11:14pm May 8 2010
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Ash looked at Nyght. He looked like roadkill, and it felt like razors were ripping her apart to see that. "Will he be okay?" ash asked.
11:16pm May 8 2010
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Nyghts ears lunged forward. "mommy?!" he snapped as he came back to consousness ((fail)). His eyes scanned the room.He spotted Ash and happily barked lowly. ((nono and Lauren click mai squiby xD ))
11:16pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 11:17pm May 8 2010)
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((aww poor puppy, but lol :) and my dads making me go to sleep :p, so I'll get back on as soon as I get up :) i clicked ur squibly zozo if thats ok :3))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
11:24pm May 8 2010
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"Hi, nyght." ash said. She still couldnt move her neck, since it was cracked. so she turned her whole body to face him once more.
11:30pm May 8 2010
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"I can fix that." Sierra said. She walked over to ash and sat on her hind legs. She placed one paw on Ash's back, and her other paw underneath Ash's neck. She pulled the paw underneath Ash's neck up and the paw on her back down. With a pop, Ash's neck was fixed. "There." She said, "Good as new."
11:35pm May 8 2010
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((thanks fun ! )) "thank you!" Nyght said in a happy voice. -fail-
11:42pm May 8 2010
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"Your welcome, Nyght." She said, Smiling. But suddenly, She started to fade into a blue dust. "Not again.." She said, as her body was engulfed into a blue mist, vanishing into thin air.
-==-==-==-==- "Where the f*censored* did she go!?" Vayne barked. (( escuse his crude language. ;D )) Vayne looked around, pupils dilated with confusion. "I bet the blood's had something to do with this.." He said.
(( Sierra's hiding something. :o PLOT TWIST Time. :3 ))
11:45pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( omg can Nyght be apart of eet?))
11:48pm May 8 2010
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(( gtg D: ))
11:52pm May 8 2010
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(( No. Koda. XD ))
12:21am May 9 2010
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"Where did she go?!" Ash yelled in suprise. She looked around, as if it were just a trick of the light. (( lauren, are you trying to Kill our eyes or what? with the words plot twist and all.)
12:34am May 9 2010
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(( No. Just make a fancy Plot Twist. |3 ))
9:43am May 9 2010
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Posts: 6,590
((coolio a plot twist :D this will get interresting!)) Bumpers! ((whats with everyone killing eyes xD))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:51am May 9 2010
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(( kk Lauren *goes to click ur squiby*))
10:27am May 9 2010
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((Omg. Blood fighting time. XD And this is how Dawn attacks when she's angreh.)) Dawn ran nearer to the Blood's. She was about 4 feet away, and her anger filled up inside of her. Her blue eyes turned black. She growled again, and attacked. "DIE!" She yelled as she ripped the flesh of Dusk's neck. She pushed her paws into her back, surely injuring her spine. She had not used her venom, and had no need to now. With her paws still on Dusk, she took the wolves tail with her jaws, and pulled it to her. The bone snapped.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:33am May 9 2010
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(( OMG *whistles* Kohanu! KICK HER BUTT xD )) Kohanu raised her head. "Dusk!" she barked. She rose to her feet and tackled Dawn.She ripped up her stomach in her anger, Then she ripped open her neck. Blood covered Kohanus muzzle.She grabbed Dawns two back legs, broke both of them, and swung her throw three trees then she ran over to Dusk.
10:38am May 9 2010 (last edited on 10:38am May 9 2010)
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Dawn sat, she had a limp in one leg. But Dusk had it worse.She got up, somehow, she jumped on Kohanu with some of her last strength. She took her claws and tore out her eye. She would bleed to death, if she didnt get help. Bleed.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:41am May 9 2010
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Kohanu howled in pain. She had enough. She twisted around, ripped off Dawns ear, and pined her down by digging her claws into easr of her legs.Whre she ripped open her stomach, she let her free paw stab into it, into the ground on the other side, letting blod gush out with every squeeze.
10:46am May 9 2010 (last edited on 10:46am May 9 2010)
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(( Kohanu shouldn't have atttacked. Now Dawn will get angrier.)) Dawn laughed. There were times like this where she went insane. It didn't happen alot, but she would. She smiled, then laye there. The blood gushed out, leaving a pool of it around her. "All you can do is make me bleed?" She asked, and licked her teeth. "You will bleed to death and die." She closed her eyes, the blood still coming out.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:01am May 9 2010
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Kohanu slammed her claws into Dawns thoat.She watched the blood gush out of Dawns mouth. "YOU will bleed to DEATH SLOWLy and PAINFULLY."she hissed.im hurt...also...She could feel herself slowly being drained..but she diddent care.She then slammed the rest of Dawn into a tree, and ripped her leg off. (( im done xD an eye for a leg xD ))