5:00pm Jan 17 2013
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[Seriously.. Saying that about their own leader.. Lol] Fireclaw nodded and flickered his tail. "I;m fine..." he snorted and began to trot further into the woods. Great, the things got his beastly tail in a knot..." Blackbird growled and nodded as Rabbitear spoke. She followed behind them, making sure they'd get back safely.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
5:13pm Jan 17 2013
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((Wulfey-Thanks. If you want a post to start from with your cat there's a post from the 14th involving Blizzardclan.
Spirit-Rabbitear don't care. Rabbitear is a strong independent she-cat and she don't need no man.))
Blazeneck, who had finally come out of his bush was giving himself a quick grooming so Shimmerpelt wouldn't think something had happened to him. Rabbitear snorted slightly and said " Make sure he gets his paw fixed up by Mintfur. Wouldn't want our leader to become crippled at a time like this. " And with that, she turned and headed back to camp, Blazeneck trailing behind her while he tried to get rid of a thorn that got stuck in his fur.
5:22pm Jan 17 2013
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Blackbird snorted and turned away from them and raced off to find Fireclaw. As soon as she found him, she walked up next to him and sighed. "Come on..." she said and turned back. "We wouldn't want it to take you eatheir now, would we?" she said with a sly smile. Fireclaw let out a snort and trotted back to camp, while Blackbird trotted next to him.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
5:29pm Jan 17 2013 (last edited on 5:29pm Jan 17 2013)
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About halfway back to camp, Rabbitear stopped walking and stared at the ground for a few moments. " Hey Blazeneck. " "What? " " We forgot the prey, " Rabbitear said, " you know what, you head on back to camp, I'll go back to get it. " Rabbitear turned around and started walking back. " Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? It's dangerous with that thing running around killing cats. "
" Don't be silly Blazeneck. If anything tries to eat me then I'll slit its throat before it even has time to bl[injection]ink. " Rabbitear said as she walked away confidently. " Okay...but if you're not in camp soon I'm coming out to look for you. " Rabbitear flicked her tail dismissively and Blazeneck sighed as he continued on his way. Once she decided she wanted to do something a certain way there was no stopping her.
5:32pm Jan 17 2013 (last edited on 5:34pm Jan 17 2013)
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Raiderclaw rose from his spot in the shadows, hearing Dewstars sigh. "Everything okay?" He asked in a low voice, adding his small find of prey to the pile. He was one of the only cats to go into the forest, but even he was wondering whether he should look for prey else wear. He was still in the shade, making it hard for one of the kits to tell where he was. With a small smile, Raidclaw pawed the kit and nudged him towards the others, away from the forest.
5:34pm Jan 17 2013
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They soon arrived and Blackbird let out a yawn and headed to her den. "G'Night everyone.." she said over another yawn and soon trotted into her den and cuddled up in a corner.
Fireclaw chuckled slightly and looked around, seeing that Rabbitear wasn't their. He walked over to Blazeneck and looked around once more. "Wheres Rabbitear?" he asked.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
5:44pm Jan 17 2013
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" Yes. Everything is wonderful, aside from the fact that we've lost over half of the clan to something in the past few moons and we don't even know what's doing it. Prey being scare certainly hasn't helped any " Dewstar mumbled. Talking about the clan's issues certainly wasn't helping Dewstar's mood.
Blazeneck shifted his paws nervously. He was hoping she would be back before anyone noticed she was gone. " We forgot to get the prey when we left so she went back to get it. She told me to go back to camp and she would be back soon..." In all honesty he had been about ready to go see if she needed help. She should have been back by now.
5:51pm Jan 17 2013
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"You know on one's supposed to be gone without a guardian or at least even a kit!" he growled and darted into the woods after her.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:01pm Jan 17 2013
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Rabbitear unsheathed her claws and pressed her ears back against her head. Her fur was bristled as she yowled at the dark shape looming before her, desperately hoping she would manage to scare it off somehow. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, and easily the most terrifying thing she had ever seen before. It's jaws were filled with dozens of razor sharp teeth and it's mouth dripped slime. Before Rabbitear could see much more of the beast, it grabbed her in its jaws, swinging her back and forth until she stopped moving. The beast returned to its den to enjoy its meal.
