Vampires | Humans | Werewolves

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2:57pm Nov 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(My computer doesn't work to make stuff colored.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:11pm Nov 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Sorry Spirit, but like I said before, I don't consider you semi-literate. I've looked at your other RPs and your posts ^^' ]]


9:18pm Nov 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Ok fine,sorry to bug you.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:28am Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

[ You know what, Spirit? I think you're the biggest liar on earth.

Res has a built in coloration system that lets you color your text. If you're using IE on this really old Mac, it works. If you're using Opera on a Macbook Air, it works. So what's wrong? Finding excuses to be lazy?

There was no rule indicating that you had to join this RP, and if I'm not wrong we're better off without you. Sorry for the disappointment >_>

What can you say now, really? :I ]

Name: Sven  [nicknamed Freak]
Age: Twenty
Gender: Male
[ I do not claim any sort of credit other than character design. Sven was drawn for me by Cephei, and I do not appreciate theft of his character art.]
Sven is blunt; he wouldn't hesitate to tell you that you look terrible in a new dress, or that your hairstyle really annoyed him. He dislikes conversing with people, and would only speak the necessary. He seems to be emotionless; nothing ever seems to move him. He enjoys to be alone in a quiet place, without any intruders. He doesn't care about anything that ever happens, it seems. Flirting seems to annoy him the most.
Crush: He's not a romantic guy...
Species: Human, then turned into Vampire later on?
Rank: N/A.
Other: He likes tea. Really likes tea.
And he doesn't have a last name 'cos he doesn't feel "accepted" by anyone, so he just disowned himself from his family. Irony.
x -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- x
Name: Raphaela
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
[Sorry for the link! I'll try to post a detailed writeup on her tomorrow ; it's getting late.]
Raphaela's a seriously studious student, often found at the local bakery with her book in hand. She uses a scented maple leaf as her bookmark and mini heaven when she's feeling tired - a whiff of the tangy scent of the small red leaf gives her a notable energy boost. She has a plushie panda she often carries around, which was given to her by her mother on her sixth birthday before her mother divorced and remarried another man. She detests nicknames as she feels that nicknames are given to those who are of the lower class that nobody respects. Raphaela keeps to herself at times, often to absorbed in her studies to socialize, lacking social skills, and the farthest it gets to socialization is when she goes to class. However, if disturbed during her study sessions she tends to snap.
Crush: As I've said, she's too absorbed in her studies.
Species: Human
Rank: Student? o_o
Other: She likes pandas. Fact of the day.
[I would most likely be bringing in another character tomorrow :D ]


12:11pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Calm down, Twintherp and have some tea o-o Really old Mac... It's probably my mac -tear- Not my fault my stupid school forced my entire grade to purchase it a YEAR before it went obsolete. Stinky school. Now everyone else gets the nice new ones. But the coloring thing works on every web browser I've used on the Mac. 
I'm not in Singapore anymore, and school starts in 5 hours -not happy- All of Twint's characters are accepted :D ]]


3:23pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Hey no need to get all mad and if I were on my other computer it would work for color not this one you jerk so mind your own freakin' stuff!!)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

3:33pm Nov 27 2011 (last edited on 8:04pm Nov 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 306
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: {Except her hair is a silvery-white.}
Personality: Ever since becoming a vampire, Nova has been in a state of depression. She is very closed in, although she doesn't cry, because she sees it as pointless, and as a weakness. { I will tell how she became a vampire later.}
Crush: open
Species: Vampire
Rank: none
Other: Um, my computer doesn't have the color thing on here for some reason... I would make "Vampire" purple. I have everything on here except for the thing to add pictures and the text colors...sorry. Sometimes they're on here.

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

6:01pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((*Completely avoids the argument.* So, Tld, when do you think we can start this roleplay up?))

