9:24pm Jul 11 2010
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"You could of saved her!" He barked, he felt himself being sucked away from his body...And someone else was taking over.......He dug his claws into the ground.
9:26pm Jul 11 2010
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Koda nodded. She loaded a good some onto Taiyres back. She smiled to herself, ~Khaos was coming back....~ (( phail xD))
9:27pm Jul 11 2010
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"I could do nothing." she said again. She was ashamed of her own words...but it was true. She was away from the area. She didnt know of the death until it was to late, Ash was already dying...
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:27pm Jul 11 2010
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((please forgive all my failish, short posts))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:29pm Jul 11 2010
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Ash watched. "Dont fight. Dont fight. Dont fight." She repeated. She pushed Nyght slightly.
9:29pm Jul 11 2010
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"You could of!" He cried. "You could of!" He repeated, with more tears pouring down his muzzle. He pawed the ground. One of his eyes was blue, the other red. He felt himself coming back to his body. He whimpered, then ran way into the forest.
9:34pm Jul 11 2010
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9:34pm Jul 11 2010
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Dusk shook her head, and began to walk in the opposite direction when she felt a small shove in her side. "Chase him." Skin whispered. Dusk growled but took off after the pup.... Ash and Skin sooo owed her.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:35pm Jul 11 2010
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Taiyre flapped her wings and began the short journey back to Venom Pack. Finally arriving, She slid them off her back and went back for more. ~
Vayne loaded up his son's body and flew back to Spirit Pack. He unloaded Khaos's heavy body, Then backed up a little bit.
Meili nodded and got some stones. Carefully making a circle she left to get Lavender, Sage, Rose and Wolf's Bane.
Vayne sat down, And howled into the air for every Venom Member to gather 'round. ~
Taiyre landed beside Koda, Then herd Vayne's howl. "Come on, Its time!" She said happily.
9:36pm Jul 11 2010
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(( i gtg *is sad* my moms making me leave for the night.... nice rping with you guys while it lasted though! Hope to see all you later or tomorrow!))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:37pm Jul 11 2010
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Nyght bounded to a small den under a tree. He crawled in, His scent was blocked by the tree's many scents of plants. -phail-
9:39pm Jul 11 2010
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Ash, even dead, could hear Vaynes howl. "Khaos is coming back to life," She said, "I have to apologize to him before he cant hear me," She rushed off, in search of Khaos.
9:39pm Jul 11 2010
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Koda nodded. "Khaos....!" She smiled. She staggered up, She flapped her small wings. "I can try to fly.....Running might not let me make it in time...."She said, her tail wagging slightly. She was going to see Khaos again.
9:40pm Jul 11 2010
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Khaos was elated. Swirling in circles, He didn't know what to do. -FAIL-
9:43pm Jul 11 2010
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A fear hit Koda, ~What if.....Khaos dosen't rember me....?....What if.....He dosen't feel the same way I do to him.....?.~
9:44pm Jul 11 2010
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Ash sighed. She was never going to find Khaos in time to tell him at this rate!
9:49pm Jul 11 2010
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9:50pm Jul 11 2010
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(( Bump))
9:58pm Jul 11 2010
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(( Bump >:/))
9:59pm Jul 11 2010
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