9:38pm May 7 2010
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(ehwut? xD *eats cookies* mehh loves mehh some nilla wafers...))
9:47pm May 7 2010
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Dusk had had enough. "you stupid, worthless pup!" she snarled grabbing Nyght by the neck and shaking hard, blood getting thrown in all directions she listened to the whimpers, and threw Nyght several meters away, following up with several slashes of her knife like paws. Her dagger teeth and claws were dyed with the blood of her victim, Nyght. She ripped a large portion of his neck out as she went for a third strike, and clamped hard on his limb, hearing the crack... she wanted to teach the pup a lesson, "obey your superiors!" she growled viciously, picking up Nyght again, holding him up as she glared at Ash, as she clamped down on Nyghts neck tighter and tighter, listening to the bones creak...when she grew bored, she through Nyght as Ash's feet...and snarled once..."teach that pup some manners..." she growled starting to walk off... ready to dodge any extra attacks... her neck stung where the pup bit, but she had a feeling she caused more damage she growled angrilly ((oh and thanks for backup bloodpack, lol xD))
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9:48pm May 7 2010
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(( Skorge use to be alpha male of blood pack. but he deid in the first roleplay. Burrnnn, Dusk! jk lol. im not sure if laurfais is online anymore...))
9:52pm May 7 2010
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"Oh no you didnt" ash snarled. She unged faster than she ever lunged before, clamping her jaws on Dusks neck. She let all her immobilizing venom in Dusk, knowing it would take her down in a couple seconds, just like Skorge. but she put in about twice as much this time. then, just to make dusk feel real pain, but not die, she twisted.
10:00pm May 7 2010
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10:05pm May 7 2010
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Dusk struggled and the venom stung as it traveled her vains...she grimaced but showed no pain on her face... in one last attempt, she snarled and toar a large piece of flesh from Ash, knocking her to the ground....she walked over to Nyght and jumped hard on his already weak bones, she heard the ribs snap as she picked him up with her jaws...she clamped on his neck, letting the blood run through her jaws, the bones cracked but didnt break...for she didnt want the pup dead. She felt her body start to fail, but she was fast and strong...she growled at Ash and snarled once more..."big mistake..." she choked before running and knocking Ash againsh a hard tree, slashing her neck painfully...she had no more energy to fight and instead bit down once more, this time tasting Ash's flesh, she bit hard and ripped the flesh to the bone, before sitting on the ground...weak and slow...the venom was hurting her, but she knew she did well for being in so much pain... she wouldnt back down from the fight... she snarled "this is over...for next time u strike me...the pup will die..." she snarled aggresively, she used a lot of her energy in the fight and now the venom was killing her like it did Scorge... "Amazing how you think Im good enough to use the same amount of venom on me as you did my alpha...but it WONT kill me..." she growled at Ash...it would take a miracle for her to heal or get more energy but she didnt show any sign of weakness or pain on her physical appearence... she smirked, she would use all her speed to avoid the attacks, she knew that Nyght wouldnt fight, and Ash was in a lot of pain...if ash was smart, she would back down before her son lost his life
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10:06pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:07pm May 7 2010)
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((idk who Scorge is or was lol... and Dusk is only beta...oh darn who is alpha now!*brainfart))
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10:08pm May 7 2010
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((wait zozo, arent u alpha of blood?))
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10:09pm May 7 2010
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Nyght started to growl. His symbols began to glow and he was on his feet. " coward!!! " he yelled at the top of his lungs. without thinking, he ran after her. He bit her leg, letting out as much of his fire venom out into her.He smiled.
10:09pm May 7 2010
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(( yay you rembered xD ))
10:14pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:16pm May 7 2010)
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((wait zozo, nyghts like half dead... o.O he had broken ribs, a cracked neck, wounds from being thrown...ect.)) Dusk showed no pain..."thats it..." she grabbed Nyght and smashed his skull with the last of her strength, she didnt stop she grabbed his body and tore pieces of flesh from the bones, fur and blood splattered the battle ground... "Should of kept him safe" she joked coldly, kicking the unmoving Nyght. "and this coward just kicked your sorry a$$..." she growled at the unmoving body ((zozo thanks for the backup there...i kinda needed my alpha lol xD))
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10:16pm May 7 2010
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(( he has the ability to heal ^^ but hes done now xD teehee....Kohanus sleeping xD )) Nyght lay motionless.
10:18pm May 7 2010
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Then, she remembered Nyght."Nyght! are you Okay?" she said. She knew he wasnt, she could see him bleeding, and his bones looked rebroken. She tried to slow the bleeding by putting a leaf on one of his wounds, and a rock on the leaf so there was pressure on the wound.
10:23pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:26pm May 7 2010)
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((the venom doesnt wear off that fast. it should have been a good 30 minutes.)) "My venom doesnt kill, it immobilizes." She said, running, and tackling Dusk, she gave her another dose of venom. "Nyght, what should we do with her? its up to you." Ash said ((her venom immobilizes. I dont think you knew, so now you know. ))
10:25pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:30pm May 7 2010)
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((oh coolio power :) Dusk can do that but not with serious stuff like all the venom u guys gave her xD like broken bones and stuff but it can take hours...lol shes not the most skilled healer xD)) Dusk smirked "as i said, find someone less experienced..." she snarled coldly and amused. ... however the venom still leaked through her, she had to find her alpha and explain what happened... then those two intruders wont stand a chance... she thought she struggled and forced her body up she knocked ash off her...both of them scared with blood. "Were DONE here." she said the least bit amused, hiding the pain and weakness she was feeling "and really just give up...i lost interest and ur pup needs some attention..." she said glancing at Nyght. "Are you trying to prove that your not completly worthless by attacking a wolf 2 on 1? thats low, even for a venom..." she growled. She had to get away before her body failed her..."We will meet again my friends," she stated before disappearing into the darkness ((thanks zozo dusk is getting like poisoned and Kohanu is...sleeping xD thanks for that...lol))
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10:27pm May 7 2010
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(( Wait is Dusk a Venom Pack member?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:29pm May 7 2010
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((no dusk is blood :D and ash and nyght are venom...i think))
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10:30pm May 7 2010
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(( and she is enjoying sleeping xD )) Kohanu lay in her den, asleep. Nyght couldent talk. ((duh xD)) but he muttered this:" my venom....its dosent immobilize...it kills.....it burns your insides......"He let out a wicked smiled before going unconsous.
10:30pm May 7 2010
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((oh immobalize...i see now -fail-))
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10:31pm May 7 2010
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(( immobilize means something along the lines of stunned. it doesnt kill dusk, just makes her unable to move.)) Ash was through with dusk. she ran with as much speed as she could force out of her legs andbit dusks legs, feeling satisfied when she heard the bone crunch.