2:39pm Apr 7 2010
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"Listen to me, kid. Why do you think he grabbed you so hard, and didn't know? Why do you think he ran so much, and isn't out of breath. Look at you, a half vampire, and you're panting. Smell him. Don't you smell something odd?" Damon pressed, growling as he followed them through the house on the roof.
5:50pm Apr 7 2010
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"....Qent....Be serious..." Kain finally said, as he noticed Qent refused eye contact. "...Are you really...A werewolf?" He asked, tiltign his head. "....Look, it's not a choice, thing!" He said, beginning to pace. "It's not liek I wanted to be one, it's not liek I wasn't already a freak, it's not liek I thought you'd accept me if I said that on a first dater, and it's not liek I wasn't going to tell you!" He said. "Qent, its' fine...Well..Technically, it's awkward, but you should have just told me," He said. "..Because I just found out somethign to," He said, looking at Qent tilting his head, and openm his mouth before Kain got the chance to speak. "Your half vampire, I know," Kain took a step back. "How did you knwo m,and how logn did you know..?" "I only juast found out around the same time you did. I smelt your blood, but when I got there, you had already been saved by that other vampire...And I didn't have the heart to say anything, because of me beign a werewolf," He explained. "...Wait...Are your parents-" "My mother is a werewolf, and my father is human," He explained. "Damn it, why do oyu have to be right?! How;d YOU find out?!"
Isn't this fun?
7:42pm Apr 7 2010
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"Because I knew his parents." Damon thought back, pacing across the roof. "I also smelt his blood... Smells like wet dog."
12:18pm Apr 8 2010
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(No, more like 'Auntie Rose told me...' XD) "Listen. You can't let my parent's knwo your part vampire," "I kidna figured. Didn't knwo the whole vampries hate werewolves thign was real.." "Well, it is. If my parent's foudn otu I was datign a vampire they'd kill you," "Actually, no they couldn't..." "What makes you think that?" "The guy I was avoiding is apperently suppsoed to be keepign me alive...." "...Anotehr vampire? " He asked. "Yeah. He's pureblood though," Kain explained.
Isn't this fun?
4:20pm Apr 8 2010
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"Yes, I am." Damon snarled through the door. "And there's too of us. Nice to see you again, Qent. I'm sure Stefan would love to say hi..."
10:38pm Apr 11 2010
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Jazz put the picture aside, blinking. That was weirde, she had never drawn something as if she were in a trance before. "Im just tired..." She told herself, standing up from the floor, "Or it might be that you've just found out that Kain is real..." She said to herself as she walked through the house. She was starting to regret asking Qent to bring Kain here. What if he doesn't like me? What if I don't like him? What if- "Oh stop! Its too late now..." She said to herself as she pulled the picture into a corner beside the front door. She wenty to turn her radio back on as loud as it would go and went to her room ro rest her eyes before Qent got back with Kain. "If he brings him here..." Jazz said to herself as she sprawled out on her king-ized bed. (( She talks to herself XD ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:06am Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Yeah, hi, bye," Qent said rushed, as he left the house and brushed past him, Kain following. "Wait, you two know each other?" "It was fourty years ago, Kain, drop it," "Homophobix sunovabi tch killed my first boyfriend, but what the frig does it matter?" He thought to himself, as the two continued walking, Qent now grabbing Kain's arms, walking towards jazz's house. "I have someone I need you to meet, and dion't let him in her house," He explained. "..Uh....Okay, Qent..." (Lol, I talk to myself when I'm bored. XD Well, not talk talk, but just joke around to make myself laugh. You'd knwo what I meant if you ever saw me doing it. XD)
Isn't this fun?
5:10pm Apr 12 2010
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((I do, too xD)) I'm not Homophobic, I happen to have a cousin." Damon laughed, following them. "Kain, please. I only want to protect you."
