7:58pm Apr 29 2010
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she smiled evilishly. " what pack are you in......?" she hissed. " my nose isent working for me...." she growled.
8:00pm Apr 29 2010
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(( i gtg....))
8:02pm Apr 29 2010
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Sierras' anger was quickly replaced with fury. Folding her wings in, and falling from the sky, she shot through the air, downing through the canyon with the air hissing like a jet under her wings. She quickly hit the forest, flames began to dance at the end of each glowing feather, only because of her rage through the atmosphere. Merely cutting straight through it. The top of the tree's parted and burned from the flames.
8:03pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"What?" Gem asked, oblivious to the fact her eyes were glowing. a ray of light fell on her. Odd, she thought, I didnt know sun could get down here, the forest is thick with trees. The light gave her more energy, though she didnt know it. ((That's her power, to draw light and gain energy from it. She cant control it though. yet. hey, we cant all have superheroe powers! XD))
8:07pm Apr 29 2010
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(( It's night. :o )) Sierra landed with a loud boom. The gra ss, twigs, leaves and brush all seemed to fleet. The remaining gr *censored* flickered with dying flames. Along with the loud roar of the tree's burning behind her. Sierra's chest heaves in and out, almost unrealistically. "No. She's not alone." She said.
8:07pm Apr 29 2010
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"Haeven," she answered, quietly. She was preparing to run, and unwittingly gaining energy. She began backing up.
8:11pm Apr 29 2010
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(( sun reflect off the moon at night, so technically there would be moonlight, which actually is sunlight reflected of the moon. still light. I didnt even know it was Night, I thought it was day! lol XD ))
6:42am Apr 30 2010
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Luna walked though the forest and went and saw Kohanu the leader of blood pack. She went up and said. "Kohanu how are you."

3:13pm Apr 30 2010
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Great, More Blood's. Sierra thought. She cut Gem a look that seemed to say, "Run. I'll be there in a while.". She looked back at Luna and Kohanu, Her lips peeling back into a intimidating snarl. Her pearl white fangs seemed to sparkle under the moon's ray's.
3:57pm Apr 30 2010
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Crystal ran to Sierra. "Whats going on?" Crystal asked.

4:07pm Apr 30 2010
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Kohanu snarled. " i wasent going to hurt her." she snapped. " i would of....but im sick....and i dont feel like getting dirty." she smirked. " now leave......" she hissed wanting to attack them, but she knew she would loose in her condition.
4:24pm Apr 30 2010
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((ugh i fell behind!!!)) Dusk wandered around all alone, she wasnt in the mood to find her pack right now. She yawned and wandered to a resting rock, awaiting unsuspecting prey....
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
4:27pm Apr 30 2010
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Calyx was wandering through the woods, bored. " heeeelooooooo?" she called not watching that she was walking into blood pack territory. Kohaku sat in a tree and watched Calyx. " heeeeelllloooooo." he called back. he jumped from the tree and tackled her. Calyx layed there stunned. Kohaku got off of her and wagged his tail. "wanna play?" he asked. " sure! " she giggled.
4:30pm Apr 30 2010
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Sierra calmed her attitude, But not fully. "One more chance for you, Scum wolf." She said, "Next time her head will be on the floor." She said.
4:31pm Apr 30 2010
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" probroly." she smirked. " but im not feeling well." she said. " it wouldent be fair.now.....go." she snapped.
4:33pm Apr 30 2010
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((wait what pack is calyx in and kohaku is the alpha for bloodpack right?)) Dusk's ears perked as she heard the playing of two other wolves. Her tail swished curiously as she lept from her perch. She stalked through the shadows spying Calyx and Kohaku
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
4:33pm Apr 30 2010
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Luna went away from kohanu sho she could find Dusk. "Dusk where are you?" she called

4:36pm Apr 30 2010
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Dusk turned hearing her name, and approached Luna, "you called...?" she asked.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
4:38pm Apr 30 2010
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"What ae=re you doing?" she asked

4:38pm Apr 30 2010
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(( kohanu ish alpha female of blood pack and Kohaku is a loner and her brother.))