6:04pm Jan 17 2013
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[I don't know what to post now...]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:12pm Jan 17 2013
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((Have no fear! The post master is here!))
Blazeneck stared at his paws guiltily for a minute before deciding he needed to go out to find Rabbitear as well. If she was in trouble, then it was his fault, and he needed to help her. With his mind made, he ran out of the camp to search for her. He ran so fast that he actually passed Fireclaw. He got to the hunting spot from earlier and slid to a stop. The prey pile was still there. It hadn't been touched. It could only mean one thing. Rabbitear was gone. " Oh no.. " Blazeneck blamed himself. He had been the one to let her go alone. This was all his fault.
Shimmerpelt watched the short conversation from the queen's den. When she heard Rabbitear could be in trouble she grabbed her kits and took them into the den. She didn't want them hearing about this. She had a sinking feeling deep within her that the clan had just gotten even smaller.
6:38pm Jan 17 2013
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Fireclaw watched Blazeneck pass him. He soon sped up his pace and joined him. "Rabbitear's... Gone......" he said lightly.. "We NEED to find her!" he growled and looked around, trying to get the smallest glimps of her at least being their.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:20pm Jan 18 2013
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Blazeneck and Fireclaw searched for hours, but found no sign of Rabbitear. They eventually had to return to the camp with nothing so they could prepare for the gathering. Blazeneck felt far to guilty about what happened to Rabbitear and made the decision to stay and guard the camp with Shimmerpelt. Mintfur silently stared at the sky, begging for Starclan to tell him something. Anything. But they remained silent as they had since the killings began. Mintfur took a bird and a vole to Shimmerpelt and her kits. He wondered if Starclan had abandoned them as he picked at his own meal.
7:02pm Jan 21 2013
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6:49pm Jan 24 2013
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((Hello? Anyone there? Do I have to continue this rp on my own?))
8:13pm Jan 24 2013
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After Fireclaw returned, he walked into his den and paced around, slipping cuss words as he spoke to himself, thinking about what had just happened.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:09pm Jan 25 2013
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For a while all of the cats in the clan silently mourned Rabbitear's death. It wasn't until they had to leave for the Gathering that cats started moving and talking again. Blazeneck, Shimmerpelt, and their kits would stay at the camp while everyone else went to the gathering.
In Blizzardclan's camp things were nowhere near as sullen. Those who were going to the gathering groomed themselves, ate and chatted as they waited for Dewstar to lead them to the Gathering Place. Eeltail and Rockface had been chosen to stay behind and protect the camp while everyone else was at the gathering. Finally, Dewstar announced that they were leaving and the clan set out towards Otter River.
7:29pm Jan 25 2013
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-Characters in Blizzard Clan of mine-
They all followed close behind... -Don't fill like naming them all....-
Fireclaw soon climbed up the the top and flickered his ears back, before they were to leave, he was to announce they were to leave.
His tail swished around and he called gathering for his clan. "I know..... Today's been a hard day for the clan... Especily loosing another warrior... Rabbitear was a good cat.. Hopefully we can solve this problem with the Blizzard clan, so we can defeat this creature, that has been kiling and making a meal of our warriors and others..." he acounced and slowly walked down from the top of his den and slowly began to walk to Otter Lake, leading the rest of his now small clan behind him.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
8:27pm Jan 26 2013
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Dewstar and the cats following her made it to the Gathering Place when the moon was just clearing the horizon. The damp cats, who had to swim through Otter River to get here, made there way to the clearing and began to lick themselves dry as they waited for Tsunamiclan to arrive.
4:07pm Jan 29 2013
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