7:47pm Mar 20 2010
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(( Actually thats an awesome movie!! XD Have you seen it? )) "Ok!" She turned to the person behind the gl*censored*. "Two tickets to Alice In Wonderland please!" She handed the cash to him and he gave back change and the tickets. "Here you go." Zoey said, handing Siren her ticket.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:47pm Mar 20 2010
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"Yeah, but he doesn't know what's outside." Stefan said quickly, flitting to his room and out the window. He was on the roof, out of the sight of Kain and scanning the area.
8:59pm Mar 20 2010
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"Oh, boo," Rose said, tone uninterested as she followed him, and sat next to him. "Who, exactly sent you to watch my nephew anyway? I'm sure this isn't of your own accord," She questioned, lookign at Kain. __ Kain was still in his rotten mood, but felt like somethign watching him. He didn't seem like it though, btu he was on guard. He had began walking down the sidewalk, what he saw something flash past him, and stop behind him. He turned around to see a farmiliar face. "...Qent? How did you...?" The boy was much taller than him, and had black hair. He had copper stunning eyes, and a malicious grin on his face. "Now, Kain, you seem either depressed, or worried, what's up?" He asked, lazily placign a hand on his shoulder, makign the other boy smirk. "Nuthin' much, Qent. My aunt Rose brought soem weirdo to the house, I guess. Don't worry though, he won't be there long, as long as nothing comes after me. Let's go get pizza, I'm starved!" He said as the two began wlakign down the road. "His name is Qent Woodlow. He's been secretly datign Kain for two years now. He's not a threat, but he's part werewolf, his werewolf mother, dead, human father still alive," Rose explained. "Neither of them know, surprisingly enough. I mean Qent knwos he's part wolf, but Kain doesn't and as you know Kain only just found out about being part vampire," He sighed. (Kent, spelt Qent. ^^) _______ The movie was great, Siren found herself munching pop-corn, with one hand and the other lazily swung over Zoey's shoulder, until she accidentally got soem of the shell stuck between her teeth. "Ow, damn.." She muttered, tryign to pry it out with her tongue.
Isn't this fun?
9:22pm Mar 20 2010
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"What?" Zoey asked, looking over at Siren. She had barely noticed her arm around her shoulder. She had only eaten half of her popcorn, but she drank all of her coke. "That was a good movie." She stated. ~~ Jazz climbed out onto a patio just outside of her window with a new canvas, carring a small portible radio with her. It played soft music, there were no lyrics, just instruments. She began to draw the street, bathed in both moonlight and the soft glows of the streets lights. (( Idk why I added Jazz XD She won't have a partner or anything. Maybe she can play an important role somehow.... ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:39pm Mar 20 2010
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(I could make a guy for her? >_>') Siren was still tryign to get the piecve of pop-corn out of her teeth, but was unsucessfull. "I don't want to go home, Kain is going to have company or something I think....Soemthign about him tellign his 'He's not my boyfriend, he's just a close friend' Cuagh, I knwo their really dating, frieng is going to be sleeping at Kain's house, can I sleep over at oyu house tonight?" She questioned. "Maybe I can use soem floss on this thing...." She added. (Your siggy is hillarious. XD)
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9:52pm Mar 20 2010
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((I knew that *Not*)) "Oh, okay." Stefan said, relaxing. "It's Damon. He ordered it that Kain be watched and guarded ever since he found out he was a halfie."
9:57pm Mar 20 2010
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"Oh, that's interesting. Why does he give a rat's tail?" Her voice in general held a tone of not quite bordem, but it was obvious she was interested. "I mean, you guys aren't related to him or something, right?"
Isn't this fun?
9:59pm Mar 20 2010
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(( No. You're already playing lots of charas. )) "Yeah. Sure. You can spend a night at my house." Zoey answered. "And I've got plenty of floss." She laughed. The lights came on in the theater and Zoey realized they were the only two left. "Hey, we should get going." She said, standing up. ~~ Jazz looked up as two guys made their way down the street, she decided to paint them in. She stared at them as they made their way towards her, taking in their features and heights. She drew the outlines in pencil, then began to paint them in as well.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:04pm Mar 20 2010
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"No, We're not. Damon doesn't have a rat's tail..."
10:20pm Mar 20 2010
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There was a shrot pause. "No, it's a saying, he doesn't give a $hit about him, why is he helping him....Ughh..." _____ Siren stood up too. 'Okay~" She smiled, practically skipping out of the room. ______ They were at a place in the town that was known for their pizza, and Kain loved their pizza. "Wow, you havn't eaten or soemthing today?" Qent asked, who was on his first slice of piuzza, wheras Kain was on his third piece. "No, this guy at my house, that I can't get rid of....Weirdo....Well, not wierd, exactly, he just bugs the piss out of me..." He muttered, tearign into the pizza. "Ah. Well, my offer stands on you spending the ngith at my house," Qent laughed. "I'm afraid I can't do that...." "..Uh...Why not?" Qent muttered, takign it as a jopke at first, then lookming at Kain's face. "Because he'd follow me...." Qent gave a nervous laugh, not knowing how to take that. "Uhmm....How abotu we just finish eating, okay, babe?" Qent said, eating more pizza.
Isn't this fun?
10:28pm Mar 20 2010
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"He does care, actually. He has to, being King and all..."
