11:50pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 12,384
While Nyght was scanning the area she went back to the very edge of the cliff. "GoodBye Nyght," She said, and took the jump into the open air. Gem looked at Lunas dead bidy and cried, "Why?" She asked, and looked up to see Ash jumping off the cliff. She flew up and grabbed her by the neck. She couldnt fly. Ash was to heavy. She tried to slow the fall.
11:58pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Nyght jumped off the cliff, and glided to Gem. He flew under her and Ash, if they fell he would catch them.
12:03am Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 12:04am Jun 28 2010)
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Posts: 12,384
Gem flapped her little wings hard. they were falling, but slower now. Maybe slow enough that she wouldnt die if she fell. If I cant die the easy way, ill just have to bite my own neck... Ash thought.
12:04am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Nyght flew up and grabbed Ash. He landed under the cliff and layed her down. He licked her ears, "Why do you want to leave?"
12:09am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"You know why..." Ash mumbled, "I told you..." She was depressed now. She bit her own neck, trying to suffocate herself.
12:12am Jun 28 2010
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Nyght pushed Ash so that she wasn't biting herself anymore. "If you want to die so bad....." He swallowed the lump in his throat. "I will do it..."
12:20am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"No Nyght, I cant let you live with this... this guilt the rest of your life." Ash said, "Ill try to live with it, I guess." She said sadly. Her very messed up eyes were haunted.
12:27am Jun 28 2010
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Nyght licked Ash. "Thank you." He whispered in her ear. -fail-
12:31am Jun 28 2010
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"Lets go back to Koda, i guess. She, at the very least should know how Khaos died." Ash said. She began to limp in that direction
12:33am Jun 28 2010
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"She dosen;t have too." He said. " But if you want too...." Koda whiped a tear from her eye. " I want to be with you...'
12:36am Jun 28 2010
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Ash continued limping in the direction of the cave, and soon enough was there. "Koda..." she said. Her vision worsened by the second, soon enough she'd be blind.
12:42am Jun 28 2010
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12:45am Jun 28 2010
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"Do you want to know how Khaos died?" Ash asked. Her now-blind eyes were still haunted. She felt disorientated.
12:49am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"I don't care." She snapped. "I'm going to be with him again..." She whispered as she trotted out of the cave and too the cliff. She sat down on the ledge and looked out.
12:53am Jun 28 2010
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"?" ash said and followed her. "Koda... Its my fault he died" She said guiltily.
12:55am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Koda snarled, but diddent turn around. "It dosen't matter. We will be togethor again." (( ....*Farts*))
12:59am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"Dont kill yourself Koda," Ash said, "Please. Dont." A tear rolled down her face.
1:04am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Koda groaned. "Its none of your buisness." She coughed. Her eyes went vacant. She fell to the ground, unconsous. (( Dun duuun..))
1:11am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Gem saw Koda fall. How many people are going to be suicidal today?! she thought, and flew up and grabbed Koda by the neck. Her wings beat really hard. She managed to slow down the fall a bit. "Koda!" Ash yelled, and ran to the edge of the cliff. It crumbled, and broke.
1:17am Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( I gtg :( I probrably won't be on tomorrow,))