Love is all we need~


6:32pm Nov 27 2011 (last edited on 8:02pm Nov 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Name: Akida Kani
Age: 16, almost 17.
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has light brown hair that is layered and has a little outwards flip at the end. It has a part to the side so the majority of hair is on her right, though it is only slightly away from the middle. She has a sort of shaggy cut going down to her right that probably indicates those are her bangs.  Her hair goes an inch or two below her shoulders.  Akida is 5'6.5", and she has a small tan.  Her legs are long and it helps her to run quickly.  Her eyes are a green that sometimes changes to a strange green-ish-yellow color, which is probably why she has yellow eyes while being a wolf.
Akida's WOLF FORM:
Personality: Akida is very bold and not afraid to take risks. She is not easily afraid of things and can be emotional sometimes. She doesn't like to think about failure and never says to herself that she failed; instead she just sort of locks it away and "gets over it." Akida can be a bit stubborn but is relatively nice.
Crush: None, Open.
Species: Werewulf~
Rank: Alpha Female?
Other: The art is not mine.
Name: Shay Peyel
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: Shay has long, straight, dark brown hair that goes to a little above the tippety-top of her stomach area.  Her hair is usually put into a ponytail on some occasions.  She is only 100 pounds, often being referred to as "skinny as a stick" by her friends at school as a joke or tease, but she doesn't mind.  Her eyes are a darkdarkdark green with brown flecks near the pupil.  She is not pale nor tan; a nice medium, if you will, though a small notch on the pale side.  Shay stands at 5'7", and with that she is taller than her mother.
Personality: Shay's big flaws are that she is too sensitive.  If anybody even says that she is stupid in a mean tone, tears will come to her eyes.  She has recently tried to control her sensitivity, but does not succeed every time.  The second flaw is that she "likes to argue."  Truth is, Shay hates it, but can be quick to say a comeback.  That is due to the fact that she doesn't think much before she says something.  It's more like... an engine starting on voice command, to put it simply.  Shay also likes to be fun and be happy.  Making people laugh or smile makes her smile.  She likes to make jokes.  She is also very intelligent.  Another thing about Shay is that she cares a lot about what other people think of her.  She is also sort of stubborn at times.  Also, deep down inside, Shay is actually quite insecure about herself and even says negative comments to herself.  She thinks that she doesn't have friends and can sometimes act "crazy," though it's sort of a good crazy, but it can make others look at her a bit funny.  Shay's been trying to change her personality - or at least a few parts of it - for a while, and she believes she doesn't really have friends and that nobody likes her.
Crush: Everyone's too big for herrr xD
Species: Hooman!
... But whatever happens, happens. ;)
Rank: N/A
Other: I... I don't think so.
Name: Siphus [SY-fiss].  Call him Siph [siff]. :3
Age: 17.  FOREVARRRRRRRRRR-- /brick'd
Gender: Male
Appearance: Siphus has black hair that is almost a really dark brown; sometimes it's hard to distinguish which one it is; and it is the normal "short" that most males have.  He has bangs that cover most of his forehead.  He stands at a 5'7.5", and is at just the right weight so he's not fat or really skinny.  His eyes are a dark brown.
Personality: Siph is quite nice but can sometimes act strange.  And by that, I mean by randomly joking around.  He likes to draw and doodle and he really does anything, and it sort of helps him calm down and feel at home with himself.  Siphus doesn't like arguments but when things get hot, he'll fight fire with fire.  If Siph ignores you, it probably means you're either boring or doing/saying something uninteresting to him, and it might happen sort of often.  On some days he doesn't always be his 'usual self' and becomes sort of cold and distant.  Though, Siph does daydream a lot and is also not afraid to speak his mind, even if it means being a bit sharp-tongued.
Crush: None, Open.
Species: Vampy.
Rank: Fledgerling.
Other: My fail on bios. D; 

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

7:13pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Great, we've got an Alpha for the werewolves, so we can start ^^ I'll type up my bios when I get home. ]]


7:47pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 306
(( Uh, TLD? Is it OK that the text colors won't show up?))

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

9:10pm Nov 27 2011 (last edited on 9:10pm Nov 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
Zera's white-blonde hair flew behind her in the wind. She stood on the edge of a cliff, contemplating what she was to do next. She was alone, which was against every single rule she had been told about, given that she was a juvenile, and quite unstable at times.

In a flash, her eyes went from their light, silvery-grey color to a bright yellow; the color of a wolf's eye. She doubled over with pain, but she resisted the urge to shift into her wolf form. Not in broad daylight. Not here. Not now, while she was able to hold onto a piece of her human self.

She didn't choose to be this monster, but she had to cope. And what did she do to cope?

Why she ran from the Vanished Dreams pack, of course. To her, it was all a game to keep her mind off of the constant changes wrecking her body, but to the pack members, it was worrying and annoying.


Alex frowned at the mention of Zera's disappearance. Looking toward his the man that mentioned it, he simply smiled and said, "You know what they say about dogs, right? They'll always come home." He cracked an impish grin.

The man stayed silent, glaring at Alex. That joke did not help the situation at hand.

Alex let out a disappointed sigh, and turned to walk towards the area where he spent his spare time; the small stream that lied just below the pack's territory.

Upon reaching his destination, Alex dipped his hand into the water, pulled it towards his face, and let the cool water run down his cheeks, chin, and neck.

And then he smelled it.

A polluted, dirty smell. It smelled of burning fossil fuels and chemicals; of car exhausts and anti-freeze. Sickly sweet and absolutely repulsive.

Damn humans, polluting the world.


Solstice was screwed. Completely and utterly screwed.

Her necklace- the last remnant she had to remind her of what her human life was like- was gone. It was missing; stolen, or maybe just lost. Tears streamed down her face, falling onto the floor of the cave that she called home. It was dimly lit with various torches, but the furniture that she had crafted out of white oak trees was ornate, and beautiful in the low light.

Who did Solstice blame the disappearance of her necklace on?

"Stupid werewolves," she said, frowning. She reached up to where her necklace had once laid on her neck. She missed the feel of the cold, hard blood-colored gem- a ruby or garnet, perhaps-  on her neck. She missed the jingling sound it produced when she moved. And most of all, she missed the reminder that it served as.

The werewolves were going to pay for a crime that they didn't even commit.

((Hunter will be introduced later.))

Love is all we need~


11:24pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

[ -Sven steals tea-

I rest my case then, however I wish to know what ancient computer you are using, my friend? I have tried using Res and it's coloration tool on this ancient Mac desktop - worked perfectly.

Do we start?]



1:25am Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Ummumm... ._. So many posts. Okay so werewolves just like eating meat, remember that gais. Meatmeatmeat. /braindead
Err... I think Nova needs a lot of elaboration, Trance ^^' I don't know her rank, and she can't be a fledgling because all the spots are taken. Her personality also seems to lack detail, all I know is that she's depressed and stuff but doesn't cry. She also lacks a last name, unless you can give me an explanation why she doesn't have one.
And yesh we start Twint c: ]]

 Keishi was inside the fledging's den, watching over them. As leader, he felt semi-guilty for watching as their previous leader, Katra, bit them. Keishi had only taken over two weeks ago, and already felt the burden of responsibility on his shoulders. The vampire coven had been wracked with the screeches of the transforming fledglings, every vampire wincing with each shriek. Keishi had to be extremely cautious around them, knowing how destructive they could be. But he knew Katra had good intentions for the coven. Night Mist's numbers had been dwindling thanks to the war with the werewolves, and the human settlement seemed like a gift for the vampires. The girl, Ari, was the first, her habit of wandering around the streets at night made her the perfect target. Keishi was the one who bit her, him being the previous second-in-command. He was roused from his memories when he heard one of the fledgling shift, turning his cold grey eyes back to the two of them.


Ari's eyes flew open as she let out another scream, though it was hoarse and choked. She had spent the last two weeks in utter agony, most of her waking moments dedicated to yelling in pain and thirsting for human blood. She was shocked, disgusted by herself. The vampire who transformed her was kind to her, but she could only feel resentment for them. As the days went by, the pain only intensified for her, her head hurting, her throat parched and her stomach roaring for blood. Whenever Ari's body started to numb, she would spend her time sobbing softly, wishing to be back in the arms of her family. They were probably searching for her now, calling out her name and putting up posters. If only she had the strength to escape...


Levi had left the werewolf camp, sitting atop a tree near the river. His ears picked up the crackle of twigs, making the werewolf hide amongst the leaves. His muscles relaxed, however, when he saw the pack's Beta, Alex. Levi grinned, happy to know that it wasn't a stupid vampire that was crossing borders.
"Hey, Alex!" Levi called from his tree, poking his head out and smiling innocently at the Beta.


"Hm... More posters." Sanae said as she strolled down the street. It was night, and she had spent most of the day studying for her upcoming tests. Recently, three teenagers from her town had disappeared, causing quite an uproar amongst the citizens. Her parents wouldn't let her out of the house, and today was one of the rare occasions where she would slip out, just for an hour or two. Sanae was always told to stay away from the forest, as the townspeople had heard the howling of wolves and the occasional sounds of a fight. These rumors did make her curious, and only bolstered her desire to visit these mysterious parts of the town.


