8:33pm Jun 28 2010
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"I- I didnt mean too." She said, her voice cracking, "I didnt even mean to hurt him that bad," A bloody tear rolled down her face. She tried to limp off but ran into another tree.
8:35pm Jun 28 2010
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"Your pathetic excuses to scare me are nothing." He said, "This is OUR pack business. So get your black nose out of it." He hissed, "Ash killed my son. She's going to suffer the same fate." He growled.
8:43pm Jun 28 2010
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Dusk growled, "As I remember, your son left YOUR pack to join MINE." she snarled. "I am not trying to scare you, for I have no fear myself... Khaos-" she held her tongue, there was no purpose to finish that sentence, it was asking for bloodshed. Skin shook, no Dusk dont...
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8:43pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 8:44pm Jun 28 2010)
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"I always thought I would see who was killing me, but now that the time has come I cant even see you, Vayne. That's almost Ironic, isnt it?" She said, facing somewhere she thought Vayne was, but it was actually another tree, "Dont talk to Dusk that way." She growled, "You are such a hypocrit, Vayne. I didnt mean to kill Khaos. But yet when you ment to kill Skin, and did, that was okay."
8:51pm Jun 28 2010
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8:53pm Jun 28 2010
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Vayne swiped his paw across Ash's face and sent her flying into a tree. There happened to be a bear there and the bear roared and began attacking Ash. "You MENT to kill Khaos. You know why? Because you are a sister to this nasty piece of trash over here." He barked. "I will talk about Dusk as I wish." He hissed. Vayne turned to Dusk and showed his fangs. "Get outta' my way." He growled, then pas.sed by and flew up the mountain in a fluent leap.
9:00pm Jun 28 2010
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Ash bit the bear in the neck. She put venom in. A few seconds later, the bear went limp. Ash fell down. Is this, the end? Ash wondered. She limped back to the cliff, hitting several trees on the way. She toppled, her eyes were bleeding, and it almost seemed as if she were crying tears of blood. Her neck bled openly too. "I dont think im making it out of this one," she said quietly. She knew what Vayne said wasnt true. She did not mean to kill Khaos.
9:01pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 9:02pm Jun 28 2010)
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Dusk sighed, "No whats ironic?" she called, "You MEANT to kill Skin, and he fell...i lost my father, and you... you lost your son... did you ever think that karma is after you?" she snarled. "As I told Khaos, 'your father, Vayne, rose you like trash...and you are trash. I grew up alone, and became strong on the inside and the outside.' Khaos never grew up, he was a pup who was looking for a fight. His death was his own da mn fault." she growled not afraid of Vayne... "Or are you taking anger out on us because you failed to protect him?" she snarled even after Vayne left, knowing this statement was probobly her own death. But she didnt care. She stared death in the face many times. Dusk made her way to Ash..."It wasnt you, its my fault as well." she stated..."you die, im coming with you." she stated, smiling lightly.
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9:05pm Jun 28 2010
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Vayne had enough. He lunged down the cliff and landed his jaws around Dusk's neck. He trashed it violently and slammed her face into the rock face. He put his paw on Dusk's face and pulled back, Ripping almost all the muscle tissue.
9:06pm Jun 28 2010
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Ash shook her head. "Skin wouldnt want it that way," Ash said, "And even if I do die today, its not like I would have much of a life anyway. Not now. Not like this." Ash said quietly.
9:11pm Jun 28 2010
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Dusk forced a smile, this was it... she stared death in the face once again. she remembered her promise and she thought hard...do you not want me to fight now, father? to her surprise a voice anwsered, fighting is not the anwser. Dusk clenched her eyes... stand up, Dusk. Dusk forced herself up. She was in pain as her limbs screamed in her mind, but she didnt care... "Did I touch a nerve?" she choked at Vayne. She looked at Ash, and smiled, "I still have to thank Khaos." she said in a hoarse whisper. Skin was angry, he didnt want his daughter to die...take this fate... but he knew. she may join him, now. But not both of them...never both.
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9:13pm Jun 28 2010
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((i gtg soon :( moms being mean like that -_-))
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9:28pm Jun 28 2010
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Ash smiled a small smile. "Though I know death is Inevitable, I look it in the eye and I laugh. Why? Because even in death I know what you say is not true, Vayne. And for future referance, Family does ot decide who you are. You do. And Dusk, if you survive this, try not to get yourself killed. And tell Nyght I said goodbye." Ash said, and her eyes slid closed for the last time.
9:32pm Jun 28 2010
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Dusk looked at Ash, "I have chosen to be your sister, even if you dont see me as one." she smiled, a tear glistened in her eye. "Goodbye Ash...We will meet again." she walked over and nudged Ash gently "You've always been right..." she whispered before standing up. She remember Nyght... he would be heartbroken. Skin looked sadly out, only one remained...
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9:46pm Jun 28 2010
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(( i gtg for the night, dont kill dusk without me xD and dont go to far :))
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9:46pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 10:37pm Jun 28 2010)
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Ash's spirit slowly parted from her body. Ash was suprised to awaken in the spirit world. She could feel Skin's presence now. "Am I dead?..." She asked, though she knew the answer. Even in death she could not see. Hmm.
9:06am Jun 29 2010
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Skin felt Ash's precense but couldnt see her she heard her voice though. "Ash? where are you?" he asked anxiously, unsure of what was going on. He gazed down at Dusk..."run dusk...vayne wont spare you. run!" he watched as dusk didnt run.
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10:37am Jun 29 2010
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1:43pm Jun 29 2010
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"Right here," Ash said. She went to Dusks side. "Run Dusk," She whispered, though she knew she couldnt hear. She gave Dusk a small push, hoping she would know what it meant.
1:46pm Jun 29 2010
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Dusk growled lowly, she felt the push... she turned and gazed at Vayne with souless eyes... before disappearing into the brush. She hated it, she felt like she was giving up. Her body stung but she was hungry for a fight.... she needed to find Nyght. Skin still couldnt see Ash but he saw Dusk run...which made him give a sigh of relief
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