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3:51pm Dec 2 2011

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Posts: 301
Alice frowned slightly. This wouldn't have happened if she had just killed him in the first place. Now she was stuck with this question, something she was forbidden to give out. Absolutely forbidden. Alice was smart enough to know that the coven would probably punish her for running out into the city, but she was too hungry to risk it. Her blood pouches were already all out, and she needed some sort of blood before she went crazy.

Frowning slightly, Alice traced the R + K on the telephone pole near her, finger grazing each line made from what looked like the ink of a silver sharpie. Normally, if Sol wasn't here, Alice would have straightaway killed him without letting him know, but she had to be careful now. 

"Why don't you take a guess?" She said, smirking, taking her hand away from the telephone pole. She tucked her hands behind her back, rocking on her heels childlike, as if she was impatient for an answer. 


5:20pm Dec 2 2011 (last edited on 5:20pm Dec 2 2011)

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Posts: 6,409
"Alice. Come here." Sol completely ignored Sven's comments until she noticed that Alice had no intention of paying her any attention.

She turned to Sven, her red eyes locking with his. "We aren't like you." She left the sentence at that. Maybe people wouldn't believe him and think that he was crazy. Maybe he would believe that he was crazy and ask to be locked up. You never know about people these days.

Sol prayed that nobody would discover the vampires, and that the boy would just forget. If he told even a soul, she would personally drag him to Keishi and have him turned.


Alex sighed as Levi made a smart-ellic  response to his way of saying thanks. However, he didn't bother to make any remark back. It would only cause conflict. And, after all, Levi had saved his butt.

He turned to Akida and said, "I wish he wouldn't do that. One day he's going to say something to the alpha and get his butt kicked."


Zera stirred, and came to after a few moments. She had forgotten how painful it was right after a transformation. To keep from screaming, she bit the sides of her mouth until they bled.

Once the pain became too much to bear, she yelled, spitting out cuss words like a sailor. She didn't struggle against Levi. She knew that he was strong, and in her human form, she was as weak as she was before she turned.

Finally, the pain ceased, leaving Zera even more exhausted. She went limp, but she was fully conscious.

Love is all we need~


5:29pm Dec 2 2011

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Posts: 301
Kain watched the strange mishap from the light post, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. "What do we have here?" He murmured, his ice blue eyes wandering from Sol to Alice, and then to Sven. Human! He thought, the pieces starting to fall in. Frowning, Kain neatly jumped down from his perch, hands in his pockets. 

"Sol, what's going on?" Kain asked quietly, but his gaze was stone cold. The moon silhouetted his lean shape, make his pale skin even paler and his blue eyes icier. The wind blew slightly at his hair, tossing up his crimson locks playfully. Irritated, Kain ran a hand through his hair. 

He could already tell Alice was behind this. Sol was the mature one. It didn't seem likely for her to come running out to the city- forbidden- almost give away their existence- also forbidden- and let the human live. 


5:58pm Dec 2 2011

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Posts: 3,950

Akida smiled.  "I don't mind too much.  But it does nag me a bit.  Though Levi will be that way, and I can't change someone's personality." [You do know she's the Alpha, right? owo]  Mentally sighing, she was sort of bored deep down inside.  She felt like taking a walk.  Though not a normal human walk - as a wolf, in the woods.  Away from the town.  She'd venture really really far and then come back.  Of course, Akida would tell Alex to be in charge while she was off.  Stress was sort of overwhelming her, and a little fright was involved as well.  The war was slowly eating away at her sanity as she thought about it more and more and more and more.  Seeing as tonight wasn't a full moon,Akida could be in control well enough to keep her own mind.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

1:18am Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Dewd Ice let's get Sanae and Shay in trouble lD And which vampire turned Siph into a fledgling? I wanted to let you decide that :d ]]

Keishi's eyes reflected no emotion when he turned away to give Siph a little privacy whilst drinking the blood. "That's going to be the only way you obtain food for awhile, Siph." He said once the fledgling was done feeding. "You and the other fledgling, Ari, are not to leave this camp." That served as a warning to Siph, though the senior vampires had probably said the same thing to him a dozen times already. A fledgling was extremely dangerous, and Keishi couldn't afford to alert the new human town anymore than the coven already had. 