4:10am Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

Raphaela rubbed her eyes as she glanced tiredly at the analogue clock hanging on the wall of the bakery ; nine fifty-two P.M. "We're packing up, girl," The old lady said , smiling as she handed Raphaela a frosted doughnut. "You've been working hard today, good luck for your examination tomorrow." Raphaela nodded, accepting the doughnut and the well-wishes from the old lady as she wedged the maple leaf in the book, closed it as the dust flitted off the dust cover, and placed it in her haversack with her stuffed panda glancing out of the bag as she zipped it. Exiting the warm bakery, she heard a few sharp-pitched cries, barely audible over the rumbling of cars on the street. Crossing the road with caution, she walked to her apartment block and pressed the button seven on the panel in the lift as the old rusty machinery rumbled alive and took her to her floor of residence. She noted the clinging of keys that distinguished her father's exit from home from others' clingings - his was rushed, as if he were nervous about the world leaving him behind in some way or the other. As she was greeted by the sight of her Silver Tabby kitten tumbling out of the metal grilles of her home, she hissed, "Trouble, get back in the apartment."

x -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- x

Sven turned over, exhausted, as the loud banging of a metal gate announced his neighbor's return. "Darn bookworm girl," He snarled, "Can't one get a wink of sleep here?"

He intended to go over the very next morning to scream at her for interrupting his sleep, but something in his brain retorted 'Why not now?' He hissed at himself for thinking so - he wouldn't be bothered with that nerd next door. He stood up from his nest of the thick quilt he had thrown over himself earlier on to stop himself from making a fuss, and soon found himself on the street as the streetlight above his head flickered on and off. Crossing the street and walking without any real destination, he entered a dark alley.

The first thing he had realised about the alley was that he noted a sneaky presence that gave him no time to think wrong place, wrong time.


4:17am Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Maybe the humans should know each other because they go to the same school? ._. I think it would help the plot move along a bit. ]]


7:00pm Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
Dante's pale fingers lightly landed on the branch's gnarled bark, seeming to trace each crevice and each fold. His ice blue eyes took in everything around him, everything that was worth noticing. Even the slightest detail caught his attention, and his razor sharp reflexes caught it before it could notice it was being watched. Dante stood there, crouched over the tree branch, before getting to his feet smoothly. The scent of werewolves was missing from this area of the territory, which was good. Gently, he leapt down from his perch and stalked back towards the dens, his strides long and rolling. Dante kept his hands in his pockets, ex
pression guarded and lips unmoving.


Alice sat in the den, her legs curled to her chest and her slender arms wrapped around her long legs. While most sat around moping about their loss of their human lives, Alice didn't mind the change. Occasionally a sniffle would ring out from the black of the cave, but Alice was silent the whole time. Suddenly, a scent caught her attention. The smell of living, warm flesh, and pulsing, pure blood. A human! What was a human doing so close to the coven? Tilting her head with interest, Alice stood to her feet, a devilish glint in her violet gray eyes. A predatory smile crept onto her face, as she stepped out into the dark forest, her senses sharpening and her body filled with adrenaline.

The human was easy to spot. He was clumsily stomping around, carrying an ax as he swung at trees, making deep groves with his sharp blade. Narrowing her eyes in irritation, Alice slunk forward more, slightly peeved that he carried a weapon. Though it was hard to kill a was possible. Smirking as he tripped over a stump, Alice darted forward, waiting for him to notice. Waiting for the chase. 


7:10pm Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 255

Did you add my person's name to the list?


10:22pm Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

[ Perhaps one of the vampires could attack Sven? c: ]


11:09pm Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
( Ohkaay. 8D)

Alice sprang from her hideout, pouncing nimbly on the back of her victim. He screamed in surprise, taking off in a run but Alice had him pinned. She ran her tongue over her fangs in excitement, preparing to make the bite. Suddenly, a gunshot rang through the forest, followed by people shouting. The voices of human men, a lot of them. Hissing in frustration, Alice darted off, disappearing back into the shadows. 

Alice kept walking for quite some time, until she came back into human territory, places she remembered as cities. The dark night sky invited her in, and her sharp vision could easily see in the pitch black cloaking the streets. The faint streetlights flickered on and off, attracting groups of moths and other insects in it's warmth. And silhouetted against the light, was a man. 

He was alone, standing outside his apartments with his hands in his pockets. Alone and vulnerable, which is what Alice needed. Today, Alice would not hesitate. She had already lost her prey once, and she wasn't going to again. Leaping forward, she pushed him down to the ground, standing over his body with a satisfied, malicious grin.

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