12:09pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((zozo here!))
12:10pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 12,384
(( Fail? 0_0 XD lol))
12:11pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yay were all here! :D))
12:12pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( I'm coming to you on a heat wave. xDD -looks at transformer videos- I'm ether making a transformer costume or a fully articulated Werewolf costume for halloween xD ))
12:14pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( I'm being a werewolf for halloween :D All my years as selebrating halloween, ive always been a cat xD ))
12:15pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( clicky meh dragon! xD *Waits for someone to post*))
12:20pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Meep D: He has only 2 days left to life D: http://dragcave.net/view/TVIZ ))
12:21pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Cool. :D This is the planout so far..
Black fur with a moving jaw on a hinge, So that when you open the jaw, There is a bar that runs through the lips, And gets pushed up, Showing teeth.
Follow me eyes that glow neon green.
Torn up ears, With taxidermy jaw set nose and tongue.
Black paws with neon green pads and super sculpey claws
Animatronic tail, With a controller that goes up the costume into the hand paw, Where I will adjust settings. The tail wags slowly, fast, Goes up, Down and can just stay still.
And we are on a 2000$ limit also. xD ))
12:24pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((Lolz You lucky, I don't think I have enough money to get an awesome costume like that xD We're going to rent one I think ^^))
12:28pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Cool. We went to this place where they made costumes.. They had this A++++++++++ Dragon costume at the front for sale.. For One million dollars xDDDD )) Noname came back from the nowhere, And howled. "They are coming, Fools." He simply said, Bringing thousands of rocks hurling into the air. Using her body, Her hurled them in different directions.
12:31pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((Whoah lolz xD)) Koda layed still. ((*Braindead* ))
12:31pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Hai zo and laur!))
12:33pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( LOL. Partay in the forum! *goes to get lemonade and cake* ))
12:36pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( *Goes to get party favors* :D ))
12:37pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 6,590
((woah. 1mil for a costume? Just a tad past my budget xD)) Dusk jumped out of the way from a hurling rock. A threatening snarl escaping her throat.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
12:41pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Noname snarled, And it ripped through the earth with its fierce echo. He went for Dusk, And tossed her into a boulder, Picking it up with his mind and hurling it at a mountain. "Filthy mutt." He said, Before going into the earth and planning on destroying it all.
12:41pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Who the hell is that?" Snapped Nyght, snarling at the new Shadowy wolf. His eye twitched, and he covered it with one paw. When he removed his paw, one of his eyes was blue, the other red. " Someone shut this guy up already!" He barked. "Im tired with all this "There coming!" Crap! " He shook his head. "First the nightmares, and now some random wolf pops in telling me a thing I already know!" he snapped. (( Nyght sees things xD and is very moody today lolz so dont kill him xDD))
12:43pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Ash found them right about then. ((ultra Fail))
12:45pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((Lolz fail ash. *Stares at Dusk*..... ......*Grabs Nyght and runs away* xDD))
12:49pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"Who is this 'they'?" Ash asked Nyght. ((Fail)