"No, never" Sanae shook her head. "And I feel that I will never get the chance, with all these teenagers disappearing. My parents worry, I'm not even allowed to be outside right now." Being a very obedient girl, Sanae had never ignored her parent's commands, and today was one of the few times where she had broken the rules. "Is the forest... Safe?" She asked Shay.


"Hey." Levi said, knowing Zera was awake. "You shouldn't attack Alex, y'know. He's the beta, like... Second-in-command. If Akida's ever gone, he'll be the new leader. And it's never smart to attack the leader." He didn't like awkward silence between them, and Levi much preferred talking while he was walking, even if it did seem like he was talking to a brick wall.


4:26am Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 1,576

"You wouldn't want me to expose what you are, would you?" He cracked a small smile. "You are... a vampire, no?" He countered.

He had not imagined to meet one of these creatures face-to-face, and inside he was sweating bullets. God knows how he managed to pull a straight face, even play it cool. He glanced at the few people - vampires - around him. They were all grinning rather smugly, their eyes alight with a hunter's flame.

Then he stuck his hand in his back pocket and pulled out a gun.

He didn't know what effect shooting one of the creatures would have, but it was worth a try. Trying to stabilize his shaking hands, the gun and the eyes of the vampires were on equal level. A pull of the trigger and they might just fall over, dead. With a heavy heart, he placed his finger on the trigger, contemplating.

[ Apologies for the short post :x ]


12:19pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
(Wait, so if TLD isn't fine with turning Sven, then I'll edit this. xD)

Alice barely flinched at the sight of the gun. A smile spread across her face, as she stepped next to Sol, tilting her head at the strange contraption. Never show your fear. They'll know that they struck the jackpot. Never. Show. Your fear. 

But Kain didn't seem very pleased with the gun at all. Snorting as if he was disgusted, he gave Sven an irritated look, raising an eyebrow. "Put the gun down." He ordered, no louder than one's talking voice. His eyes were dead set on the gun, and while Kain was annoyed, Alice was enjoying the whole thing while fearing for her life. 

While a gun couldn't straight away kill a vampire, it could hurt them for a while and give the enemy time to kill them. As still as a statue, the vampires stood clustered around Sven, seeing the sunlight start to rise over the horizon. 


Shooting a piercing glare at Alice, Kain moved swiftly towards Sven, fangs outstretched. Day was approaching quickly, and he needed an escape fast. They all did. And now that he knew their secret, how could they trust keep their secret safe?

Praying to himself that Keishi wouldn't get mad over this, Kain quickly tilted Sven's head to the side, sinking his fangs in his soft flesh. 


1:50pm Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Sol watched silently as the scene took place, and then Kain, who was second in command, very capable of turning a human, sunk his fangs into the human male's neck.

Sol remembered how painful it was when she was a fledgeling. She immediately screamed. "Kain, no!"

But it was said and done. Kain had bitten Sven, and Sven, in turn, would become a vampire. Slowly and painfully.

She immediately stepped forward, whacking Kain across the face in an attempt to get him off of Sven. Nobody needed to feel the pain of turning into a vampire. It was too much.

And then the scent hit her. Blood. Human blood.

It reminded her of how long it had been since she fed. Sol sniffed in deeply, her eyes growing a more vibrant red color; the color of blood.


Alex had become such close friends with Akida over time that he almost forgot she was alpha. After a moment of silence, he said, "Oh. I'm sorry, Akida. I forgot to call you alpha." He was ashamed, and scared, partially.

In other werewolf packs, you would be punished severely for forgetting to adress the alpha properly.


Zera sighed, the breathy sound tapering off into a pained whine. She felt like she had been ran over by a train.

After a few moments of silence after Levi spoke, she answered, "I know. I just... Can't help it. When I change, I lose control and I just need to lash out at something, and Alex was the first thing I saw." Her arms dangled limply over Levi's shoulder.

Love is all we need~


5:09pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Ikr. |D
And Siphus?  Umumum... I'm not sure. xD;  I didn't really think about that a lot.  I guess maybe the leader, but.)

