7:15pm Apr 25 2010
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(( me 2....))
7:16pm Apr 25 2010
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Vayne looked at Nyght with a bit of greif in his eyes. "I- I..." He sputtered. "I kinda lost my temper.. But you do need to apologize." He said, growling lightly towards the end.
Taiyre smiled and licked Koda. "Yes, Food." She picked her up and padded over to the kill Vayne had taken from Nyght. She placed Koda down.
7:19pm Apr 25 2010
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" thats all i wanted." Nyght smiled. " i apoligize." he added. " i could of shared with you, all you had to do is ask" he smirked.
7:21pm Apr 25 2010
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I know, I know, but cmon, making enemies with an Alpha isn't the brightest thing to do you know. Whatever, forget it... she looked at Nyght, clearly not happy with the shot. She shot one more glance at him, not meaning anything, just pained, before walking off.
7:22pm Apr 25 2010
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((Fun is dusk thinking about luna the alpha?)) "Vayne dont fight this orphaned wolf!" Crystal cried getting next to Nyght. Luna was walking looking for Dusk. were is that wolf she knows im the leader. Luna thought to herself. Just then luna caught the sent of vayne and a few other wolves.

7:24pm Apr 25 2010
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(( there not fighting nu more xD ))
7:25pm Apr 25 2010
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((i realized that when i started posting there was!!))

7:27pm Apr 25 2010
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(( lolz xD))
7:27pm Apr 25 2010
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((I was gon all day!))

7:28pm Apr 25 2010
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While walking, Ash suddenly saw a wolf, hey thats familiar... Omigosh it's Luna! "Hey Luna," Ash said quietly, happy to see a familier face,but quiet enough so Vayne couldn't hear, "it's best not to go this way, Vayne and tairye are up ahead," She warned quietly.
7:31pm Apr 25 2010
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"Well im looking for a friend." luna said. "and hey ash its been a while but im not the same girl i used to be. im am now the alpa of blood pack." She quietly boasted

7:34pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm Apr 25 2010)
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((no Kohanu is O.O ))
7:34pm Apr 25 2010
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"Cool, is the wolf your looking for named Dusk? shes up by Vayne and Tairye, but I wouldn't go that way if I were you, Vayne is still MAD" she warned quietly, "and I think the wolf your looking for will be here soon anyway. No wolf with any commen sense would be there," she whispered
7:36pm Apr 25 2010
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"What are they fighting about the pup and vayne?" Luna whispered

7:38pm Apr 25 2010
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(( -has nothing to post- ))
7:44pm Apr 25 2010
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"Vayne took deer away from Nyght, then Nyght started insulting Vayne, Then they started Fighting, I jumped in, trying to tell them to stop fighting, Vayne scratched me, I bit him and released venom to immobilize him so he couldnt fight, then stepped on Nyghts tail to keep him from moving, Nyght then shot a beam at Vayne, but after that it cooled down, I apologized to Vayne, then tryed to get Nyghtto apologize... Ash winced, then continued, "Vayne said he just lost his temper, the Nyght apologized." She said, "I've gotta go Luna, bye" Ash whispered, then walked off.
8:16pm Apr 25 2010
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((Woah missed some things...)) Dusk turned to Tiare, and bared her teeth snarling. She tore a bit of flesh right off the bone, spitting it at her feet. "Are you the puppys mother? Thats some bad parenting." she snarled amused. "And Im not treating the pup LIKE trash...it IS trash." she chuckled loudly. She pushed the pup out of her way as she walked off, following the scent of more elk
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:16pm Apr 25 2010
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(( whered you guys go? BRB and bump ))
8:19pm Apr 25 2010
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((sorry really late post xD))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:22pm Apr 25 2010
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((anti, isnt luna alpha?))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight