9:57am May 8 2010
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Kohanu stopped. "what did the pup look like?!" she snapped VERY serious. -fail-
9:59am May 8 2010
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Dusk rose an eyebrow at the question..."umm I think his name was Nyght((wait zozo what does Nyght look like, sorry i forgot..." she anwsered slowly, "why do you ask...?"
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10:01am May 8 2010
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(( hes black with green symbols..and Kohanu is his real mom xD ))
10:03am May 8 2010
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((oh crud...dusk almost kills her alpha's kid..hm thats a problem...lol)) Dusk recalled the pup before he was soaked in blood..."he was black-fured with green symbols, as I recall..." she replied grudgingly
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10:03am May 8 2010 (last edited on 10:03am May 8 2010)
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10:06am May 8 2010
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" oh sh!t..." she hissed. "thanks for telling me...now i HAVE to go over there...." she added. " then its settled, we'll go when your healed."
10:22am May 8 2010
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dusk cocked her head, "do you know him?" she asked confused. Dusk smiled satisfied..."that sounds good." she anwsered relaxing her head on the floor
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10:25am May 8 2010
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"yea i know him..." Kohanu snarled. "he's....never mind ill tell ya when your rested." -fail-
10:29am May 8 2010
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Dusk whimpered worried, she wasnt hard and cold toward Kohanu. She showed respect towards them. "Ok, I will hold you to that promise," Dusk chuckled lightly... -that was a fail-
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10:31am May 8 2010
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(( fun like mai profile? :D )) (( crap....im braindead xD ))
10:40am May 8 2010
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((agghhh! my eyes!!!!!! lol i loved your profile..and i gots nothin))
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10:42am May 8 2010
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(( teehee....i gots nothen also xD.......what do u think i should add to mai profile? :D))
1:12pm May 8 2010
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I hope Nyghts ok... Ash thought Why didnt I just back off? and why did I not fight as hard until she hurt Nyght?... And why did I startthat stupid fight in the first place? I shouldve protected Nyght better... Confusion was swelling, and Ash didnt know why she chose to follow and practically apologize either...
1:20pm May 8 2010
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Nyght looked up to a unfamiliar wolf, and made a whimper before going unconsous. =fail-
1:32pm May 8 2010
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Maybe I should go see how hes doing? Ash thought, worried. Suddenly, she knew why she hadnt fought Dusk harder until she hurt Nyght. "She reminds me of... me? from before?" she whispered under her breath, to herself. ((Theres gonna be a flashback soon. im brainfarting, lol.))
1:46pm May 8 2010
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((bump. omigosh Kohanu is his real mom? everything is clear to me now XD jk lol))
2:04pm May 8 2010
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(( yupp xD ))
3:07pm May 8 2010
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3:16pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 3:17pm May 8 2010)
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((omg this is the bestest...yeah bestest :D)) Dusk flinched as she slowly healed from the venom. She felt it in her veins, attacking her insides, but she fought hard despite being injured... She closed her eyes and tried to sleep...what did Kohanu want to tell me when im better? and why did she care about the pup? and why did ash apologize...its HER fault, she shouldnt of started something unless she knew she could finish it...but she couldnt...she need her packs help...these thoughts ran through her mind as the venom slowly faded ((mega fail))
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3:36pm May 8 2010
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Kohanu padded out of the den. " After all this time...i thought he was a weakling...." She paused. "he developed venom.....powerful, lethal venom....survived on his own...."she hissed. "i should of killed him when i had the chance......" she growled. " if i find him ill-" she paused. "he is MUCH powerful....and he isent even grown up yet..he's still a pup..." she thought for a moment. " he could make a very powerful weapon...for the bloodpack...." she said.