10:36pm Mar 20 2010
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(( 8D I just had an awesome idea! What if Jazz turns out to be some sort of Orical thing? Like she is suppost to protect Kain as well and the man in her drawings is the one after him? Just a thought if no one like )) Zoey followed her out into the lobby. "Are you sure you don't want to let Kain know where you'll be?" Zoey asked, throwing away her coke cup. ~~ Jazz finished the two guys in her painting just as they disappeared from her view into the pizza place just down the road. She stretched, then continued with her paining. She had about one quarter of the picture done already. And it looked as if it were a picture taken by a camera. But if you looked at it, she could tell it was painted.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:50pm Mar 20 2010
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(Tsunade: O.O' EPIC!) "Okay, if he's a King, what does that make Kain, just somoen he feels obligated to protect?" _____ "Yup. Besides, he's got Qent. He's pretty self-efficiant," She chuckled. _____ "Wait, a secodn, I know how to throw the creep!" Kain said after their pizza was doen, and Kain ran out of the parlor withj Qent right behidn him. "Uh, Kain, you okay?" "TO YOUR HOUSE!" Kain said as he darted to the place. He knew exactyl where it was , and it was short distance, and he was running fast, but Qent had no problem keeping up with him. As soon as they were in the house, Kain locked the doors, ignroign the look of genuine concern he recieved form his boyfriend. "DO NOT. Let anyone in here! Or give them permission to enter. EVAR!' Qent looekd at him. 'But-' "EVAR!" Kain insisted. "Honey, you feeling okay?"
Isn't this fun?
10:57pm Mar 20 2010
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((Lol, Kain made me giggle.)) "Well, it's his job to protect all Half-Vampires."
11:00pm Mar 20 2010
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(( Really? O>O I thought no one would like it XD ~Pokes "Knight In Shining Armor" >o> lol )) "Ok..." She looked doubtful but led the way to her house anyway. Salem met up with them when they came out of the Theater. "hey Salem! I would have thought that you would have gone home by now!"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:20am Mar 21 2010
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"Ah," Rose said in understanding. "Weird...Should be here by now, he's abnout five minutes late...Unless," She said, then smirked. "Oh, boys will be boys," She chuckled standing up. "I would as$ume he is at Qent's house. He'll be safe there. Unless your going to go after him? You know he's sleeping at Qent's, becasue he has you watchign over him, right?" She said with a laugh. _______ As soon as they were in Zoeys house she raced upstairs. "I'm gonig to take a shower, that alright with you?" She called down.
Isn't this fun?
2:03am Mar 21 2010
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"Yeah!" She called up the stairs and headed for the kitchen after locking the front door. She had her own place, and shes had it foir about a year now. She set the keys down on the counter and grabbed an apple from a bowl. She cleaned it off before biting into it. She went back into the living room to wait for Siren to finish up her shower so that she could get in. (( chance: what do you think about my idea? Do you mind?/Think its a good idea? o.O I don't want to start anything without you agreeing too ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:22pm Mar 21 2010
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After her shower was done she had realized she hadn't brought any extra clothes, leavign her with a towel. "Crap, I can't just put on my old clothes, I've been wearign them for a week as it is..." She then called down. "Hey, Zo, you have any black jeans or a black tee shirt? I kinda forgot to get my spare clothes, because my mom was right when she said I don't think...."
Isn't this fun?
7:36pm Mar 21 2010
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((No, it's a great idea, actually.)) "I know where he is. Damon'll watch him from there. I got this house and when he's outside, and Damon got everywhere else."
12:44am Mar 22 2010
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"Okay, I'm heading to bed," She said leaving. ______ "Look, Kain, I don't mind you being here, and I don't mind your strange need to have the doors locked, but I draw the line at you attempting to nail my own damn door shut," Qent said, holding a hammer and a box of nails that he took from Kain. "But Qenttttt!" He whined. "'But,' nothing. Kain, I'm sorry, but I want to at least know what's botherign you. If someone's har*censored*ing you, please, tell me, I'll get him off your back, babe, I hate beign on the sidelines, especially when something's got you paranoid to this extreme," Qent said, sennting the potentially lethal objects down and leading Kain to the couch to talk to him. "Okay..." He said. "It's not that guy that's at Aunt Rose's place....This...This feeling. It's like something dangerous is right behind me, or- or stalking me, and it's got the hair on the back of my neck standign up, and I can't figure out what it is..." He said, then sighed. "I sound stupid..." He mumbled, resting his head on Qent's shoulder, who tilted his head. "Okay, Kain....I'll take a look around if your paranoid. I won't let anythign happen to you," He said, placing a hand on Kain's shoulder, who looked at him a little worried. "No way! If something's really out there, then you might gwet hurt! I don't want to chance that," "Don't worry, Kain. I can handle myself. Listen...I'm, going to take a walk around the neighborhood....I have something important I need to tell you...." Kain looked at him, and the seriousness, then nodded. "..Okay...." He said, nodding. "Okay. I'll be back in about twenty minutes," He said, standing up. He leaned towards Kain, kissing his forhead, and left, locking the door. Kain sighed, looking at the coffee table with an exotic-looking purple flower at which he had never seen before. "..Hnn? Never saw that before, and where did he get it?" He muttered. (Hey, I have an idea. Kain is gettign attacked by something (Wont' say or else it will be a spaoiler) and Daemon is on the other side of the door, and tells Kain he needs to give him permission to enter the house to help him, and Kain is all like "Hell, no! DX")
Isn't this fun?