Akida cocked her head to one side, thinking.  "It's ok.  One time couldn't hurt."  She liked the feeling of authority, being Alpha and having lots of respect from her packmates.  She liked how she could say a command everybody would do it.  Back when she was a human, nobody would listen to her.  At school, the teacher would leave and they might appoint someone to look after the class for a few minutes.  When Akida was 'teacher', nobody gave a crap about what she had to say.  But human life was far behind her.

Just once when she wasn't addressed as Alpha was fine, but there might just be a warning next time.  Not that she was stuck-up or anything, but Akida liked to maintain her position.  Other werewolf packs' Alphas punished for not being addressed properly, and even though Akida wasn't necessarily like that, she couldn't be too soft.  As an Alpha, you need to know when to let go and when not to.

"I'm going to be out for a while, Alex.  I'll be back soon.  Take care of the pack in the meantime."  Akida said, starting to leave.  "Don't let anything bad happen.  Or else."


Siphus sighed, the pain becoming more intense.  Even though he almost never cried, during this... transformation, he cried a lot.  Especially at night.  He'd always have nightmares and he'd wake up with tears streaming down his cheeks.  Then the vampire spoke.  Of course, it was something he'd heard a ton.  'Don't leave.'   'You can't leave.'  'You're not allowed to leave.'  Then he heard that this was the only food source now.  Siph had thought about that a lot, too, and he knew it all too well.  Being a vampire meant lots of changes now.

Wait, what was that?  Fledgling?  Ari?
Oh, so those were the cries of pain that sounded likie they belonged to a girl.  There was another one like him.  Ari was her name.  But what was a fledgling?  He knew vampires, but not fledglings.  Were fledglings, like, baby vampires?  Siph used to have a friend that was a supernatural fanatic, and that was the only reason he knew all this stuff.  He'd mentioned fledglings before, Siphus remembered now.  It was... a vampire that was going through the stages of being turned.

Oh.  Right.  He should know that.
His body didn't want to think anymore, let alone be awake.  It wanted sleep, he felt it.  It wanted sleep and time to recognize what he was going through.
To change.

"Wh-what a-about my f-f-fam-mily?" he asked.  That kept bothering him.  A lot.  And if these were the last things he could ask before he fell asleep, and not by force, it was what he wanted to hear most.  Later was the time for more questions.


Her parents probably didn't want her out too much either, but they still let her out.  Her father didn't think much of the disappearances, but her mom was sort of worried.  Shay thought about that next question for a while.  "Well... I've only been in there for a while.  But I've never gotten hurt or anything, and I like forests.  You find out a lot of stuff and it's fun to explore.  You wanna go inside with me?  We can go really far.  C'mon, it's gonna be fun!" Shay said, taking Sanae's hand with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

10:29pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Yep, I'm fine with it, Pyrr lD Keishi won't be, though xD ]]

Levi was actually quite surprised when Zera had the strength to reply, then he rolled his eyes. Wait, she was a juvenile, that's probably why. "Yeah well, you're going to have to get used to that. New werewolves are really... Unstable. Give it a week or two, and you'll be alright." Levi actually didn't know how long it took for werewolves to mature and recover their mental stability, there were even stories of juveniles that were forever destructible and unable to contain their immense power. Levi shivered, hoping Zera wouldn't become like that. The Pack of Vanished Dreams could only take so much, and the tension with the vampire coven wasn't helping.


"Your family?" Keishi gave Siphus an odd look, not quite sure how to answer. "They're... They're fine." Keishi lied smoothly. Of course he had never bothered to check up on Siphus' human family, and frankly, he didn't even know if the fledgling had siblings. "I'm sure that when you've recovered, you can visit them." Keishi wasn't even sure about that promise. Everyone else in the coven had family members, of course, but the human ones were dead a long time ago.


Sanae grinned, happy at the aspect of finally being able to visit the forest. "Yes, let us go!" She said, once again in her awkward English (hurr I'm experimenting with an awkward Sanae). "Which way shall we go? There is the forest towards the east, and also the one at the west." Sanae's eyes seemed to shine like a child who had received their Christmas present early.


