9:35pm Jun 24 2010
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2:01am Jun 25 2010
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11:08pm Jun 25 2010
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4:25pm Jun 26 2010
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((sooo sorry guys! I couldnt get on in the past week :( what did I miss?))
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4:29pm Jun 26 2010
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((Not much, so im not sure how to recap you. Vayne was shoved off Skin by Ash, and now Khaos is trying to kill Ash (I think its because she said he blows with the wind, weak, and a pup, but youll have to ask laur XD))
4:45pm Jun 26 2010 (last edited on 4:56pm Jun 26 2010)
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((alright let me jump in.)) Dusk snarled angrilly, before tearing Khaos off Ash. Her eyes colder then ever before. She took a step in front of Ash"s limp body not knowing why...she hardly believed her father's words. However her black pelt pricked and her lip curled revealing her sharp teeth. Dusk took a threatening step towards Khaos, she was not afraid, and wanted to put Khaos in his place. Her claws dug into the hard earth as she let out a low growl to Khaos, "I would kill you, but that would make me just as worthless as you and your mutt of a father. And frankly, you are not worth killing." she stated coldly yet calmly, her dark green eyes still cold but expressionless. she spit at his feet... growling lowly.
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4:47pm Jun 26 2010
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((And did I mention his claws are jammed in her eyes? XD))
4:49pm Jun 26 2010
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((And Ash is pas.sed out and limp. XD ))
4:55pm Jun 26 2010
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((no that info would have helped xD let me fix it xD))
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4:59pm Jun 26 2010
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Even pas.sed out she could hear what Dusk was saying. She started slipping into some sort of darkness, not the evil darkness, the darkness of death.
5:40pm Jun 26 2010
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Dusk snarled once more and turned away from Khaos, a disgusted look in her face. she thendid something she never would have expected. She nudged Ash gently, knowing her time could be here. She looked at Skin's unmoving body and then back at Ash's. Her cold personality still there, her muscles relaxed.
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5:46pm Jun 26 2010
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As every second ticked by she got closer to it. It got more and more absolute.
6:00pm Jun 26 2010
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Dusk looked down at Ash as she tried to remember but just couldnt. With Ash almost gone, she was alone. The last member of her family...if Ash was even a member to start with. She still couldnt believe Skin's words. She bent down to Ash's level, "If you go, find the truth. Rest if it is your time." she whispered calmly.
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6:03pm Jun 26 2010
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"Im not going anywhere," Ash said stubbornly. No... she thought.
6:10pm Jun 26 2010
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Dusk smiled lightly...Ash was strong, no doubt...but could she make it? yes. she can. a small voice called from the back of Dusk's mind... she didnt know why,, but somehow she wished the voice was right. For some strange reason, she didnt want Ash to go. Dusk pulled herself to her feet, her fur relaxed as memories of what Ash and Dusk have gone through went through her mind... fights over the pup, Nyght... almost killing each other, both attacking on site, and the calm meeting they had discussing Nyght's fate. And of course, both of them fighting on different occasions... and this moment, neither wanted the other's death. Why? Why dont I want Ash dead..What made now different from any other time? she thought in her own mind her eyes getting colder by the second...why? was the question.
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6:16pm Jun 26 2010
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The darkness surrounded her, almost as if trying to crush her. She hadnt been this close to death in her entire life. Not even when Dusk had almost killed her had she been this close to death. It loomed over her, as if looking for a time of weakness. No... she thought, No....
6:24pm Jun 26 2010
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Dusk senced Ash's pain and clenched her jaw...unsure what to feel. Ash was supposed to be her enemy, but she could not bring herself to think this way... a low growl echoed in her throat... as if to say, Ash I know your strong...fight it.
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6:48pm Jun 26 2010
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Ash tried to. She tried to fight the darkness. She grunted with the effort. Her breathing almos stopped.
8:04pm Jun 26 2010
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Dusk simply sat calmly by Ash's side, her muscles relaxed, her cold green eyes simply staring down at the fallen Ash,.
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8:11pm Jun 26 2010
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((*Gots nothen*))