4:29pm Jun 27 2010
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4:33pm Jun 27 2010
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((same, and i love your signature!))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
4:36pm Jun 27 2010
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Gem decided to fly after Luna, and took off as fast as she could. She rushed over to her. ((Fail...))
4:38pm Jun 27 2010
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Luna ran off feeling someone was after her she then jumped off a cliff to her doom! Lin walked to her mommy

4:44pm Jun 27 2010
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"Hello Lin," Sol said. Gem flew after Luna, then, seeing her jumping off a cliff, she flew down. Her eyes glowed. She grabbed luna by her neck, and tried to fly. Too heavy. She tried to slow the fall.
4:45pm Jun 27 2010
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"Im hungry." lin cried "Let me go!" Luna cried. "Let me di i dnot belong in this world!"

4:48pm Jun 27 2010
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"Okay," Sol said, and tried to pick up preys scent. A ray of bright light fell on Gem.She started gaining energy from it without knowing. her eyes continued to glow. She shook her head, and tried to slow the fall more. Her wings beat really fast.
4:52pm Jun 27 2010
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Khaos spat out some blood and cackled. "No matter what you say, It just runs off of me. Never trust a Blood. THAT is the truth." He said, grinning. "Kill me if you wish, It will only turn around to bite you in the as s in the future." He lowered his head to the ground and sighed, He felt his orbs slide closed, His body began to go into peace. "I'd like to see you try, Dusk." He said, before letting his body go limp.
4:56pm Jun 27 2010
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Ash shook her head."We're not going to kill you Khaos." She said in what she hoped was his direction.
5:01pm Jun 27 2010 (last edited on 5:02pm Jun 27 2010)
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Dusk smiled darkly she had no care what Khaos had to say. She nodded in agreement towards Ash and paced across the earth as she made her way to Khaos' body, she cocked her head. "I take pity on you." was all she said, her eyes cold but with respect. The pup never learned. Did Vayne have a right to take his son's body? she didnt know, but she knew Ash would want it to be so. She rose her head and let out a long, bone-shuddering howl that echoed throughout the forest... a voice called from the back of her mind, you did well, my daughter.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:03pm Jun 27 2010
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((and i gtg, please dont go to far without me! be back in an hour or so!))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:08pm Jun 27 2010
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"DO IT." He growled, "I'd rather die than be paralyzed." He said, "Ash, You ought to be ashamed for what you have done. Vayne has almost reached the end of his road and you are going around killing our members?" He said. He looked over and Taiyre and grinned with whatever was left of his energy.
Taiyre ran over to Khaos and placed her paw on Khaos's side, feeling not his soft fur but bloody mats. She frowned and turned around to look at Ash, straight in the orics. "Y.. You did this!?" She snarled. "And I thought it was safe to trust your pack members." She said, "Well, I guess thats what you get for adding some dumb loner to your pack." She added, still growling.
5:12pm Jun 27 2010
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"Only after she attacked me. I had no intentions of hurting her. And I am ashamed of it, I wish I hadnt. " Ash said, not growling. She didnt open her eyes yet, "Kill me if you must, Ill probably die anyway. And Khaos, Im not going to kill you,"
5:15pm Jun 27 2010
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"I won't listen to you. DO IT." He snarled. "Do it now. Please! I don't want to live anymore!!" He said, flashing his eyes over to Taiyre. "Please.." He said, tears began to roll down his bloody fur.
5:21pm Jun 27 2010
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"Khaos, youve barely lived at all. A pup in a adults body. You shouldnt let being paralyzed get in your way," Ash said softly. Though she was fighting him earlier she pitied him now.
5:23pm Jun 27 2010
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Let me die luna thought hard and started squirming.

5:27pm Jun 27 2010
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"SHUT UP!" He snarled. "I grew up just like you dusk and whatever wolf is out there." He said. "I am not a pup, I will never be a pup again.", "Now I demand you to do it. Please Ash. If you felt the pain I felt right now you would cringe up and die." He said, closing his eyes. He felt his breathing stiffen, and a pain in his chest began. His pupils dilated and he cringed, He was having a heart attack.
5:29pm Jun 27 2010
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Gem got the fall to slow, not too much, but enough so it wouldnt kill Luna. Your not dying... she thought.
5:30pm Jun 27 2010
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"just kill me!" Luna cried

5:31pm Jun 27 2010
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"No you didnt Khaos," Ash answered, "You most definently didnt live alone most of your life alone."