6:16pm Mar 1 2010
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Nolan turned back around, his black overcoat fluttering rather loudly before it settled around his ankles, the dark-haired male waiting for the other pureblood to do something. He was naturally distrustful of other vampires, especially pureblood males. It was just part of his mentality, and there was nothing anybody could do to change his instincts.
6:24pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"It's Salvatore. And yeah, Stefan's my brother. And I turned that girl."Damon explined, hopping u on one of the counters and lazily sitting down on it. "And I'm not going to attack you, idiot. I have better things to do with my time."
6:27pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nolan snorted. "Then how about you go clean up the messes you've made by letting your kills turn?" he asked, eyes narrowed. "You should learn to make sure they stay dead and don't come back as bloodthirsty monsters. Which, by the way, humans think every vampire is," he hissed lightly, agitated. "Now, Damon, how many other people have you turned?" Nolan asked, eyes narrowing.
6:30pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"My venom doesn't work that way, Neophyte."Damon spat, growling. "I've turned one person. And it's a blood exchange. I drink their blood, they drink mine. I snap a neck or two, and bam. Another Vampire." "And I thoroughly kill my prey."
6:32pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Kain rolled his eyes, not even intimidated. "Then why are you here? Stalking or some $hit? Look, I don't give a rat's a$s why your here. Just keep your brother away from my sister," He mubmeld going towards the door. Great. My sister lives near that guy, gotte tell her to avoid him...Wait, I don't think they've ever met.....Then again, these guys didn't even knwo I had a sister...$HIT!" (He's got a foul mouth! XD)
Isn't this fun?
6:33pm Mar 1 2010
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"Wait...." He loked at them. "If neither of you two are turnign them...Then whose been doign that?" He asked, hand on the knob of the door.
Isn't this fun?
6:35pm Mar 1 2010 (last edited on 6:36pm Mar 1 2010)
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((Umm, lol?)) "Listen, you moron. My brother doesn't drink Human blood. I consider him a martyr, but that's just me. He drinks animal blood... Like some filthy Cullen."Damon visibly shuddered at the thought, utterly repulsed at the sparkling Vampires. "And I'm not a stalker. I was planning on killing you, but you seem pretty cool. Plus, I'm not hungry anymore." He added nonchalantly. "Not me, and surely not Stefan." At the name, Stefan appeared by Damon, slightly growling his words. "It's a new set of Vampires."
6:41pm Mar 1 2010
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Nolan sighed heavily, shaking his head as he rubbed the back of his neck. Kain needed to learned when to just stay quiet. "And just who the hell are you calling a neophyte?" Nolan hissed at Damon, tips of his fangs bared at the other pureblood. He turned his gaze towards Kain and watched him, making sure the other vampire didn't attack. Yeah, he was gonna be a bit of a stalker, but it was just to keep him from becoming like the woman on the morgue slab, who was currently headless and chilling in the freezer.
6:43pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Oh, good, because I'm high in fat," And in the arosol can's I used before I left..." "Okay, so I guess that's what happened to my sister's Cat..." He mubmeld, crossing his arms, leanign against the door. "Any idea on whose been turning them?" He asked, ignoring his phone that just began ringing. It was probably his sister. _______ "Dammit, where is he?" Siren muttered, walkign down the sidewalk. "I hate beign alone..." She mubmeld, lookign around. "Alone? Your never excactly alone" Smirked a voice form behind her, makign her jump. "W-who are you?!" She asked. It was a female vampire. "A purebred," She repleid. She hadf long purple hair and Violet eyes. (Will give better deion when I fidn her picture. XD)
Isn't this fun?
6:45pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Kain looked at Steffan, who just entered. "Hey, did you kill a grey cat recently?" He asked as if he already knew the other overly well, and it was a simple question. "Because you kinda left the 'I'm a vampire' thign otu in our last conversation,"
Isn't this fun?
6:49pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
6:51pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Funny,"Stefan sneered. "I drink Elk blood." "It's new Vampires." -- "I'm calling you a Neophyte,"Damon snarled, hopping off of the table. He bared his Vampire-Killing fangs at the other Purebred, ready for a battle. "Wanna try it? One bite and you're gone..."
6:56pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Kain walked back over to the corpse, and opened it again, pulling out the head. "Uh, why not you guys calm down?" He asked, sticking the head in a dufflebad that was already on the floor.
Isn't this fun?
6:57pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nolan bared his fangs fully, lowering himself slightly. "I don't plan on letting you get close enough to bite me," he growled, fiery bi-colored eyes glowing in the darkness of the room. "I am no beginner, you rude little punk," he hissed. ((Since a neophyte is a beginner...yeah. :D))
6:59pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((I know that xD.)) "And I'm not a punk,"Damon snarled, extending his fangs fully. "I've been around longer than you have, and I'm stronger than you, too. I can get as close as I want to you. Hell, I could do things to you that would make you look like a Cullen."
7:06pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Kain then had an idea. "I swear, I'm in a room of idiots. I never even watched Twilight, and to be honest, I tohught he was gay. Maybe theyr former lovers tyring to work out some issues? I wonder who took the sofa...*Snickers* He looked at Nolan, not sure if the whoel mind-reading thing worked. Then again, he probably wished it didn't. "Hey, Nolan, you know where I live, right?"
Isn't this fun?
7:16pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Damon growled, hearing the thoughts. "Listen, you bag of blood. You really don't want to tempt angry Purebloods."
7:20pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nolan twitched, lips curling back even further as a snarl ripped its way out of his chest. "And just how can you be so sure you're older than me, or stronger for that matter?" he countered before glancing at Kain. "Yeah, why?" he asked, blinking once at him. ((Nolan is uber old. owo He changes his name often to keep up with the names of the generations. His real name is Tobias Samael. C:))
7:21pm Mar 1 2010 (last edited on 7:23pm Mar 1 2010)
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Posts: 3,557
"Who said I was tempting you? I was just trying to put my psychiatrist skills to the test! C'mon, sit down, take a seat, why not tell me about your child hood?" He said, innocently, zipping up the dufflebag. (I watched several ep's of Spiderman..Yes, I will make him act like that. XD)
"Well, m y sudgestion is, we go there before a ifght breaks out," He said crossing his arms.
(Also, one ruel: You can't go itno other's houses unless your invited!)
Isn't this fun?
7:22pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Okay... Damon's waaaayyyyy old, too. Let's just say they're from the same Ear!!!)) Damon suddenly laughed, his bad mood gone faster than human's blood through his veins. "Whatever. As far as I know, we're from the same time."