7:01pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 7:03pm Apr 29 2010)
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7:02pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( *facepalm* More charry's... And more pups. *-* ))
7:03pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 7:03pm Apr 29 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
((m'kay xD ))
7:03pm Apr 29 2010
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Gem continued on, quick and quiet. It was exhilerating to sneak off! She felt adventureous, and soon didn't pay attention to where she was going. And didnt care. She still didnt care when she cuaght the scent of an unfamiliar wolf. Gem was carefree, as if there wasnt a worry in the world. She started running, and unthinkingly was runniing toward the unfamiliar wolf. (( Calling lna or dusk, repeat luna or dusk! XD ))
7:04pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((ill make her later :D ))
7:28pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Bumpeh... maybe a bloodpack wolf could meet gem? ** coughcough Luna, Kohanu, Dusk, cough** or a lone? *It doesnt have to happen!** ))
7:30pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( lolz *thinks* xD )) Kohanu was feasting on a bull elk, freshly caught when she saw the figure of a wolf in the distance. she growled.
7:32pm Apr 29 2010
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Vayne slowly closed his eyelids as the warm night air caressed him into sleep.
7:36pm Apr 29 2010
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Gem suddenly found herself near a unfamiliar wolf, and one that didn't seem too friendly. Why should I care? She thought, though she was scared. "So- so- so- Sorry!" She stammered. She was so scared she couldnt move, she could just stare at the wolf who growled.
7:38pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" your in blood pack territory." she growled. " who are you and state your buisness here."
7:41pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"I I I I'm Gem" The pup stammered, though she never knew there was a bloodpack, "I didn didnt know I went into blood blood pack territory."
7:45pm Apr 29 2010
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Sierra tried to close her blue eye's, but a unknown sixth sense kept her ears flicking and swiveling. She picked up her head, white fur hardly showing in the smothering dark sky. Gem...The thought suddenly came to mind.
7:47pm Apr 29 2010
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" well you do now....." she hissed. " are you alone?" she made a evilish smiled and turned the other way.
7:49pm Apr 29 2010
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Ash finally found Nyght, and sprinted towards him. "Are you okay?" She asked. She wasnt going to tell him, or at least not right then, but she had missed him.
7:52pm Apr 29 2010
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Anxiety. Sierra got up, shuffling her wings, She wasn't to keen in the night, Yet she will do anything for her pack mates. Folding her wings into aerodynamic spears. She slung herself into the air, Unsheathing her wings to flap them, two glowing white feathers gently falling from her wings and fading into nothing as they hit the ground.
7:52pm Apr 29 2010
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Nyght turned around and hugged her. " dont leave me again !!!" he pleaded. " i missed you!" he whimpered.
7:54pm Apr 29 2010
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"Yes..." she said, frightend even more now than before, due to the evilish look on the wolfs face. Her muscles began to tense, and adreniline started pumping. Maybe I have nothing to fear, She thought, not counting on it, Maybe she's okay. Her eyes started to glow, with light. (( no shes not going to shoot a all powerful beam of light from her mouth or anything,))
7:57pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" what are you doing?" Kohanu asked drawing pictures in the dirt with her paw, thinking. " well......hrmm........"
7:57pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 7:58pm Apr 29 2010)
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Posts: 3,662
Breath. Sierra's sides' heaved out and in furiously, with each muscular flap of her yet, delicate wings. A canyon lie ahead, drifting down into a outcast leading to the forest. A familiar smell filled her nostrils as she closed in on the drift, The stench of bloodpack. That very thought made her conscious flare.
7:57pm Apr 29 2010
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"I won't," she promised. "I missed you too." she admitted. "are you still hungry?" she asked.