11:19am Dec 4 2011 (last edited on 12:27pm Dec 4 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 301
Kain looked suspiciously over at Sol, raising an eyebrow. "Don't even think about it." He said, gingerly wiping the throbbing bruise left on his cheek. Kain wasn't at all bothered by the slap- the bruise would be gone before he knew it. But Alice would have to suffer...consequences. Shaking his head, he swiftly picked up Sven, nodding to Sol and Alice before darting off. A sign they should follow, or suffer the wrath of the sun's powerful rays. 

The journey was quick. The forest, having shrunken by the hands of the humans, was easy to travel through. He suspected everyone knew a human scent when they smelled one, and that the human trails were ones to avoid. Hikers liked to gather there, keeping the vampires tucked away in the dens before they left. Kain winced as he felt Sven twitch in agony against his chest, not because of pain but because of remembrance.


7:12pm Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ bump ]]


4:10am Dec 5 2011

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Posts: 1,576

The pain was burning.

He fought the urge to writhe on the ground as he fixed his eyes on Kain. "So you are. I see. Well, there's no backing out now. I--" Clutching at his throat, he managed to croak out, "Am thirsty." His eyes sparkled crimson, with life, with thirst.

Raising his head, he paused to drink in the air. There was a thick scent of blood - his own blood, trickling down his neck. He placed a finger to his throat, where there were two ruby dots, and wiped the drops tenderly with his finger and placed it in his mouth, licking the drops of blood thirstily.

"More." He screeched.


9:19am Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,053
((may i join your RP??))

10:17am Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Uh, could I have a sample of your writing, Pancakez? ^^' Just rMail me. ]]


10:27am Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,053
((okayy i sent it! Thx!))

10:36am Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
[[Hey, if this be still open, may Ty join with a male human?
If it's closed, please just disregard this post. <3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

8:58pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
Kain shook his head, fishing a small blood packet out of his pockets. He flinched at the sight of Sven's eyes going wide and an even deeper red at the smell of the blood, nearly lunging out of his place towards the food source that was even tempting to Kain. Holding it up as if it was a piece of meat in front of a stray dog, he began to advance towards the cave, leading Sven towards it. 

The last thing he needed was a crazy Fledgling on the loose, giving away their hiding place more than Alice already had. Which reminded him. Glancing over at Alice, who was watching with amusement, he motioned for her to get in the cave, stat. Her shoulders seemed to slump as she made her way back to the cave, picking through the bushes and disappearing into the wide dark mouth. 

Finally, Kain and Sven made it to the cave. Kain had no idea where Sol had disappeared to, but he figured she had left before she had been involved in any more trouble. But he had to cut her some slack, she had only done what she had thought was best. Deciding not to punish Sol, because she had done nothing to get herself in trouble, he blocked the way out of the fledgling den and tossed the eager Sven the blood package, glancing around for Keishi. 


3:30am Dec 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Yes, of course Ty can join! :D And I'm going to rMail the unactive members of the thread, so basically everyone but Pyrr :c ]]

Ari was at the mouth of the cave, watching Kain, Alice and the human they carried. Her new senses told her there was blood here, she could smell it. Her throat was parched, and she longed for the still-fresh blood pumping in the veins of the bitten human. The pain of the transformation had made her grow weak, and it was only due to her newly acquired strength that she could make it out of her bed and out of the fledgling's den. A groan escaped from Ari as she slid down further towards the ground, clutching her head in pain. "Need... Blood." She almost screeched.


3:40am Dec 7 2011 (last edited on 4:04am Dec 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,053
My Bios:
Name: Katie
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long dark brunette hair, bright blue eyes, and about 5 foot 2 inches in height.
Personality: Katie is a shy girl that doesn't like to get into trouble. She normally always gets herself into trouble though. She hopes not to become vampire, or werewolf, but just hopes to stay her human self. She will do anything to stay like this.
Crush: none
Species: Human
Rank: I don't know what you mean by this....
Other: Her parents died when she was 7 and she was sent to foster care, but did not like it and ran away into the woods.
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