5:11pm Mar 26 2010
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((Oh, sorry. I've been grounded, so computer's limited to weekends. Must've not seen it. Sure!))
5:54pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Grounded?! *Dramatically* NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! DX) Somethign happened with the flower. It started getting bigger. "..The hell...?" He muttered, standing up, looking at it on the coffee table, and slowly backed up a few feet. Soon the purple flower was taking on the form of a venus fly trap, and continued to grow until it was as large as the coffee table it was on, roots jutting out of the table itself. "..Qent has some weird plants..." Kain muttered, knowing even this commical statement wasn't nessecary. Quickly he turned to leave, but realised that was a bad idea. Quickly he noticed a note, and on the floor there was a box rouchly the size of the flower before it started growing. "Who the hell gives someoen that as a present...And who gave it to him...? Or is that really for him?" He didn't get a chance to really move before one of the many vines sprouting from the plant grabbed hsi arm. "AH, HELL!"
Isn't this fun?
6:02pm Mar 26 2010
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"Sh*t!" Damon yelled, kicking down the door. "Kain! Let me in!" He yelled, trying to pull himself through the invisible barrier.
6:05pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Hell. No!" Kain growled, finally able to pry the vine off of him, then looekd at the guy. "You tried to kill me, then you expect me to let you into my boyfriends house?" He called over. "And what the hell is that thing?!" He called over, almost lettign out a scream as the vine almost almost grabbed his leg, but he was able to stomp on it, making it retract.
Isn't this fun?
6:09pm Mar 26 2010
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"I'm trying to help you!" Damon yelled, unfazed by his words. "I wasn't gonna kill you. It's a drone, sent out to kill you, as I was sent out to help you!"
6:27pm Mar 26 2010
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"Right....And I don't have the authority to let you into someone else's house anyway!" He called, then ran into another room that was out of sight, the plant's vines thrashing around slightly. The strange thign was, nothign was getting damaged. However, there was a vine going out of the house, and wrappin around Daemon's leg. (No, that is nto an invitation! DX)
Isn't this fun?
6:57pm Mar 26 2010
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(Lol)) Damon snarled, spitting his acid at the vine, causing it to shrivel up and die. "You do!" He yelled, angry. "As long as you're half human!"
7:18pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Then somethign interestign happened. XD
The vines began to shrink, and the plant started getting smaller, as if no longer a harmfull ob ject. Within fourty seconds the plant looked like what it looked like before it attacked Kain.
'I can take care of myself..." Kain grumbled to Daemon as he had walked from around the house. "I love how that idiot needs to start lockign his windows more often..." Kain grumbled.
Isn't this fun?
12:48pm Mar 27 2010
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"Oh yeah, sure. You didn't do that, my spit did."
5:24pm Mar 27 2010
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Zoey climbed out of the shower and dried off herself, pulling on the clothes she had picked out for herself. She blow dried he hair and went downstairs to join Siren on the sofa. "Whats up?" She asked. Jazz waits for Quent to bump into her on top of her roof .3. (( JK! JK! XD ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:40pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"I never said I did that...That's gross," He smirked, then turned to leave. "Welp, thank's, see ya," He said waving his hand and walking down the sidewalk to look for Qent, and probably figure more out about that plant. ______ Qent see's her on the roof, and get's a bad vibe. Thar. XD "Who are you?" He questioned, after climbing on top of the roof. She didn't smell liek a threat parsay, but she didn't smell like the usual visitors....
Isn't this fun?
8:50pm Mar 27 2010
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(( ROFL!! XD I was liek... CREEPER! HE SMELLED ME!!?? X'D I forgot he was a werewolf. -starts to cry from laughing so hard- [[ forget the fact he climbed onto the roof]] )) "What the hell!?" Jazz backed up quickly, knocking the painting over in the process. "W-wh-who are you for climbing onto my roof from two stories down!" She backed all the way up against the house.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:20pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(No, actually, he's just a creeper. o_o') "Don't fall," He smirked, crossing his arms. "Some weirdo's haras$ing my friend, Kain Winters, ever hear of him? And you are a suspicious person right now...." He said, lookign at the pain. He saw a picture of that man she had been drawing. Instinctivly he tensed. "That man..."
Isn't this fun?
4:12pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 4:10pm Mar 30 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
(( xD lol ouo )) "I'm not going to fall." Jazz snapped, smirking back. Shakingly, she picked up the painting. She stopped and looked at the guy, "Kain Winters... is a name that I made up. He isn't real. And how am I suspicious? I was painting on my own roof. You're the one thats suspicious..." She countered, taking the painting and paints back in threw the window. "I don't know who he is. But he isn't right." She said, her voice getting smaller as she walked through the apartment to put the picture with the others that she drew of Kent. She didn't even understand why she was explaining this to this guy, whom she had only met a few seconds ago by him jumping onto her roof. "I guess you can come in sence you know Kent." She said sarcastically. She had been drawing Kent longer than she had been drawing the mysterious guy in black.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:17pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:47pm Mar 30 2010
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((I dunno what to post...))
4:11pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( Post anything! =D Tell Kent that Qent would let him in or something like that XD Or that he was injursed to get Kent to let you in? ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:49pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(It's Kain and Qent. >_>' Not Kent.) "My name is Qent. Q-E-N-T-, and my boyfriend is Kain Winters. Not a very common name. Agin, he's paranoid, and since you knwo his name, I'd have to say your pretty damned suspicious," Qent snarled. _______ "...Daemon..." Kain said, before leaving completely from sight.
Isn't this fun?
6:02pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( DDXX Sorry! -headdesk- )) "Sorry Q-E-N-T. If you want proof that Kain is an imaginary person then you might as well get in here." She said, leaning the painting beside at least 45 other paintings of kain. Just across from where her paintings from the mystery man were. She stopped in her tracks, one of the paintings had Qent in it. She bent down to get a closer look, Kain and Qent were sitting in a bench together. Sunset and all. She remembered painting that one, she had been devistated that her Kain was with someone else. She had laughed because she was upset about something she drew. "Hey, I drew a guy that looks just like you!" She got back up and headed for the kitchen, popping a bag of instant Beef Flavored Ramen Noodles into the mirowave. ((You can describe paintings if Qent ever comes inside! XD I don't care ^_^))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:26pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Ok)) "Yes, Kain? And my name's Damon. That's D-A-M-O-N."