6:02pm Jun 17 2010
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9:01am Jun 18 2010
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((okay im back, so what should I change it to?))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
10:21am Jun 19 2010
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Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
11:25am Jun 19 2010
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1:02pm Jun 20 2010
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1:02pm Jun 20 2010
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1:03pm Jun 20 2010
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1:09pm Jun 20 2010
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((...... .........I don't want to tell you what that looks like.))
8:58pm Jun 22 2010
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Ashes eyes turned black once more. But this time, she was in total agreement with it, as she pushed Vayne off Skin. She then turned to Khaos, and looked at him. She seemed to say Your right... Venom is weak... How did I not know?
10:08pm Jun 22 2010
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11:09pm Jun 22 2010
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Vayne hissed with anger and hate. "To think one of my pack members would turn on me." He said, "You are destined with a painful death.", "Even my dear son has left.. I do think we have diverged from the destined path." He said with a sad sigh. -----
Khaos nodded with a tooth or two poking out from underneath his lip. "Are you just now noticing it?!" He said, "I came to bloodpack because perhaps they have some sense and an upper hand in this war." He said.
11:19pm Jun 22 2010
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Ash looked at Vayne with pure black eyes, then back at Khaos. She nodded to Khaos. "Yes... but at the same time im noticing something else." she said, "You blow with the wind, Khaos. Your the truly weak one." Then lunged, biting his leg, putting venom in, as much as what was left.
11:23pm Jun 22 2010
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(( D:< ))
"No ash. You are truly the failure in this world." He said, grabbing his jaws around her cheek and ripping off the skin, pushing her down and clamping his jaws on Ash's windpipe.
11:27pm Jun 22 2010
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She looked at Khaos. She seemed to say Even if you kill me now I am no failure. I know that. You may look like a adult on the outside, but your a pup on the inside. You know Im right, Khaos. and then, she began to suffocate.
11:49pm Jun 22 2010
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1:19am Jun 23 2010
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"Nothing have you done good here. Even a pathetic thing as you in this world is a pup on the inside, I shall take pleasure in your death." Khaos said, kicking Ash in the face.
1:43am Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 2:05am Jun 23 2010)
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If you really thought that why didnt you leave me to die last time, Khaos? Ash seemed to say, And I have done good here, if I die now I die fighting. Ash pushed Khaos off, forced herself to her feet, and growled.
1:20am Jun 24 2010
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1:25am Jun 24 2010
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Khaos hisses and jammed his claws into Ash's eye, growling the whole time. He gave no care to Ash's reasoning, he just wanted her head. (( Sorry. Braindead. Im watching something xD ))
1:28am Jun 24 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Ash scratched at him randomly, swiping at his face, before p*censored*ing out and going limp.