3:19pm Jul 13 2010
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(( Zoz don't use smileys in the RP posts xD Time for the first part of the battle.. A mysterious lone.. O.O )) Name: Noname Age: Unkown Gender: male for all we know Looks: NONAME Personality: Unkown, But mysterious and evil. Rank: Venom Element(Only ONE): Mate/Crush/Pups: Other: He only speaks by saying, "They are Coming"..
3:20pm Jul 13 2010
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(( Oohh Mysterious xD And srry, its a habit xD))
3:21pm Jul 13 2010
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"Dumb a$$." He growled. "If you would stop fleeing from battles and face death in the face maybe you would know you cant just fly back into your body like a bird after death. Idiot." He said, Flicking his tail in disgust at the wolf.
3:22pm Jul 13 2010
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"Its hard to explain." Ash said.
3:22pm Jul 13 2010
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(( Meep xD Can you post again Lauren? *BrainDead* ))
3:25pm Jul 13 2010
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Dusk smiled, "If I am so dumb. Why do you waste your time, defending my comebacks." she smiled darkly. "I have faced death many times before. Upset you were never there to inflict the damage? Typical." she retorted. She smiled wickedly and turned back around. She wasnt goign to fight in this battle. Khaos and his father can yell all they want. She wasnt fighting. If she dies...what ever. Like she had something worth fighting for. ((dun dun dun, mysterious wolf laruen xD))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:25pm Jul 13 2010
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The sky suddenly dimmed, Blue sky fading to black. A shadowy mist came down, Settling in the tree's. The sky turned normal, And then a burst of black matter shot out from the center. All of the tree's ripped up from the ground and bursted into thousands of splinters, One large black wolf standing alone in the center. A ring of shadows sent of from his body, Blue eyes flaming with rage. In a steady beam of black, He shot off the ground, Dark feathered wings formed at his sides, Vanishing as he landed. Prowling through Venom territory, He sunk into the ground and traveled along as if he where water.
3:27pm Jul 13 2010
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"I do not care if you shed blood out your a$$." He said, "For All i care you could fall of the face of the earth and go live with your daddy." Pushing the bush away, He noticed something black on the ground. "Whats this?" He said.
3:28pm Jul 13 2010
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Koda's ears twitched. "Can you sense that?" Koda asked. Her ears went flat against her head. She started to shiver. "It dosent feel good..." She whimpered.
3:29pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 3:30pm Jul 13 2010)
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Dusk's ears perked. She looked at Khaos. "I dont know. Looks powerful." she momentarily forgot about what was said. It reminded her of a story her father told... but she kept it to herself...she stared at the ob ject.
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be back tonight
3:32pm Jul 13 2010
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Suddenly, The black puddle shifted into a wolf, Biting Khaos's muzzle and throwing him into a rock. Going for koda next, He bit her ears and kicked her in the diaphragm. Backing up, He thrashed his tail at a tree, Slicing in half and falling right towards Dusk.
"What the hell!??!" Khaos screamed, Jerking up from the rock and heading for Noname. But the wolf vanished from site, Obviously going somewhere else for the time being.
3:33pm Jul 13 2010
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(( GTG. :( Bye! ))
3:36pm Jul 13 2010
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(( Awwww :( )) Koda let out a small yip of surprise, as the wind was knocked out of her. When she landed from the blow, everything went black for her.
3:37pm Jul 13 2010
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"..." Ash said, looking around. It seemed more tense then it was before.
3:38pm Jul 13 2010
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Dusk snarled quickly jumping out of the way, and lunging at the strange wolf...only to go through the air, and land on her feet several paces away... her eyes were in shock, but hidden with anger. What WAS that thing. She looked at Khaos, the question apparent in her face... then she remembered the puddle. The wolf came from the puddle. She took a deep breath and looked at Koda and Khaos. "It was like it wasnt even... a wolf." she said, looking at the space where the puddle had been, and where the wolf disappeared. ((aw bye lauren!))
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be back tonight
3:43pm Jul 13 2010
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"Im going to find Dusk," Ash said, "Stay here," She ran off in their general direction. ((Fail))
6:15pm Jul 13 2010
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6:15pm Jul 13 2010
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(( Bumpo))
6:17pm Jul 13 2010
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((Heey! My egg hatched! 8D))
6:33pm Jul 13 2010
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