6:55pm Jul 18 2010
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Koda's stomach grumbled, she was still hungry. She sighed and tried to sniff out a rabbit or two.
7:17pm Jul 18 2010
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Ash sniffed the air. She caught the scent of some deer. She trotted in their direction. ((Failure))
7:19pm Jul 18 2010
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(( Meep))
7:22pm Jul 18 2010
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((Meep? Grr. my stupid translator doesnt work))
7:37pm Jul 18 2010
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(( xD *waits for lauren*))
7:54pm Jul 18 2010
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Khaos ran his tongue over his fangs, trotting after Koda. He lowered his head to the ground, his sniffer picking up the faint trail of a hare. He stalked closer, prying upon the plump grey rabbit. Slowly opening his muzzle, he snapped forward with a crunch. Returning to his mate, the Hare kicked faintly with what was left of its life. "I hunted for you~" He graciously said, dropping the hare at Koda's feet, while his tail wagged side to side.
8:01pm Jul 18 2010
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Vayne sighed through his nose, silently walking away to the edge of the cliff. He stared out into the sky, Nothing but tree's for the next what seemed to be infinity. He began to think about his mate, and thought mostly that she had been killed. A blackened tear wetted his wiry fur, his white fur staying still, while the black fur bristled. He folded his wings at his sides, and remembered what Noname had said. The are coming.. The thought burned through his head as the neon green eyes of the alpha stared out, glossed over with thought. A cough slitted from his muzzle, bringing the always urging thought in the back of his head. I am growing with age, I see sought upon my death.. The trails are not extended much longer. He thought to himself, laying down in sadness. His tail thumped at the earth, while he sadly lowered his head to the ground. Watching the sun set onto Dusk.
8:04pm Jul 18 2010
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Taiyre was growing tired of this mess, and was heading back for camp. Her tail swished slowly, a low grumble reminding her she was hungry. She pushed it aside, her furs swishing side to side and she waddled to her den. She walked inside, remembering she had placed an hare in the back when Koda was still a pup.. It was old and she wouldn't eat it, but it brought back memories of her pup.
8:22pm Jul 18 2010
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(( Poor Taiyre :())
Koda smiled and licked her mate. "Will you share it with me?" She asked, taking a small bite of the rabbit. She chewed and swallowed. She missed her mother greatly, she missed Taiyre. ~We could go visit her!~ She thought.
8:33pm Jul 18 2010
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Khaos grinned and rushed his tongue over the surface fur of the hare, taking small bites to suit his mate. Grinning he seemed to pick up Koda's thoughts. "Maybe so." He said. (( Chatbox? :) ))
8:36pm Jul 18 2010
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(( Ehwut? xD )) Koda flinched. She sighed, took a bite if the hare. After she chewed and swallowed, she said, "I would appreciate it if you'd not mess with my thoughts." She smield at him. She nuzzled her mate and finished off the hare. "Lets go." She smiled.
9:13pm Jul 18 2010
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(( Bump))
9:34pm Jul 18 2010
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Dusk sat stiff atop a high stone. Her gaze drifted toward the darkening sky. the sun setting behind the horizon. the light breeze ran through her fur freely, Dusk's dark green eyes staring expressionlessly out into the distance.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:41pm Jul 18 2010
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(( *Waits for Lauren*))
10:51am Jul 19 2010
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((nothing to post -_-))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
12:41pm Jul 19 2010
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(( Yupp))
12:04am Jul 20 2010
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Khaos stood up and nodded. -fail-
10:25am Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 10:25am Jul 20 2010)
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(( I found Vayne's picture! :D

YESS. I found it. Fear him. >:3 ))
10:54am Jul 20 2010
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((haha i remember that pic! Fear Vayne!))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
11:26am Jul 20 2010
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(( Oh I fear him alright xD *Cowers* )) Koda wagged her tail and bounded over to her pack territory. She ran into Taiyre's den and looked for her mother.