10:31pm May 7 2010
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(( Bloodpack can't use Venom powers. That's only for Venompack. At least Im pretty sure.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:32pm May 7 2010
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Dusk turned and looked at Nyght..."I WILL not die, i am not weak like you, i will fight until my last breath..." she muttered "and i have almost killed you, i am in a merciful mood today..." she said not visible at the scene, she was already walking back to where her pack was...she needed serious help
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10:33pm May 7 2010
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((non: yeah ik, i dont have venom...))
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10:33pm May 7 2010
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((umm ash? dusk left.... when she struggled to her feet...shes not there anymore...shes going to get help before she like dies...))
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10:34pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:34pm May 7 2010)
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Dawn ran to the battle scene where the Bloodpack member was. "Get down weakling. Or I wil make you." She said, pinning Dusk down, before she got too far.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:34pm May 7 2010
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(( im not sure what pack Nyghts in...he was born in venom, but left but he diddent go to another pack, hes a loner.))
10:35pm May 7 2010
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((Okay so he's a loner, or is he a rogue?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:36pm May 7 2010
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(( whats the difference? O.O )
10:37pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:37pm May 7 2010)
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((ok guys... DUSK IS NOT THERE ANYMORE! ok so ash didnt break her limbs, dawn did not pin her, CLEAR? ok thanks...sorry but when my charry leaves, please dont continue to attack her...goodness im sorry if this is mean but seriously, u guys are like attacking an imaginary being...))
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10:38pm May 7 2010
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((Yeah. I know. I said "Before she got too far." Like she was walking away...))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:38pm May 7 2010
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(( hehehehehehehehe........))
10:43pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:45pm May 7 2010)
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((non, she used her powers to get away...shes farther then walking distance... o.O))
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10:44pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:46pm May 7 2010)
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((zozo, r u laughing at my reaction?! lol xD....it was just annoying....Dusk is in her pack's territory so idk why everyones attacking...i left because i was to lazy to include more battle words...and Dusk is apparently poisoned))
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10:47pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:48pm May 7 2010)
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(( We were defending Ash. -_-))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:51pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:52pm May 7 2010)
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((Okaaayyyy...Anyway.)) Dawn walked away from the wolf. She went over to Ash, examining her. ((Stupid typos))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:54pm May 7 2010
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Vayne's senses tingled as he could feel, smell and even TASTE the danger of another member of his pack in danger. He spread his wings and shot off into the air. With extreme speed, He shot across the sky. Soon enough he landed with a loud boom. He snarled, Tensing his muscles. He folded his wings back at his sides. "Get. Away from my pack members." He said. "You sorry a$$ b!tch." He said, peeling back his lips to show his masculine fangs, much larger than the female's fangs. He rushed over to her and twisted Dusk's head around unti he heard a crack. He ripped one of her legs clear out of the socket as well. "Thats what you get for messing with us you pathetic *censored*." He said.
10:55pm May 7 2010
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((non, lol yes ik xD but when my charry leaves please dont try to kill her anyway...theres a reason she left...and sorry if i sound rude or like a meanie or something :( and ash attacked Dusk first, and Dusk responded... so yupp :) )) Dusk rolled her eyes at the wolves..."attacking in groups against me, thats how weak they are, to afraid to face me head on..." she smirked proud that she inflicted so much pain amoung the two wolves that attacked even though one was a pup....they did do their share of damage Dusk thought feeling her body get weaker, she had to get back to Kohanu before her limbs failed her.
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10:56pm May 7 2010
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((lauren...dusk is in bloodpack territory! i just went through this! sorry....))
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10:57pm May 7 2010
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((I feel Lauren getting angry in a bit.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:57pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 10:57pm May 7 2010)
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((Yeah, and you attacked Venompack members. We defend our pack.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?