8:23pm Jun 26 2010
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((im just making stuff up xD i gots nothin either, we should wait for lauren :)))
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8:37pm Jun 26 2010
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((yeah, probably. XD ))
9:28pm Jun 26 2010
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(( Holla peoples :D))
9:31pm Jun 26 2010
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((ZO!!! *tackles*))
9:32pm Jun 26 2010
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(( Oh gawd O.O I. Can't. Breathe. ))
9:33pm Jun 26 2010
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((lol, hey zozo :D))
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9:36pm Jun 26 2010
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((Lol zo. XD))
9:58pm Jun 26 2010
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(( ..............Meep. I wanna fricken rp right naow xD I lost all meh rps that I was in :())
10:03pm Jun 26 2010
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(( Zozo: wanna remake the private one? :D ))
10:42pm Jun 26 2010
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(( I made a new rp ^^ ))
12:15am Jun 27 2010
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(( Zoz. ^3^ ))
Khaos grinned happily. "I suppose you think I am supposed to be afraid of you?" He said, "What a pathetic piece of filthy trash you are.. Just like that THING you called a father.." He said through his fangs, many pains of blood stung him. He glanced at Ash, hoping she would die. "Neither of you are worth the time, I'll die in piece if I die at all; Well. Knowing how weak you are, Dusk." He said, before placing his head down with a disgruntled sigh.
Taiyre followed the scent of her pup, Until she came upon the most ultimate scene of horror. She gasped at what was before her. She flashed her eyes over to dusk, nothing but fore lust for death was what she felt.
1:01am Jun 27 2010
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Ash fought it.Eventually, she slowly, she rose to her feet.Her eyes hurt so much, she kept them shut as a reflex. She heard Taiyre gasp. Oh, *bleep* she thought.
3:23pm Jun 27 2010
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"My father was worth more than your pathetic sh!t of a daddy." Dusk spat. "He raised you like trash and you are trash." she growled at Khaos, "my father didnt raise me, I raised myself with the help of my pack, and I became strong on the inside...and the outside." Dusk smirked at Khaos, "You are not to be feared, Khaos neither with Vayne. You should be afraid of me...I am not weak, I am not afraid of death. You use fear to control others, I use my actions. I know I shouldnt but I take. pity. on. you." she was smiling cooly now... "You will never be apart of this pack. Rot with the rest of the venoms, you have left your family, and they were the only ones who cared." Dusk really did feel pity towards Khaos, he had no one...and was worth nothing to no one. "You truly never grew up did you Khaos, you are still a weak pup." she turned her back and nudged Ash gently. Her eyes were still a cold hearted green, but she was proud. She was right. Khaos would never be a blood, no matter what Kohanu said.
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3:33pm Jun 27 2010
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Ash thought about condraticting the part where she said Vayne was pathetic, but decided to let it go. She gave a small smile, thinking it was in Dusks direction, but not exactly sure. She forgot Tairye was there.
4:01pm Jun 27 2010
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((sorry mega brain fail...))
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4:05pm Jun 27 2010
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4:06pm Jun 27 2010
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((Hi anti! *tackles*))
4:15pm Jun 27 2010
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((ASH!!!! hi!))

4:20pm Jun 27 2010
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((anti! yay, um just jump in :) i guess :D))
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4:27pm Jun 27 2010
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(( HI!!! :DD *braindead*))