12:44pm Jun 15 2010
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((lolz ))
12:45pm Jun 15 2010
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Koda jumped up. She ran to the scene. She jumped up and attacked Ash. She bit down in her leg and diddent let go. ((hehehee...))
12:46pm Jun 15 2010
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(( Got to go peoples. GOIN SWIMMIN 8D ))
12:49pm Jun 15 2010
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Ash knocked Koda off. She grinned. "Two on one... well this is gonna be a good fight." She said, "To bad your gonna lose!" she bit down on Kodas leg hard, hearing bones crunch. She slammed Koda into a tree. ((bai Laur))
1:16pm Jun 15 2010
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((bai :( )) Koda yipped. Nyght stared at Ash, she was attacking her sister....she wasent ok...she was going mad.....he had to.... Nyght strang up, bit Ash's leg, and made her paralyzed. He watched as she dropped to the floor.
1:18pm Jun 15 2010
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"What are you doing!?" Ash yelled.
1:39pm Jun 15 2010
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1:39pm Jun 15 2010
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3:30pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 3:36pm Jun 15 2010)
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Skin watched in horror. "Ash." he growled, it was the first real growl he made in years. "Ash, you do not want to hurt the ones you love." he barked. Dusk's green eyes were like ice, she was about to lunge at the two when her father gripped her tail. "They are not worth your fight." Skin snarled, his spear like teeth revealed, his eyes an angry shade of black. Dusk turned around and snarled angrilly, "Skin, Vayne treated us like trash, and his pet attacked me!" she growled angrilly. "I can fight, I have fought long before you arrived, and became strong when you left me to die!" she snarled, the threat apparent in her face. Skin sighed, "Vayne does not know his true feelings, I may be the one to lose my life, but in turn...he will be the real loser." he growled...his face in a commanding pose...."And that 'pet' is not your enemy, my sweet." he whispered looking at the ground..."You were strong before, just stronger now... I would have returned sooner, but felt no need, you were growing fine with Kohanu, it killed me to see my children seperated... I only returned when you gave up on yourself." he said gently. Dusk snarled, she didnt care, and she looked back at the venoms... why were they on Bloodpack land? They had no right. Her black pelt glistened in the sunlight ((it is sunny right?)), her green eyes looking back from her father and towards her thought enemys. She got in an attack stance, when her father stepped in front of her, "You know your stronger then them, dont waste your time....you will never get it back." he growled. Dusk growled her green eyes growing colder by the second. Before she clenched her jaw and relaxed her muscles.
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3:32pm Jun 15 2010
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"Skin, Khaos just attacked Vayne. I have every right to attack him back. " She snarled.
3:38pm Jun 15 2010
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Skin looked at Ash, "You are better then that, Ash." he sighed, disappointed in both his daughters. They both were raised to fight, they were both so different, they didnt even know who each other were. "Have either of you ever felt as though a piece of you was missing?" he growled at both Dusk and Ash. Dusk didnt look up she gave a low growl, "Every day. My memory has been gone." she snarled...
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3:41pm Jun 15 2010
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"I cant remember a thing except for that one memory before this besides the bloodlust," she snarled, not quite getting what he was saying.
3:48pm Jun 15 2010
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Skin looked back and forth between Ash and Dusk, "Clans seperated blood...my blood. You two have both chose different paths." he sighed. Dusk felt her fur prick..."No." she breathed, could it be, Ash and her were....siblings? Her bitter enemy... whom she tried to kill and Ash the same....had partially the same blood running though their veins?
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3:50pm Jun 15 2010
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Ash burst out laughing. It sounded ridiculous. "Impossibled," she laughed.
3:53pm Jun 15 2010
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Dusk was in shock but couldnt help a chuckle. Skin sighed, "Believe what you want...why else would I confront Vayne if it wasnt so?" he sighed, "What are the odds you both lose your memory, and have no family besides your pack?" he said gently.
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3:54pm Jun 15 2010
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"What are you getting at?" ash said.
4:02pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 4:03pm Jun 15 2010)
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Skin sighed, "I was blessed with 5 pups. 3 sons....and 2 daughters." he began, recalling the event as if it was happening now. "During the attack, my mate fell...along with 2 of my 5 pups..." he looked at Ash and Dusk, "I believed I had lost my whole family...I searched for years, trying to recollect, clinging to the hope that my pups lived...I discovered the remains of my youngest son...knowing the chance of finding my family had dwindled to 2/5 but when I finally tracked you both down...you had a new family, and I was forgotton." he stated sadly...
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4:05pm Jun 15 2010
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Ash's legs buckled. It cant be true... can it? she thought. her fur bristled in shock.
4:10pm Jun 15 2010
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Dusk's eyes went wide... she was in complete shock... her teeth clenched, and her claws dug into the earth... why hadnt he said anything when Ash and her fought. Skin looked back at Dusk and Ash, "I just found you... I never came to both of you because you were both growing fine without me. And im sure Vayne and Kohanu wouldnt want me to take away two amazing warriors." he smiled in a fatherly manner.
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4:13pm Jun 15 2010
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Ash glanced at Dusk. She was too shocked to fight now. Is Dusk really my... my sister? she wondered.