6:55pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Actually no, you dont... is lauren online? *Has urge to post* bumples. ))
6:59pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( did i kill ur eyes?? O.O))
8:00pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 6,590
((eyes die from zozo's bump xD))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:06pm May 6 2010
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(( no, you didnt. My eyes are immune to bright color death. ))
8:39pm May 6 2010
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((lol ash))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:41pm May 6 2010
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Ash could smell Dusk, and became nervous. Way too close for comfort... she thought, wondering if they had stumbled into bloodpack territory,or if she was in venom territory. Maybe they were in Neither territory.
5:05pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 6,590
Dusk senced Ash, and growled. She had way to much of tresp*censored*ers today and wasnt in the mood. Im going to kill the next non bloodpack that i find she thought, heavily annoyed. She relaxed in a small sunspot and waited for the wolf to come closer ((fail))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:08pm May 7 2010
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(( i gots nothen...))
6:59pm May 7 2010
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"I've got to check this out... Nyght, stay here for a moment, Ok? Ill be right back." Ash said, before running toward Dusk. She wasnt sure who was n whos territory, but she still couldnt have dusk so nerby. Well, it could be a good fight, if it comes to one, Ash thought.
7:01pm May 7 2010
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Nyght whimpered. " ok..." he said unconfortably. He sniffled. He crawled into a ball and waited for Ashs return. -fail-
7:02pm May 7 2010
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Vayne flexed his paws as he trotted out of the cave.
Taiyre curled her tail around her body, Still sleeping.
7:03pm May 7 2010
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Koda giggled. She licked Taiyres nose and giggled again. and got ontop of her, and nipped her ears, wanting to play.
7:06pm May 7 2010
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Taiyre flicked her ear and acted like she didn't care. She suddenly sprang up and play barked at Koda. "Oh no yo don't!" She said, as she slung Koda into the air and watched as she landed on Taiyre's belly.
7:09pm May 7 2010
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Koda was laughing so hard that tears came to her eyes.as soon as she landed on Taiyre, and started to tickle her.She went to say: no ive got you! but the words diddent come one. She made an ashamed face.
7:10pm May 7 2010
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Gem slowly began to wake up. Slowly, her eyes opened. (( Fail,))
7:13pm May 7 2010
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(( mega fail xD ))
7:23pm May 7 2010
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((thats the worst fail ive ever failed before))
7:24pm May 7 2010
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(( mabye xD ))
7:28pm May 7 2010
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Taiyre wiped the tears from koda's eye's with her paws.
(( xD Fail. ))
7:35pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Now, just gotta wait for fun or possibly lauren or you to post agian. and i was serious. thats probably the worst fail/.brainfart i ever had. ))