7:37pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Hang on. He seriosuly wants to help me, even thnought I don't want to admit it..." Kain sighed. They were right in front of Jazz's house. "And so far, the most dangerous thign that's happened is you plant trying to go Jumanji on me....I...Want him to go with us, Qent..." "I don't like that isdea....He might try and kill you. He still hasen't given a reason for killing...." He shook his head. "Whatever...Jazz is waiting, and I'm not letting him in," He said walkign up to the house and knocking, leavign Kain to look at Damon, thinkign of somethign to say. "....I hope my judgement'ds good on this one, man...":
Isn't this fun?
7:46pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Jazz jumped slightly at the knocking of the front door. "Here already?" She asked herself as she dragged herself from the bed. She turned of the increadably loud "Freaxxx by BrokeNCYDE" on the radio as she p*censored*ed. She unlocked the door and picked through the crack. It was Qent and beside him stood Kain. She felt nausious but she opened the door for them anyways. "Wecome back." She said, so quickly she added to herself in her head. "Please! Come in." She turned and about had a heart attack, she had forgotten to hide all of her thousands of paints! Too late now.... She thought, sighing.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:23pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Kain was more occupied with the guilty feeling Qent was causing him, he just stood there, while Qent just walked in. "Hi...Kain, you commin'? He asked. "..."
Isn't this fun?
9:23pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Kain was more occupied with the guilty feeling Qent was causing him, he just stood there, while Qent just walked in. "Hi...Kain, you commin'? He asked. "..."
Isn't this fun?
9:50pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 7,187
"Umm..." She looked from Qent to Kain. "I'm not really sure why you guys are here really... I mean, I know my painings and drawings and stories are... weird to say the least... But?" She crossed her arms over her chest as if she were cold, she shook her head. She looked at Kain again, her paintings didn't do him justice she decided. Qent either... She thought. She shook herself mentally. "Manners!" She cleared her throat, "I dropped them off the patio..." She joked. "Do either of you guys want anything?" She asked, it felt awkward here and she either wanted to change whatever the awekward subjest was or leave them alone for a minute.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:24pm Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Omg, I love that movie, Jumanji xDD)) "It better be, kid. I can't protect you if I can't go inside." Damon sighed, shaking his head. "Idiot werewolf!"
1:04am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Qent ignored him. "..Alright, you can come in with me..." "Oh, right, he trusts him, and not his boyfriend. I'm not good enough protection for him?" Qent thought, glarign at Kain, who was standign in the doorway, lookign at Jazz, completely unaware of the pictures.
Isn't this fun?
1:04am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Qent ignored him. "..Alright, you can come in with me..." "Oh, right, he trusts him, and not his boyfriend. I'm not good enough protection for him?" Qent thought, glarign at Kain, who was standign in the doorway, lookign at Jazz, completely unaware of the pictures.
Isn't this fun?
1:04am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Qent ignored him. "..Alright, you can come in with me..." "Oh, right, he trusts him, and not his boyfriend. I'm not good enough protection for him?" Qent thought, glarign at Kain, who was standign in the doorway, lookign at Jazz, completely unaware of the pictures.
Isn't this fun?
1:04am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Qent ignored him. "..Alright, you can come in with me..." "Oh, right, he trusts him, and not his boyfriend. I'm not good enough protection for him?" Qent thought, glarign at Kain, who was standign in the doorway, lookign at Jazz, completely unaware of the pictures.
Isn't this fun?
1:04am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Qent ignored him. "..Alright, you can come in with me..." "Oh, right, he trusts him, and not his boyfriend. I'm not good enough protection for him?" Qent thought, glarign at Kain, who was standign in the doorway, lookign at Jazz, completely unaware of the pictures.
Isn't this fun?
1:04am Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Qent ignored him. "..Alright, you can come in with me..." "Oh, right, he trusts him, and not his boyfriend. I'm not good enough protection for him?" Qent thought, glarign at Kain, who was standign in the doorway, lookign at Jazz, completely unaware of the pictures.
Isn't this fun?