Muttered a bored voice. It was the beautiful young-looking woman, with long purpul hair. She had a paper bag that she set on the bed. "You, I need to talk to," Kain said, lookign at her, who sighed. "Yes, yes, I know, you know your half vampire, right?" She questioned, then looked at Steffan. "Did he really try to kill himself, yet?"
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10:44pm Mar 19 2010
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"Yup." Stefan laughed. "He lasted longer than most, though."
11:06pm Mar 19 2010
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"Okay, so you knew I was gonig to try and commit suicide, and you left grocery shopping?" Kain said, lookign at her. "I didn't know for sure...Plus, I brought back Sphaghetti-o's....." He said, looking at the other. "You staying?" She asked, ignorign the overly annoyed look on Kain's face. "Because I can watch him, if that's all you doing..."
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11:08pm Mar 19 2010
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"Yeah, I'm staying."
11:16pm Mar 19 2010
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"Ah, I'll prepair a bed," She said walkign away. "What, hell, no, he's not staying!" Kain grumbled, standing up, and walking to follow her. "Of course he is. He's keeping you alive..." Rose said.
Isn't this fun?
11:56pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 5:14pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
“I don’t think he would appreciate a leash very much Siren.” Zoey chuckled. “Besides, I don’t really have a right to make that kind of decision for him. Ya know?” She asked, slowing down. She had never been able to run very far or very fast. She hated that. And she didn’t believe in making decisions for other living creatures. She had always been like that. She couldn’t remember a time where she didn’t even try to stand up for something or someone that couldn’t stand up for their self. She reached into her pocket and pulled 52.35$ out. “We should have enough for two tickets, large drinks, popcorn and candy. Perfect!” She laughed, putting back into her pocket. ~~~ Jazz sat in the crook of a tree in the middle of the city park. The full moon over head provided plenty of light for what she was doing, Painting. She always got her inspiration at night time, and she was always so full of energy at night and tired during the day. This led her to think that she was a creature of the night. She stopped moving the brush and studied the painting. It was the same painting she had done for many years. A man of shadows, standing against the moon. He had black hair she knew, for she dreamed of this man often. He wears a drench coat and his hands are in his pockets. She knew he was handsome and had the deepest blue eyes that she had ever seen, though she had never seen his face. She sighed and dropped from the tree, leaving the paints in the tree. She carried the canvas out a little ways away from her body so that she didn’t brush off any of the paint. Back at her studio, she laid the painting down in a corner that she put aside for just those paintings of the mysterious man. He was always in a different place, one showed him on a dirt road with trees lined on either side of him, their leaves all orange and billowing. Some were blowing around him as well, catching his hair and rain coat. But his face still was not visible and his hands were in the pockets of his coat. Another showed him on a gr*censored*y hill, but instead of looking at you he was looking up at a full moon. His features were clearly sad, his hands on his knees and his nose and lips and eye lashes defined in the light of the moon. There were at least twenty other just like them, all in different places, different poses. Same man.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:16am Mar 20 2010
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(( Fail~> T_T ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:49am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"You know I could have paid for my own," Siren chuckled, but ran wuith her. "Yeah, I guess your right. I wouldn't want a leash on me," She sighed. (When do they get there? xD And about the guy she drew...)
Isn't this fun?
1:07pm Mar 20 2010
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"Yeah, and you really don't have a choice if I'm staying or not,"Stefan laughed. "I was invited in, I can come anytime I want."
3:16pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Well, I'm revoking that privilage, it's my house, and Daemon tricked Siren into letting him in, not me!" Kain growled, stomping down the stairs, forgettign the head in the dufflebag that had now managed to make it's way under the coffee table. "Where the hell did she go, anyway...?"
Isn't this fun?
6:19pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 7,187
"Thats ok. Its my fault we missed the first movie so I;m buying. Anything you want, its on me!" She said as the crossed the parking lot and up to the window where the tickets where sold. "So, what do you want to watch?" She asked, looking at the movies showing and the time the start. ~~~ Jazz walked across the room and over to her sterio, turning it on to a ranom station. "I Will Not Bow" By Breaking Benajamin came on, one of her favorites. (( Idk what the guy in the paintings have to do with anything. lol ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:23pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 3,557
As soon as they got there with no hessitation Siren said "Alice in wonderland!" (I so phail. >_>)
Isn't this fun?
6:28pm Mar 20 2010
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Stefan laughed out loud, sitting on the couch. "You can't revoke it. Once I'm in, that's it."
7:42pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"DAMN!" He shouted, then left the house, slamming the door. "Why do I always get freaks hanging around me?! I just want to.....Hnn...?" He looked around. Something was off about the surroundings. He felt like he was beign watched, and yet he knew there wasn't anybody there. ____ Rose had coem down the stairs, looking around. "That idiot go to blow off steam, I as$ume?" She questioned, sitting down on a chair opposite Stefan.
Isn't this fun?